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Messages - GrizzlyEatsKids

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News & Announcements / Re: ALERT! PU NEEDS MOTIVATION!
« on: February 18, 2014, 06:45:56 AM »
I've always wanted to help with the game, but haven't had either the proper talent or time. Regardless, I love this site, and the RP section has taught me plenty of things about writing, especially in dealing with my characters, that I would have been hard pressed to learn anywhere else. I've already spoken to a few people before about how I would like to help around with quest writing as much as I can for the game, and I would have submitted several of my own by now, but this is the busiest time of the year for me. If I can scrounge together the time, I'll see what I can contribute, but I know that I should be able to help with pokedex entries. In fact, if I can manage it, I plan to do a MAJOR amount of work in this section. I've been profiling characters for the novel I'm working on for a week or two straight now, so it's right up my alley, and is something I can do rather comfortably. Doing all 700+ on my own isn't likely going to happen, but I can do a good bit, I'm willing to put a little of my writing work on the side to help. Keep up the hard work!

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: February 02, 2014, 05:50:49 PM »
I think what you have down for appearance there is excellent, not too much, not too little, and it paints a nice picture. The scars could briefly be included, but what you have is a good introduction point to how the character looks. If needed, if this type of thing would be used for a book or story, you could further elaborate a bit later in the story on his appearance in subtle ways, like mentioning the shade/tone of his eyes when looking into a mirror, the shape of his lip when you want to draw the attention to a specific facial expression, and so on.

EDIT: Aside from my novel series, which is still heavy in the planning stage, I've decided to also work on another writing project that is along the lines of something I've been wanting to do. It will be limited to the main character's perspective, and I can use it to really help iron out and develop my writing style before I actually write the novels. It will be an emotional tale, it is my goal to have it non-linear, and in likely won't plan it so much ahead of time like my novels, but I'll rather just jump into it. Does anyone have any tips or thoughts on writing a story that isn't layer out in exact order? I've never written anything non-linear before, but I've always wanted to try it, and this is a good chance for me to use it while challenging myself and developing my abilities. Any tips are greatly appreciated.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 31, 2014, 04:03:00 PM »
Thanks Xetroc, that actually helps a lot. I actually had a couple major landmarks/important locations written in, but I could stand to add in a few more. Now that I think about it, that actually does seem to greatly improve the environment and setting, and I think that it's just the thing I needed to really make the setting of the books I'm writing, which I do think is already fairly unique and has a lot of potential, truly come alive and sort of set itself apart from seeming somewhat generalized.

Although no one else has really been asking questions, I do have another. How do you go about constantly and consisttently expressing a character's emotion without plainly stating "He feels this way"? As far as my writing technique goes, I find this to be possibly my biggest flaw, for when I write I tend to express my characters' emotions in sort of short bursts, but usually not on a consistent basis.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 23, 2014, 04:51:55 AM »
Yeah, that's at least part of it. Now, in all of your opinions, what makes a truly unique world? What makes the environment of a story interesting to you?

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 23, 2014, 01:53:51 AM »
Both are true, actually. I think what Blades is saying is actually like the big spoiler point I mentioned, but Wha Xetroc is referencing happens has well, but it is a little more subtle, and isn't dwelled on quite like the other.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:58:06 AM »
While growing facial hair is natural, not shaving, or shaving, can be used to symbolize a number of things, depending on where it's at in the story. I was just using that as an example, as I haven't gotten to that many areas in the book that require a physical change, but they are sort of stretched out throughout the series, not just the first book. I do have a very specific case in mind, but it is very spoilery, and I refuse to spoil anything about the plot. It's just used as a form of symbolism, a literary device, if you will.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 23, 2014, 12:25:46 AM »
It actually takes place far into the future, but scars will be present throughout the series, without giving away too much. I'm also using other physical changes, such as getting or shaving facial hair, getting haircuts, wrinkles, etc. to symbolize an emotional change. I'm about 3/5 done planning the plot out, and I feel like it's missing something. I'm only on my first draft of the plot, but it doesn't quite have that emotional punch throughout the entire thing that I'm looking for, and the environment seems nothing special, unlike what it's supposed to be. Based on the way I'm planning this one out, which is quite different than I normally do, it's a little hard to judge quite how those things will play out, especially emotional wise, until I actually sit down to write the novel. The section of the book I'm actually getting into planning is where the majority of the protagonist's development takes place, so I'll wait and see if I need to make any edits afterwards. As for the environment, I know what I'm aiming for, but the way I've been planning hasn't allowed me to really lay that down yet, but I think that once I hop into the writing it'll be fine.

