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Topics - Alais

Pages: 1 [2]
General Chat / If you were a trainer in the anime...
« on: January 02, 2010, 07:14:29 PM »
If you were a beginning trainer in the anime, how would you train your Pokemon? Seek out Pokemon they are weak to? Make them all walk everywhere with you to build strength and endurance? Just battle whatever chance happens to throw your way?

Would you spend your time seeing the world, going where your adventures take you, or would you design a training regime to make sure your Pokemon were the best in as short a time as possible?

Would you catch as many Pokemon as you could from early on or wait until you found your favourites? Remember, it might be a long time before you find that Larvitar, and you don't have the internet to tell you where to find them! You could dedicate the early part of your journey to the hunt, asking Professors where to begin and who to ask to find your special Pokemon. Ash tends just to accept whatever lands in his lap, he seems to have no aspirations for owning a particular species.

Ideas & Suggestions / New tiles feedback and suggestions
« on: January 02, 2010, 06:24:52 PM »
Post here what you think of the new tiles (as seen on the screenshot), what you like and dislike, and any suggestions for improving them. I am currently the tile artist, and would very much appreciate both constructive criticism and positive feedback :)
E.g. Better colour palette, "real" depth in water (like in diamond/pearl)

You may also post suggestions for what kinds of new tiles you would like to see.
E.g. Flowing lava tiles and a volcano set, more types of flowers and rocks to make the open areas interesting, more types of trees.

Known issues:

    * Tile pixel alignment errors on a roof
    * Slight blending errors in short grass edge shading
    * Missing player character shadows
    * Variable shadow colour and lightness
    * Forest shadows may need to be larger
    * Slight lack of embellishments in mapping (flowers, rocks, weeds etc.)
    * Missing anti-aliasing in places

General Chat / Pokemon you HATE.
« on: January 02, 2010, 06:01:56 PM »
Oh My God. They didn't just make a Pokemon out of a Lawnmower...

Ok, this is gonna be fun ;)

There has been too much love for various Pokemon over in the Fav's thread. So the time has come to let the world know which you hate and despise. Everyone has a few Pokemon they think should be erased from history forever. I want you to list the ones that really make you cringe when you see them, and give the reason why.

Reasons are important! They make for a more interesting read.

Sample reasons:
  • It's really ugly (please specify why)
    • e.g. its face (Spinda, Croagunk), the whole thing (Skuntank) etc.
    • It was lazily drawn (anything with an oval for a head)
    • It's too similar to earlier Pokemon (Pachirisu)
    • It's a stupid concept for a Pokemon (Rotom, Combee)
    • It is a collection of "cool" features thrown onto a Pokemon but it doesn't really work as a whole.
    • It doesn't appear to have a brain. (Whiscash, Quagsire, Slakoth)
    • Please note this doesn't include Pokemon such as Magikarp or Slowpoke, which are supposed to be stupid

    My list:

    • Golbat (that tongue annoys me)
    • Jynx and Smoochum (it's not only offensive to black people, it's a Pokemon with breasts and huge lips)
    • Sunflora << ugly as sin
    • Dunsparce (whole thing is ugly, brainless)
    • Hitmontop (stupid concept)
    • Ludicolo << tacos anyone?
    • Slakoth (brainless)
    • Whismur (those aren't eyes)
    • Loudred (very ugly, with its mouth open like that and those ears.)
    • Nosepass and Probopass (stupid concept)
    • Volbeat << these two are just offensively bad
    • Illumise <<
    • Spinda (those still aren't eyes)
    • Cradily (ugly face, bulbous body just doesn't appeal)
    • Glalie (Stupid concept)
    • Huntail (Ugly face)
    • Combee (wtf?)
    • Purugly (this has to be a designer's joke)
    • Croagunk (Ugly face; bad, rounded 4th gen design)

    Have fun!

Ideas & Suggestions / Pokemon Contests
« on: December 25, 2009, 08:56:43 PM »
Pokemon contests! I personally tried to play them a couple of times in Emerald, but I didn't really train for it. My feeling was that it was just a series of hoops to jump through (excuse the pun :p), where you looked up your pokemon's movepool on some pokedex site, picked moves that had high ratings, and made a whole bunch of pokeblocks. It just didn't feel like your success was much related to "training", more like how well you researched.

I am definitely no expert on contests, perhaps I am missing something. So I would like to ask you all:

What do you like about contests in general? It can be from the games or the anime. Also, how would you improve them in PU?

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