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Messages - Sora

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 25
Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Dark Pokemon
« on: August 24, 2010, 06:53:03 PM »
I think thos topic got lost...
I'm not with Dark pokemon implanted in game, maybe in qests, but it was a good suggestion.

PS: Unbreakable, you where right, chances of finding a shiny are 1 in 8,192 or 0.01% ^^
(I'm doing this from head as well, but I was frustrated about shinies so many times, I remember the number any time -.-')

Art Work / I was drawing some pokemon...
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:52:13 PM »
So, yea every time PU team asks for artists, I curse myself for not being born 2 years sooner.
So, I decited to try and draw some simple pokemon, than advancing on to harder ones.

But after 2 years all pokemon sprites will probably be made...
Anyway, I'm here to show some of my artwork:

How I usually draw pokemon:

Me, trying to draw pokemon in a sprite-way:

Sadly, I can't draw pokemon on computer, my graphicall tablet broke down, and is currently getting repaired. But I have photoshop and Ilustratior to work with.

Please, tell me what you think!! ^^

Trainers Lounge / Re: Pokemon Universe Time
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:40:56 PM »
I usually multitask, like reading a manga on internet, and checking on forums every once in a while, but I have to say 2-5 hours being semi-active, about 1-2 acually active these days.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Some questions
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:33:17 PM »
these are all extra arcsessory events, so don't expect to see them for a long time...

But I most certanly aggre with the fact they would be super fun! I'm deffinetly looking foward for something like a speed race ^^
Still, I would probably want to be the host at the bug catching contest, I was personally never good at it -.-'

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: battle palace
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:29:41 PM »
Do you remember the conversation about 'ghosts', created from to real players.
I think that was discussed with trainer cards, and if we should exchange them.

Maybe there should be something like battle plalace filled with ghosts of real trainers with same teams and tactics as real ones, you could teake on.

But I like the idea of ultra strong trainers, maybe there could be gym leaders and rival and elite, wich you have beaten, waiting for payback (with Payback :P), at some place called repeat lounge, of battle lounge,... or something like that.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Magnet Train?
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:24:59 PM »
We will probably have to pay for some transports, we'll probably get tickets trough qests for others.
But I think there will be many transports in PU, since it teakes place in a large world.

Roleplay Corner / Re: The Dark Ones ((OOCC)) and Profiles
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:08:03 PM »
I'm sorry, I Insulted you, Oscar.
*hands out her hand*

I'm redy to finish this way rather than ignoring you.

Roleplay Corner / Re: The Dark Ones ((OOCC)) and Profiles
« on: August 24, 2010, 05:00:54 PM »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but since I came back, apart from the Suicune thing (wich was other's concern as well) I left Drbg pretty much alone, accept from the 'Yea, I'm back!' - or something like that PM.
here are my faults:
-I was impatient with Drbg (That's my acuall bad side...)
-I got rude when I was in bad mood
-I got Suicune on my side too qickly (I'll correct that one with some backstory, as soon as I'm allowed to post again)
-I poked him too many times even about minor God moding, and I was more insulting every time
-As Unbreakable said, I was overreacting, rude and harsh

OK? Did I forget anything?
Oh, and I wouldn't call the little trick I made to you (you know, posting and than deleting, so it looked as if you where appologizing to X) a fault, I made it, to help you and X get together.

I'm sorry, I've been trough a lot this weeks, and I seemed to have took it out on you guys.

Show me, Drbg, where did I start? -This is not sarcasm, I just don't want to repeat it.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:44:43 PM »

"Going on? Well, Kamelot is causing trouble, that's one thing... Anyway, I'm off to Pokemon Center, I have to heal my pokemon!" Shesaid and ran off. Damn, I'll just have to avoide this guy...She ran all the way to the Centr, wich was  luckyly just by the beach. After handing her pokemon over, to be treated, she sat down on one of the benches, waiting for Joy to cure them.

