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Messages - Ver-go-a-go-go

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Other Games / Re: Final Fantasy
« on: June 30, 2010, 03:44:15 AM »
Ahhh, Final Fantasy. I'm an absolute fanatic when it comes to this series. VII was my first, like so many others, but I don't consider it the best, even though it deserves its place among the timeless video game wall. X is probably my favorite, since it's the first game I ever became emotionally attached too. I got so sucked in by the characters and world, that I was near tears at the end when Tidus jumps off the airship and leaves Yuna behind for good. "I'm sorry I couldn't show you Zanarkand....." One of the saddest lines ever for me.

And the XIII wrecks the show. I bought a PS3 for just that game, and I wasn't disappointed. Everything I've come to expect from a FF game was there, ranging from an excellent story line to an awesome new battle system that' really grown on me. Never thought that the Paradigm System could add so much strategic depth to something.

I've played the old ones too, so don't go thinking I've just ignored the series' roots. VI is awesome too; in more ways than one I think it paved the way and set the standard for all of the 3D titles as far as story and characters were concered.

General Chat / Re: Best Steel Pokemon
« on: June 30, 2010, 03:35:03 AM »
I believe the best steel that I like would be Metagross. Its stats aren't that bad, and is very well rounded IMO

Metagross is by far the best steel type for me. It's an excellent physical sweeper, and nothing beats pulling the last ditch effort card that is Explosion to wipe the grin off someone's face (Mine doesn't have it though, due to the competitive clauses and such that I think work well for battling).
Scizor also has some competitive worth from what I've tried and seen, even though it's not on any of my teams. Plus, it has one of the cooler designs of the 2nd gen. :D

As for Steelix..... there's much better walls from my experience, I can tell you that. And that's all I can really ever see it being any use for.

General Chat / Re: Luckiest thing to happen
« on: June 30, 2010, 03:22:24 AM »
Had to be on Fire Red when I encountered Mewtwo for the first time. Weakened it, and caught it with the very first Ultra Ball I threw at it. I had bought about 80 of them in advance because I was ready for a long battle. xD
Another time would have to be in Sapphire when I went after Kyogre. Wasn't ready AT ALL for that battle; had barely any pokeballs on me at all, let alone good ones that could reasonably catch it. Depleted everything except one Net Ball, threw it and got lucky. :)

All you lucky guys and your shinies... the only one I've EVER seen was a HootHoot in Crystal, and that was right after Cherrygrove before I had any pokeballs at all. :(

Trainers Lounge / Re: Your Starter Pokemon
« on: June 29, 2010, 04:14:53 AM »
Probably Chimchar. I've always liked the first starters, and Chimchar is my favorite out of all of them because Infernape is such a good physical sweeper. Monferno is the only really stupid looking one in that evolutionary line too, but Infernape's badass design completely makes up for it. Totodile is second in line if for some reason I decide to change my mind.

Although, I would TOTALLY choose Pikachu if that was an option. Yellow version ftw.

Wow, triple battles? THAT is going to take some getting used to, just like double battles were. Really looking forward to building competitive teams for a brand new battle style.

I've never been one to complain about Pokemon designs, even though I've always doubted a bit whether or not I could actually learn to like them from gen to gen. Hell, there were even some gen 2 Pokemon I thought I'd never get used to, but it's always turned out fine in the end. All in all looking really good; I just don't know why they're not going for the 3DS on this one. Doesn't seem to make much sense really.

Art Work / Re: LucarioX's Trainer Card Shop!
« on: June 29, 2010, 04:02:14 AM »
Here you go Ver-go-a-go-go!:

Looks great! Thanks a million.

Other Games / Re: Ps3 Or 360?
« on: June 29, 2010, 03:57:19 AM »

Note: The horror stories are just scare tactics used by most people to start console wars. Me, and every friend I know that owns a 360, have had the same one since launch day. In fact, the only thing I've changed is the HDD.

Yeah, that could be it. Like I said, I've never had any hands on experience, so I can't claim all the stories were true, except for the one friend I mentioned.

But on another related note, anyone have the new 360 Slim that was announced a little while back? I heard it was supposed to be way more durable and reliable than the old model, which would be great if it's actually true.

General Chat / Re: Pokemon Coma Conspiracy
« on: June 29, 2010, 03:41:50 AM »
Wow, that was......deep.

