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Messages - OokamiGaru

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Games / Re: My PU Pokemon Team!
« on: March 19, 2011, 04:43:08 PM »
lol I dont think this thread was about a pokemon team, it was another way for him to show he is gay.

No offense, but I find homosexuals hypocritez. I am not afraid to say how I feel, but still. If I was to speak on religion, I'd probably get banned, being as peopled say I'm shoving my thoughts down their throats, but saying "I'm gay" and repeating it is socially acceptable?

Anywho. Lucario is the only good pokemon on that list.

General Chat / Re: Level 100 pokemon
« on: March 19, 2011, 02:43:48 PM »
Bet ya half the people on here are lying? lmfao.

RED- Mewtwo.
RUBY- Latios

Thats all for my poor ass lmfao

General Chat / We're the pokemon. Bet ya cant read it all.
« on: March 19, 2011, 01:51:05 PM »
SO I know there are other pokemon dream posts and such, but this one is different. So I was talking to friends about how the NEW pokemon look like digimon. We all laughed and poop. Well, thats how it got into my head and I fell asleep.

So here it goes.

It started like a movie with someone, I am guessing me, saying "We played the games. Bought the cards. Watched the shows. We all wished we could become pokemon trainers, but in reality, it was soon all going to change.."

So it started off with me in the middle of a forest running and a bright light following me. Bursts of energy shot at me. I got hit and couldn't run any longer. Two towering men stood before me and said, "it's time, 447." Before long, we appeared in a room, with a man sitting before us. Wearing a white with gold trimmed suit. He looked down on me and smiled. "Hello 447, its been a while?"

I freaked out and showed at him, "What are you talking about?! Who are you! Who are they?" He looked at them and grinned. "I am Mr. A. They, are Mr. D and Mr. P. This is my company." I looked around and saw the game freaks logo. I bout pissed myself trying to figure out why Mr. A looked... Not Asian and said he owned it. "Why is a gaming company trying to capture me?" I asked. He laughed, "not just you. 447, you havn't yet transended, that is why it was easy to capture you." I was confused of course. "Explain!"

"I created this company, cause since the beginning of time. I have been trying to capture those who denied God. None of you are suppose to have powers. He took them away, you have a bible, you have read the stories?" I was confused what this had to do with God, but he continued to talk. "He created us to recapture those who broke the law and have powers more than those of a human. Ever generation, we capture all of you, and yet, another, such as yourself, reawakens the powers in the bloodlines. You see. We cant just kill you all, that'd be a sin. So we are to capture those with powers and strip them of them all. Erase their memory and send that off."

"Start it again?" I asked. "Yes, reading the true words. What we abreviated to pokemon." He said silently. "Polokia ontionii kekeadio equao monstro omnivici newloniia" I repeated. "Yes, that painful words awaken the bloodlines. But these days, even the internet is our enemy." I laughed, thinking this guy was kidding. "So you're saying we're all pokemon? And you're trying to catch us all?"

"Yes." He said with a straight face. "You see, there are even famous people you know with these powers." "Like who?" I asked curiously. "Well, obviously, you're Riolu. We gave names to these pokemon so bring out the factors and to search out the real pokemon. Those who are attached to certain ones, bare, similar attributes. In reality, you're just a number." He said with a grin.

"Tell me more!" I asked angerly, thinking he was lying.

"Eevee was just octuplits. very rare, yes, but they can live on their own. Been born from different parents, but usually together. Showing the signs of the elements. Even neutrality."

"Pichu, pikachu, raichu. Usually siblings, with electrifying personalities."

"Joan of Arch was Gardevior, yes, she could speak to God, with her psychic abilities."

"The Salem Witch Trials, they weren't hanging witches, they were hanging psychic pokemon. We were to have saved them, but even if we did, then erased their memories, they would of been put to death and not known why. So we left it the way it was."

"Groudon and Kyogre.... AKA Cain and Abel."

"King Arther, Mew. He was a great man honestly, but we had to take him after his duty was done."

"Who was mewtwo then?" I asked curiously.

"A German soldier that died. We found him and he had Mews DNA, but was genetically worked on him. Hoping to have another ally in our group for this hunt, but he ran away. We thought he'd be the 'one'"

"The 'one'? What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"In the language of the Heavens, Mew means the one. We had wished to use him to capture you all. And put a stop to it. You see, alot of famous people, even murders were pokemon. Like Manson and such."

"Manson even? Who was he...?"

"Gengar." He said with a laugh so evil and twisted.

"Grr." I looked up at them with such anger and hatred. "You brought this on yourself, 447. You should of kept it all to yourself." He said as he waved his hand slowly, "Now, disappear..." He said.

I awake in front of 3 girls sitting together with blank expressionist of curiosity, "Thank you... Mesprit, Uxie and Azelf." I told them, shaking myself from their foresight. "I need to gather more people together... If we're to fight: 493, 484 and 483..." They shook their head and began to use their abilities to help me find more "pokemon".

((I'll skip the pointless traveling and talking to people.))

