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Messages - Sazhuy

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8
New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hello PU Community!
« on: May 13, 2010, 01:17:08 AM »
Hey dude welcome to PU i hope you enjoy your stay here.

It seems like my grass type has turned back into a treeko, requiring more attack then defense. Heh oh well guess im gonna pick water this time

Quests & Plots / Re: Quest Grading System (Post Quests Here)
« on: May 13, 2010, 01:15:52 AM »
Thanks everyone for their thoughts and come to think of it i guess i could make it more of a series of quest. So i understand what you mean spirit, seems like i need to learn from the master as being the best way to learn at all since i intend to become a story writer someday.


Earning Your Sealegs

While exploring the beach of a random isle you come across a ship with a captain aboard. Curios, you walk up to the man and ask him why he is here. "Well my boy the name is Captain Graybeard, as you can see I be a pirate and I'm here to recruit some men to come aboard my ship and sail the seas with me." You excitedly beg the captain to let him aboard his ship but sadly you are turned away. "Sorry me buckoo but in order to join my ship you've got to defeat my partner Chatot. But you must have yarself your own Chatot, but I don't think they're are any around these parts.... wait a second" Your frown turns upside down as you listen to the captain. "There be a ex-pirate whom used to be my apprentice and boy was his Chatot strong, frankly he found the pirate life too dangerous and quit before he could get far. Last time I saw him he was making a foundation on this here island, listen boy find a guy named Karl and ask him if you could borrow his Chatot for a bit. If he says yes then i'll be waiting here for the battle, until then good luck matey."

You now head off to the town square where if you search throughly inside the Poke'mart you will find Karl checking out some pharmacy items. "Oh hello there, are you hear to buy some potions?""You explain to Karl all the details Captain Graybeard has told you and await for his answer. "WHAT! You want me to go back with that crazy captain, no way!" Frustrated you remind him of an old saying. "Once a pirate, always a pirate." "You have a point there, and doesn't seem like your going to leave me alone until I accept your favor. Fine ill let you use my Chatot but first I have to test if you are a good enough trainer to use her. Go out in the wild and defeat 10 Pidgeotto's and 5 Fearow's, and ill let you borrow my Chatot. But don't forget to bring back their feathers."

Excited you rush into the wild and find the pokemon needed to get the Chatot from Karl. Basically once you defeat the pokemon a [Insert Pokemon name here] Feather will appear in your inventory. Once you meet all the requirements you rush back to the pharmacy only to discover that Karl isn't here. You ask around the Poke'mart if they had seen him and a small boy tells you that he saw Karl head out to the beach. Confused you head off to the beach to find Captain Graybeard and Karl arguing. "Aww but apprentice we had so much fun exploring the seven seas, why did you have to quit." "I told you i'm not your apprentice anymore, and I quit because of you putting me through all of that trouble. Remember when our ship got attacked you left me out there to fend off all those pirates by myself." "I admit I did leave you to do all the work, its just thats how I like to train my new recruits so that I can see if their fit for the pirate life." You slowly walk up to the two after the cooled down a bit and you hand Karl the feather. "Well a promise is a promise, and I would like to see how my Chatot defeats the captain's partner any day." Karl then lets out a soft whistle and seconds later a Shiny Chatot appears out of the tree and lands on Karl's shoulder. "Alright me buckoo lets get this show on the road." The shiny Chatot walks up to you all fired up and you finally get your match with the captain.

Captain Graybeard
- Chatot (Male)
- Level 30

Karl's Chatot
- Chatot (Female)
- Knows Heatwave

"Arggh seems like that was a hardy battle but as promised ill let ye aboard me crew and here is something for the road. Ahh but it seems like your a little to young to be part of my pirate crew so come back in 10 years and ye'd be ready." After his defeat he will reward you with the item "Shellbell" but you are sad that you had gone through all that trouble to get rejected. "Hold the phone captain I don't think you should turn this kid away, especially since I'm also part of the package." The captain turns around and starts to think about the offer and seconds later he turns back around with a smile on his face. "Now why would I turn down a package like that, boys welcome to Graybeards Pirate Crew." You then hand back Karl's Chatot and notice some silhouette's in the distant sky. All three of you take a good look at it and realize that its a flock of Chatot heading towards the island. "Well i'll be, I forgot it was the annual Chatot migration happens every summer after they leave the island during winter." "Alright me boy come and talk to me whenever you are ready to set sail on the seven seas."