Wasn't expecting it to be either. A lot of it made since, since I'm actually studying Philosophy and how the mind works; I can see how man of the elements, like the father figure he wants to deny because it's oppressive, and his need to keep having a challenge because without it his existence warps into one without meaning.
But...... it really seems to just be a way for US to cope with how much things have changed over the past decade. The article does a good job of explaining why everything went to hell in that show as time went on; just blame it on a coma the main character is in.

I'm one of the guys that grew up with the anime, was there from about the third episode, and was pretty loyal to the show for years. I've got an extremely soft spot for it, just because it was a huge part of childhood for me. The article is a nice way to explain everything away, but I'll just have to accept the truth that it just sucks now. :(

But yeah, great find. Just wish I knew the guy who wrote all of that and made it actually believable.

Other Games / Re: Ps3 Or 360?
« on: June 28, 2010, 06:36:51 PM »
I'm not going to be biased here and bash the 360, because I honestly don't own one, and since my wallet is kinda empty right now, it'll probably stay that way for a while. :(
I was getting sick of the Wii, so I decided to go for one of the bigger consoles. I also wanted to get all I could out of what I knew would cost a bundle, so it came down to just use and longevity for me.

I've heard sooooo many horror stories about the 360 breaking down. I know someone who's on their FIFTH 360! I dunno about all you guys, but I really can't afford to replace a system that many times, and warrant always seems to run out right before you need to. I hadn't heard about too many problems with the PS3 though, so that was a huge factor.

The PS3 also had BluRay, which I thought would be a nice bonus since I'm spending all this money anyway. 360 had obviously better online, but I'm really not the type to play online all day; more of just a single player long RPG guy really. Also, I had read that FFXIII had been created with only the PS3 in mind, and was only being ported to 360, so being a huge FF fan, that counted for something.

So yeah, chose the PS3 in the end, haven't had a single problem or regret. Might seem silly that I didn't look at the library's too much, but I really can't afford to shell out 65$+ for a game that often. I only tend to buy what I've been looking forward to for a long time (like FFXIII).

Art Work / Re: LucarioX's Trainer Card Shop!
« on: June 28, 2010, 05:29:13 AM »
Hey, these are pretty good. :D I always envy you guys who can do this sort of thing.

Be great if you could make me one:

Name: Vergo
Character: Blue's vs sprite from HGSS would be great, but battle sprite works fine
Background: Forest-y
Badges: Sinnoh League
Pokemon: Pikachu, Starmie, Weavile, Infernape, Metagross, Gengar (also all HGSS sprites)

Huge thanks in advance, man. Should be a great starting signature. :)

Other Games / Re: Legend of Zelda
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:42:45 AM »
It's a legendary series, that's for sure. Loved OoT way back and thought TP was even better to be honest. Extremely disappointed that SS is taking the graphical turn back to cel shading, but I'm hoping I'll get over it pretty soon. Guess I'm just upset that Metroid is the only epic series Nintendo seems to have as far as first impressions go.

General Chat / Re: List Your Pokemon Teams Here
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:36:46 AM »
I'll post the pre-credits team I have for HG and Pearl I guess. Can do some of the competitive teams if anyone wants them.




General Chat / Re: What's your favorite type of pokémon?
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:20:46 AM »
It might just be that Yellow was my first Pokemon game ever and so naturally my favorite of all time became Pikachu, but I've always liked Electric the most.
And not just Pikachu either. Electivire is part of one of my competitive teams too, because it's a personal favorite. Luxray and Manectric always managed to find their way into my pre-credits team too according to their corresponding region.

Other than that, the Ice type is pretty awesome. Jynx and Weavile were a big part of my anti-Lance HG team for the first time through the league. :D

New Trainers / Welcome / Vergo's Here
« on: June 27, 2010, 11:14:33 PM »
Stupid name right? Well, it's been my forum name for a good three years now, so I'm rather attached to it. :P Don't bother typing out the whole thing though.

Brand new here, but I'm not new at all to forums in general. So don't worry, I won't do anything stupid or newbie that ticks people off. I'm also not new to Pokemon either; been a pretty big fan ever since I got addicted to Yellow way back when. I've enjoyed EVERY generation since then, and here's to hoping Balck and White continue the trend too.

Place looks great, hope I'll enjoy it here.

General Chat / Re: Does Ash ever look older?
« on: June 27, 2010, 10:18:06 PM »
Well...... the hat makes him look a bit older I guess....

No. He looks the same for the most part, which is normal for most anime series I thought? I really don't have a problem with it either; I could pick out things about the anime that are way worse than how Ash looks.

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