Also, I would like an opinion. I'm thinking of third person limited as the point of view I'm going with, and while the book obviously mainly follows the protagonist, I'm considering having several chapters told from another character's point of view, some in which the protagonist is present, and others in an entirely different location. It'll give looks into the point of view of mainly supporting characters and one of the antagonists. The prologue and epilogue are a different story, as I'm thinking of making those two third person omniscient, but I'm not positive about that part yet. How does all of that sound? Come February or March, I may be able to get fully into the writing, but I need this worked out first. Plus, it may affect the planning of the plot a little.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 22, 2014, 05:27:20 AM »
Jack is traditionally Celine's cousin, in some universes he's dead, some he turns evil, and in others he's none of these.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 22, 2014, 04:50:38 AM »
Sent them. Currently stuck on appearances for the major characters of my novel right now, which includes revamped versions of Celine, Leon, and Jack. I pretty much have Celine's down, and a rough idea for Jack, but am completely in the dark for Leon. He needs to be a bit more real, so to speak, than his anime-like appearances from RP's. The same goes for Jack and Celine, but Celine's is pretty much done, like I said. Jack needs a little work, and Leon needs A LOT of work. The main problem is finding an appearance that fits their newly revised personality.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 21, 2014, 04:11:58 PM »
If I can throw in my opinion, Xetroc, why not both? Maybe he's chosen, but that's not a good thing. Like Absol, a hero, but mistaken and a symbol for bad luck. He's destined for great things, but people dislike him for that. Maybe his predecessor was a failure and a liar, maybe he comes from a really bad family and no one really trusts him, maybe he has a bad past. A chosen one that is an underdog. I dunno, it's something I've considered before, but neither of those are really my style.

And continuing the trend of asking a question from this thread: Which of my characters is the weakest personality wise, and why? What could I do to change them?

I kinda like the idea to go with both, could be interesting.

Personally, I've found Ash to be your weakest, at least for as much as I can remember. He just personally seems less interesting than the others to me, and his personality doesn't really stand out. As for how to fix him specifically, I can't say exactly, but to fix some of my characters, I've felt that it helped to sort of break them down a bit. Recount their past, and determine how it would have changed them, defined what's important to them and how those things correspond to the way they react to situations and how their personality develops off of that. Writing down their general likes and dislikes may also help. I also find that when I write, two questions are almost essential in creating a character:
1. What reaction do I want readers to have to this character?
2. Why should readers care about this character?

I know that you had your own profile template you used to make characters, but I did a bunch of research and put together my own. I could send it to you, if you wanted it.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Galactic Underground
« on: January 21, 2014, 04:04:14 PM »
Sorry I haven't posted guys. Just started school this week, got into a new place, and getting used to a new schedule. I will do the time change, and get this RP rolling. The battles will continue as normal, but there will be breaking news after Dagen's battle with Soul, so be sure to keep an eye out for that.

EDIT: Pre-emptive apology to food, I killed them off because I have absolutely no idea how to play them. Don't worry, I will manage to work this into the plot.

Just hopped in to see how things were going and saw this. Wish I could still RP, but simply don't have the time, especially with other writing projects, but I hope things are going well!

