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Messages - Mr_Dark

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 76
News & Announcements / STOP SOPA/PIPA
« on: January 18, 2012, 11:46:49 AM »

We’re not usually inclined to comment on politics. We’re a group of fans who like Pokemon games, and making/playing games is just a whole lot more fun.

Called the "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA) in the House of Representatives and the "PROTECT IP Act" (PIPA) in the Senate, these bills are a misguided attempt to curb the illegal piracy of copyrighted content (like movies, music and games). Preventing piracy of copyrighted content is a laudable goal.

However, SOPA/PIPA goes far beyond simply addressing piracy. This proposed legislation actually threatens any website that features user-generated content. In effect, any copyright holder could file a claim that a website is hosting unauthorized content (such as the pokeballs in our logo, the "Pokemon" name anywhere on our website or maybe even the image you have as your avatar). Under the law, ad networks, payment providers and internet service providers are now potentially liable for their user’s infringement. These services could then be compelled to immediately remove these items from the website or face a costly legal battle – at a minimum cutting off financial means, and likely shutting off the site and project entirely.

How would SOPA/PIPA impact Pokemon Universe?
Since the Pokemon Universe project has always been in the dark zone looking at the usage of copyrighted content, there was always the possibility of us getting shutdown by Nintendo/GameFreak. We tried to minimize this chance as much as possible by creating original content instead of using ripped content from the original Pokemon games.
Due to SOPA/PIPA all our effort will to go waste because in the end we're still using the "Pokemon" name and individual Pokemon names, so there's a high possibility we will get cease and desist and have to stop the project.

You live in Europe, why do you care about some piracy act in the USA!
It's true that the SOPA/PIPA doesn't affect us right away. But in time our goverments will follow the example set in the USA and we will get our own SOPA/PIPA.
Furthermore, about 50% of our userbase is from the USA, so it's likly we want to host game servers in America. But with the SOPA/PIPA this will not be possible.

What can I do to prevent this?
Congress will reconvene at the end of January, and with a long roster of supporters on both sides of the aisle, SOPA/PIPA could actually pass. The likelihood is so great that technology giants including Google, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter have gone so far as to publicly consider a simultaneous blackout in protest.

The Pokemon Universe project is opposed to SOPA/PIPA in their present form. While we do support efforts to prevent online piracy, the current form of this legislation comes at far too high a cost for us, our players, and online communities across the internet.

Help us take a stand. Write your congressperson today and voice your opposition to this misguided and harmful legislation:

Site Support / Re: Name Change Thread
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:25:31 PM »
Requested Name: Arctus

Thanks if you can.
Requested Name: DragonOfSky

Thanks, it means a lot.


Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Where are We?
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:16:29 PM »
These posts are not on topic now. The case for the topic is closed, like how the topic should be too.
Don't think that's for you to decided. The only post off-topic in this thread is yours.

@Cortex, that was the old way of spelling. In the beginning it was Myrius, this was later changed to Miryus.

As for pronouncement. I mostly go with Mee-re(e)-us

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Player Housing
« on: January 08, 2012, 12:54:09 PM »
There was just a topic about this, it's still on the first page of the idea & suggestion board.



Ideas & Suggestions / Re: well
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:54:04 PM »
pointless was the way they answered. who answers like that, a child?
i wasnt here before it started, or visit here every day so i have no idea what precautions they made. i was only expecting a normal answer, because i was worried, thats all, not a one word blah...

Well.. you asked us if we have taken precautions so we won't be shut down, you did not ask us what those precautions are. So basically we just answered your questions.

As said before by the others above me. There have been other threads about this, so a simple search would probably have found your answer.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: are you not afraid?
« on: January 07, 2012, 06:47:04 PM »
assuming that pokemon universe will come out one day, arent you afraid of nintendo shutting you down?

it happened to many pokemon mmo's in the past. did you guys take precautions to avoid this from happening?

Trainers Lounge / Re: Just a small typo...
« on: January 07, 2012, 11:23:34 AM »
Thanks, I fixed it.

Development / Re: PU Wiki/Info site
« on: January 05, 2012, 02:23:34 PM »
I always said things like this need to be managed by the community, so it's all up to you.

Development / Re: PU Wiki/Info site
« on: January 05, 2012, 12:50:19 PM »
A long time ago someone else started with a PU wiki on Wikia. Maybe you can continue using that?


Note that this is not created by the PU team, so we don't have admin access.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Pimp your Post
« on: January 05, 2012, 09:05:33 AM »
First of all, welcome to PU.

These kind of topic is not what we want. As TheSolx said, we have a chit-chat topic where you can talk about everything, feel free to chat in there.
Be sure to have a look at our Rules & Guidelines and Forum Etiquette, so you know what (not) to do.


Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Getting all starters cheat
« on: January 04, 2012, 10:16:43 PM »
Starters can't be traded.


Trainers Lounge / Re: Trainer Age?
« on: January 02, 2012, 01:27:07 PM »
Almost 24

In-Forum Games / Re: Count to 1 000 000E-2
« on: January 01, 2012, 04:12:04 PM »
4958 / 135E / 1001101011110

News & Announcements / Happy 2012
« on: December 31, 2011, 05:27:27 PM »
Another year has come to an end. As you might have noticed, our website has a new layout. We thought it might be a good idea to  start 2012 with a fresh new design and continue our 2nd quest, becoming a respected Pokemon community.

It was a year where everybody was waiting with full anticipation for the beta release of Pokemon Universe. Unfortunately because of some real life stuff it got delayed (again) :( But there is still hope, we're working hard to make it happen as soon as possible. ;)

On the bright side. Our community has grown a lot this past year and I'm sure everyone has made new friends, especially with the guilds happening. In 2012 we will try to improve the community even more so it will become a well known thing next to our game. :)

So make this topic seem a bit informational I looked up some numbers for 2011:

New members
Total new registered members: 36,183
New members who posted on the forums: 565

Total number of posts made: 49,203
Number of members who posted: 976

Website visits
Total visits: 459,378
Unique visitors: 298,832
Total pageviews: 2,450,231
Average number of unique visitors per day: 839

Data traffic since 2009

Blue line = Download
Red line = Upload
Gold line = Total

Happy new year from the Pokemon Universe team!

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