Roleplay Corner / Re: ~A New Life-RP~ ((OOCC))
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:39:16 PM »
Don't you think it's suspicius how Agnes was set out for Suicune before any other legends? And knew where to finde it?
I'm not makeing this up after you posted, Gold, but since you mentioned it, I might as well tell you. Agnes is suppose to have meet Suicune before the RP started. Like long ago, when she was a kid. I was still deciting beetween her drowning or Sucune getting hurt by hunters, so I didn't post anything about it. But I'll probably go with the 'girl drowning, Suicune saveing version.
I know this seems like I made it up just now, but I didn't. It's your choice weather to belive me or not.
Anyway, do you want me to edit my post?

Pokémon Roleplay / !
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:27:49 PM »

Luna was just eating a few berries with her sensei, to restore energy, as Magmar suddenly stood up. "Sensei what's-" Magmar gestured her to be quiet, than whispered. "Listen Luna, a battle just ended near by." Luna now focused on her ears, it was true, she could hear sounds of battle. "We have to check it out! What if it's The Dark Ones!" Luna was now on her feet, redy to battle. "Clam down, we have to approach with caution!" Magmar said, pulling her back.
So, they went to check out the noise.
Soon enough, a Garchomp, dragging an Absol came to view. "the Dark One..." Luna, hiding in bushes growled. "Listen, we don't have neither type advantage, neither the power to stand against such an enemy. We have to revive the one he's dragging along..." "That's Shadow!" Luna interrupted, but Magmar quickly covered her mouth. The Garchomp looked their way, he didn't seem to notice their presence. "Anyway, I'll distract him, you get that Absol OK? Now GO!" As soon as Magmar said these words, he jumped out of the bushes and ambushed Garchomp with Fire Punch. Using Dragon Claw Garchomp blocked Magmar's attack, but the fire pokemon quickly used Flamethrower and hit enemy in face.
While the two where fighting, Luna sneaked to Shadow and have him a Reviver Seed. "Shadow, Shadow! Are you OK?" She whispered.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:32:09 PM »

In a second, Agnes managed to jump of Suicune, and on the beach and now it ran of in the woods, still watching.
"What pokemon?" Asked Agnes with big innocent eyes, as she walked over to Nick It took her qite a while to het to him, they where fat apart. "You shure you didn't imagine things? I didn't het any new pokemon so far." She smiled and tried to be as cute and clam as possible, hopeing to convince him, that he didn't see a thing.

Roleplay Corner / Re: The Dark Ones ((OOCC)) and Profiles
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:14:38 PM »
It's good to back!

Well, Jerry, it's still a honor to be a moderator isn't it?

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:12:38 PM »

Agnes, riding on Suicune's back was amazed by the speed of that pokemon. In just about half hour, they reached the sea. Running towards Olivine, the feeling was amazing. They didn't have to hide, the beach seemed empty. Or it seemed empty at first. "Watch out Suicune, there's a person on the beach, and apperantly, he's a traine!" Agnes warned him, and Suicune stopped, examining the situation. Than, it slowly approached the beach, still far away from the trainer (who is Nick by the way), hopeing not to be seen.

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP] The Dark Ones.
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:02:28 PM »

Luna jumped from rock to rock, approaching Magmar with high speed. For a second, it seemed as if her payback would hit critically, but the Magmar simply stepped away, attempting to use fire punch on Luna, but stopped an inch away from vulpix's face. "Luna, you have be faster than that! Remember, your defense isn't high, neither is your HP! You have to use your speed and evasion high, to avout any attacks, even special ones, tho your special defense is qite good." The Magmar said, walking around a bit. "Yes, Magmar-sensei!" Luna said under heavy breath. "You are like glass sword, sharp, stong special attack, but low on defense, so you have to rely on not getting hit!" Luna nodded. She met Magmar in mountains, and he agreed to train her. "One more time Luna! Think of me as the Dark One!" Said Magmar and they both prepared to fight...

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