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Topics - Television17

Pages: [1]
Ideas & Suggestions / Tournament winners make items?
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:17:24 PM »
So, I had a little think (and a quick search in case someone had posted this before (I couldn't see anything)), and I thought, 'Maybe tournament winners in-game can make their own items'?
People who win higher ranked tournaments (I'll assume for the purposes of my idea that there will be a ranking system of sorts so players who're relatively new to the game don't come up against experts) and have a knowledge of competitive battling are the kinds of trainers who know what kinds of items need to be added to the game.
As an example, in Gen V, the Eviolite was introduced. This was my absolute favourite item in the whole generation, as it introduced an amazing way of making previously unusable pokémon usable in competitive play. I had a Dusknoir for a while (I didn't really like him), but when I heard about Eviolite, I immediately bred up a Dusclops with Will-o-Wisp, Pain Split, Curse and Substitute, and I love him to pieces! He's amazing in NFE, takes hits like a tank and deals damage like a boss!
Eviolite is the sort of item I'd like to see more of, the kind of item that makes you go, 'This can work if I do x, y and z to pokémon w, with v ability...' That kind of thing, in my opinion, would be the kind of item that not only has people blindly spamming buttons and grinding, but also thinking about their game and how they can improve, and thinking of new strategies that make interesting pokemon (perhaps like Dunsparce) worth playing.
Now, granted I did note that you guys were 'balancing' the stats so we can use lesser used pokémon, but I think an innovative item creation system (obviously for the people who know what they're doing and not the kinds of people who go 'Hold item deals 9999999999999 damage to my opponent when they attack me') would keep the game interesting and keep old players on their toes as to what they might face, as well as introduce new players with interesting and more bizarre items than they're used to.

Other Games / MTG general
« on: August 14, 2011, 09:21:30 AM »
So, I play MTG (more IRL than online), and like to talk about it quite a bit! I thought perhaps we could get a general discussion thread going.
So, Maybe if you decide to post, talk about one of your decks? Or yourself as a player?
I'm a Johnny player (combo player, that is), and my favourite colour is blue. I'll post some of my decks, but only if this thread gets a little interest. If not, I won't bother writing it all out...

New Trainers / Welcome / Hi all
« on: August 14, 2011, 08:05:21 AM »
Hey there everyone. Television17 introducing myself.
I did make an account here a while ago but I forgot about this place until today...
So, I thought I might introduce myself to the community.
I'm... Well, I'd like to say I'm a veteran of competitive battling, but that's probably not true. I know a lot more than I put into practice, and I haven't been battling for ~1-2 years competitively. Most of my evenings have been spent hunched over my DS, crying in frustration as the Battle Tower/Subway/Frontier endlessly wallops my carefully selected and fine-tuned teams. >.>
If anyone has a good strategy for getting that last star I'd love to hear it (Got it once in Diamond, gods know how).
I digress. I like to think I have a fairly good knowledge of pokémon in general (although it does sometimes get a little rusty in my gaps between games), and I'm probably a breeder first (involuntarily as it may be), a trainer second, and a battler third.
I'd like to get involved in this community a little more, as I think this game looks very promising (provided Nintendo/Game Freak/anyone else doesn't have it taken down), and if the updates and patches are as community friendly as I'd hope, it should be really awesome. The screenshots in the given section are looking very well polished, and I'm liking the character customization very, very to my liking (I didn't enjoy playing Battle Revolution for 40+ hours just to get blonde hair...).
I'm looking forward to see what the developers of this promising game end up using in place of EVs (Yes, I do read the FAQs and such!), as well as seeing functions which would make the game more community interactive.
For example, (and I'm just throwing my two cents into the ring here) I think it would be great to see some new items which might be quest rewards, or the winners of tournaments getting to make their own item for players to use in-game, as innovative incentives. I also like the idea of getting new trainer abilities that make playing the game almost seem like a class-based system in and of itself.
I think it would also be quite cool to be able to ride pokémon not just when using fly or surf, but as mounts to travel faster in game (Possibly using new moves or abilities to do this), as I've always wanted to be able to do that sort of thing.
Anyway, perhaps a little more about myself, no?
My first game (not just pokémon, but at all) was Pokémon Gold version, and I've been hooked on the franchise ever since. I own every main series game, bar Silver, LeafGreen and Yellow (In English, anyway; I have two Japanese versions), and my most played-through version is Emerald, totaling 6 times, I think. My most-hours game is my Diamond version, on which I've racked up 750+ hours. Across all my games, I've spent more than 3000 hours capturing, trading, training, evolving, and breeding every pokémon, and have completed the pokédex in at least one game in every generation (Though the first two have been done on VBA so I don't lose my saves from internal battery death).
Seeing that the open beta is being released in December has made me very excited, and I feel I'll be active (hopefully) in the lead up to the release.
I think that's all from me for now. Thanks for reading.

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