Anyway, no worries Xetroc, that was probably the safer move anyway. I think I told you this, but I forgot to tell everyone else. I had a document with all plot plans and miscellaneous info on the RP, but my computer reset and I lost it, and I didn't remember most of the details, so Xetroc was forced to take his own direction. I may jump back into the RP scene some day, but there''s definitely no time right now.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 17, 2014, 04:28:35 AM »
Those are some great tips Xetroc, and I've actually used some of those techniques before myself. The novel series I'm working on write now is actually fantasy as well, but I'd call it more of a medieval meets futuristic sort of thing, with heavy influences from many different types of mythology.

As for your question, I think it depends on what you're going for in the future of the series, specifically for the protagonist him/herself. While it depends on their personality, generally in the whole chosen one type, I find that the character often has a lot of "why me" moments, and may often be reluctant to carry on his/her tasks, and may often include a lot of mood swings that frequently include anger and confusion. As for the underdog, I find that there's more or less a sort of clear bouncing back between hope and hopelessness for the character. The chosen one may often seem a little more empowered though, as compared to the underdog who will often have the odds stacked against him. This is all generally speaking, of course, but it also depends how you want readers to grow and react to your character. Do you want them to root for the underdog, to always feel like, even though improbable, there's always still hope? Or do you want them to feel thrust into the acton with the chosen one, feeling frustrated that they weren't given a choice, as if they have a role they're feeling forced into? Both are perfectly acceptable options, but they both have large, different effects on the overall tone of the story.

Fan Fiction & Writing / The Writing Support Thread
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:38:37 PM »
A large number of active members on this site and its forums are largely into writing. How many times that, as a writer, you've had a question concerning your work? These questions contain an almost seemingly infinite number of topics, with grammar, plot, mood, setting, characters, wording, writer's block, just to name a few. You've likely gone to people for help before, but sometimes get an opinion you aren't sure about, get multiple opinions from different people that don't agree with each other, or sometimes, you don't even ask for help at all. Rather than you not knowing which people to send to your questions to, or you having to open a thread just for a single question about your work, I've decided to simplify this issue by opening this support thread, where anyone is free to post questions about nearly any aspect of their writing and get feedback from multiple other writers at sometimes a quicker pace than you normally would when hunting assistance down yourself. I know that there are many cases where you wish to keep things about your writing secret, and you are by no means obligated to post that here.

Lastly, I just ask that, while it is ok to post a small excerpt of your work here for proofreading, more or less for a specific part of that excerpt (whether it be style, structure, wording, etc.), you please don't post stories, chapters, and a bunch of poems and the like here, as this thread is not made to replace the entire writing section of the forum, but is simply just a place for you to ask questions and get multiple answers easily, without having to look too far. And who knows? There's a good chance that someone else is going to ask a question that you have yourself or that will come up for you in the future.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 16, 2014, 04:19:13 PM »
Well, the forums have been practically deads lately, no doubt becaused people are very busy at this time of the year. My schedule, for one, is insanely packed. In fact, January-March is my busiest time of the year, I literally have stuff to do, aside from just school, nearly every single day of the week for almost three months straight. On top of that, I've begun to really staart planning and developing the first novel series that I compltely intend to publish, and all of this, especially with the writing, played a huge role in me deciding to step away from RP'ing. I don't want to overhype it or anything, but it's the most excited I've been to write something in a long time, and in my seven years of writing, it's looking to be one of the best things I;ve ever come up with/written, but it is still in the earliest stages of planning. I'm especially trying to focus on my writing style, although I haven't really wriiten much yet (just planning out the plot and such right now, for the most part), and my characters and their development. Plot has never really been too big of a problem for me, but my characters have always been a weak point, especially where personality and development are concerned. With the work I'm putting into them, though, I'm really confident that they're turning out well. I'm also taking my time with this one, want to make sure I get everything right before even starting a rough draft. For the most part, I'm keeping everything a secret right now, but I'm looking forward to showing people what I'm working on. I'm also probably going to open a writing support thread on the forums here. On the little bit of free time I have, I've been playing my PS4 and preparing stuff for my game journalism work. What's everyone else been up to?

Other Chat / Re: Miss Wednesday & Roloc's baby place!
« on: January 06, 2014, 11:43:56 PM »
Congrats, Roloc and Miss! The baby looks great!

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