After finding the "new" Mewtwo and a few other legendaries and stronger pokemon.

We faced against Mr. D and Mr. P and Mr. G and Mr. R. As Mr. A appeared, he laughed. "I see you brought us, the "new" Mewtwo." He laughed loudly. "He'll be the key to beating!" I shouted with rage. "Everyone knows, Mewtwo is stronger than even you, Arceus!!!" "You stupid brat. I see you have transcended, to 448. Now I'll tell you. The legend of him being the "one", was false, a false hope to lure all of you who looked for peace, to bring us the key, of whipping you all from the face of the earth!" He said twistedly.

We all stood their, afraid... All hope gone... What were we too do?

Then the door slammed and I woke up too my buddy saying, "Lets go! We have plans today!" I was mad I didn't finish the dream...

There was alot more too it than just that, but typing cant get tiring lmfao.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Heaven bares pokemon! Wait... What?
« on: March 19, 2011, 12:54:55 PM »
I knew nearly everyone would pick a legendary lol.

There are multi legendaries for some, such as celebi and jirachi and that grass dog thingy,

but still, I figured peopled want a pokemon they could have next to their side forever and live a normal life and such lol

Well, when it comes to training, I try and evenly balance ALL my pokemon, only cause I think it be fair to them.

Though, when it comes to GYMS and such, I usually try and keep my starter in my party, unless I didnt like any of the starters lol, like ruby and sapphire. I hated those starters lmao.

Still, regurdless of if I liked them or not, they were my first in the game, so I usually use their elemental type depending on the battle.

Trainers Lounge / Heaven bares pokemon! Wait... What?
« on: March 19, 2011, 01:15:24 AM »
Ok, God comes down to the world, and offers EVERYONE in it ONE pokemon. What pokemon do you choose?

-You cant catch anymore, or your pokemon and the caught one will disappear.
-You cant breed your pokemon.
-Any newborn will be given a pokemon, somehow related to the combined pokemon of both the parents.
-Killing a pokemon will result in goin' to hell forever.

I'd have to choose Riolu ^_^, He's just so cute. Besides that, hes amazing. His aura ability is different from Lucarios, since he has no real control, but still, he's a loyal dog type pokemon.

Trainers Lounge / Re: What Is The Cutest Starter Pokemon?
« on: March 19, 2011, 01:05:14 AM »
a flaming chicken is the most retarded pokemon thought ever, in all seriousness, its ridiculously annoying.

General Chat / Re: [Guild] Pulse
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:42:03 PM »
lol Still, it would of been fun to be apart of, jk jk jk ^_^

Ideas & Suggestions / LEGEND REPOST(kinda) QUESTION
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:41:17 PM »
I read 90% of all of the legendary poop.

I agree that we shouldn't be able to catch the super strong legends, but there are a few that there are ALOT OF. Like shaymin, celebi and maybe a few others. Maybe there should be events that allow use to get the ones that there are multi of.

But these events and mission will be hard, take long periods of time to compete, and even if you are super pokemon dude, it wont be a walk in the park.

If you successed in the mission/quest/event, you get an egg. You have to raise it until it hatches and it starts at level 5. Though, since its a legendary and being raised by a trainer, its stats should be dumbed down. So it wont be a OTK/uber pokemon. It'll be another normal pokemon in your party that is on your side, but has rare status, it's powers wont be special and it CAN NOT BE BRED WITH OTHERS AT ALL!

This should be semi fair? I read the admin dudes posts and stuff, but I am just thinking around the point that it might be cool, fair and give others a reason to play I guess. It will be something to fight for, but just like here in Michigan,  "You may have a Ferrari, but I still have a Camaro that'll beat you any time of the day." Meaning, if you change the stats for the attainable legends, my same level charmander will still kick its butt fair and square.

Though, the in game legends that you "may" come across to fight or help with a mission or some random encounter for some random reason, it's stats will be blown outta the water just like the show.

General Chat / Re: [Guild] Pulse
« on: March 17, 2011, 07:36:26 PM »
Yea, but I wasn't on too see the fight lmao

Other Chat / Re: Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
« on: March 17, 2011, 07:34:46 PM »
I'm part Irish, but I'm totally awesome and wear green and pinch the chansey outta people! OH yea! Get drunk, get crunk, get fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked up!

(excuse my French, I'm part Irish!)

General Chat / Re: [Guild] Pulse
« on: March 17, 2011, 06:30:16 PM »
lol the fight ended by the time i get on? awwww, no fun lol

Trainers Lounge / Re: What Is The Cutest Starter Pokemon?
« on: March 14, 2011, 07:28:18 PM »
Cyndaquil ftw

Games / Re: 5th Generation, the 3rd Version
« on: March 14, 2011, 05:13:51 PM »
my buddy studying in japan said theyre thinking bout it. since B/W didnt have such a great turn out lol

Games / Re: Snivy Tepig or Oshawott
« on: March 14, 2011, 05:08:00 PM »
if i had to pick... oshawott lol. other wise, B/W sucks lol

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