Chatot will now appear on the island. Congratulation you have completed the first part of Captain Graybeards Pirate Crew storyline.

Thanks everyone for the help on the story, tell me what you think?

Quests & Plots / Re: Quest Grading System (Post Quests Here)
« on: May 12, 2010, 10:29:29 PM »
Length-3-A little too short
Feedback-The only problem I saw is that it may be a little too short, but there is really nothing you can add to fix that without making the quest worse. I don't know what others will have to say, but I liked it. Oh, and about when in the game would this quest take place? Would it be about when your Pokemon are about level 30, or before or after that?
Most likely after but you gotta remember to train your Chatot to a level high enough to beat him.

Other Entertainment / The NEW Shichibukai
« on: May 12, 2010, 04:29:46 AM »
IF you are not familiar with One Piece then none of this will make sense but if you are your gonna laugh your butt off.

Other Games / Starfy vs. Kirby
« on: May 12, 2010, 03:22:28 AM »
Its rivalry of Japanese vs. America and their representatives.

For Japan its their favorite hero from under the sea, Starfy.


For America, he's that little puffball you know and love, Kirby.

Now Pick your side.

Other Games / Re: Favorite mario character
« on: May 12, 2010, 03:20:37 AM »
Dry Bones is way too beasty for the vote

Anime & Movies / Re: Misty - will she ever return?
« on: May 12, 2010, 03:13:39 AM »
It seems like in the next generation ash will not be featured i just have this hunch ya know.

Quests & Plots / Re: Quest Grading System (Post Quests Here)
« on: May 12, 2010, 02:57:00 AM »
Earning Your Sealegs

While exploring the beach of a random isle you come across a ship with a captain aboard. Curios, you walk up to the man and ask him why he is here. "Well my boy the name is Captain Graybeard, as you can see I be a pirate and I'm here to recruit some men to come aboard my ship and sail the seas with me." You excitedly beg the captain to let him aboard his ship but sadly you are turned away. "Sorry me buckoo but in order to join my ship you've got to defeat my partner Chatot. But there be a condition, you must battle using a Chatot of your own. In a one-on-one battle to the death." Now you head out to wherever a Chatot may be found and do your best to catch and train it for the Captain isn't some rookie trainer.

Captain Graybeard
- Chatot (Male)
- Level 30

After his defeat he will reward you with the item "Metronome" and allow you to become part of his crew. "Arggh seems like that was a hardy battle but as promised ill let ye aboard me crew and here is something for the road. Ahh but it seems like your a little to young to be part of my pirate crew so come back in 10 years and ye'd be ready."

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Where should Poke'mon be Located???
« on: May 12, 2010, 12:24:46 AM »
Seems like you are asking for a guide at the moment and the game hasn't gone public so yeah.

General Chat / Re: who wants to play pokemon universe!?!?
« on: May 12, 2010, 12:21:10 AM »
Lets see public beta will seem like my summer break gift lol.

Hiya Pagu welcome to PU, enjoy your stay

General Chat / Re: List Your Pokemon Teams Here
« on: May 11, 2010, 02:30:16 AM »

General Chat / Re: who wants to play pokemon universe!?!?
« on: May 10, 2010, 11:56:35 PM »
Maybe some people just come to check out the community i guess lol.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: huyitsrichard right here.
« on: May 10, 2010, 01:33:03 PM »
lol same here richy, anywho welcome to PU hope you enjoy your stay.

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