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Messages - Bing

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A Chosen was walking around with a new letter in his hand. He had been invited to the rebel base.

Wow, I didn't think my power was that useful. Who new sticky goop can actually come in handy. Well, better get going then.

As he began his walk, he screamed loud into the sky.

Rebel Base here I come. I will not let you down.

The shout is in earshot of Cyrus.

"Rebel Base here I come. I will not let you down."

I heard a shout coming from over a hill.  Getting low, I don't think he saw me.  He was yelling about the rebels.  Something about being on his way to meet them.

I crept up behind the unlucky man.  Bashing him in the head with a block of ice, he fell to the ground.  When he awoke I had encased him in ice, after searching him.  I pushed the letter in his face.

"What's this?  Explain, now"

He looked up at me, the fear in his face sickened me.

"I,I,I's a letter.  From the rebel leader.  H,H,H,He's gathering strong potential rebels.  I don't know why though...  Please don't kill me."

I looked the letter over.

"Hmmm...  Seems the location is listed here.  And all I have to do is show this letter.  Looks like I won't be needing you."

I saw the flutter of hope in his eyes.  It was my favorite look eyes could give.  That glimmer of hope, that small irrational thought of hope.  I saw how it crept across his face, how it sunk into his brain, how he let it consume himself.  How I loved to crush it.  Love, that's interesting.  I've never felt love before.  Or maybe I have, yes I have once before.  It was the power behind my mission.

His voice perked up and ruined my thinking.

"So, you'll let me go right?  Y-You don't need me anymore.  So please, let me go."

I looked down at him and spoke.

"Sure, I'll let you go."

This was it that moment.  He sighed as if the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders.  Releasing him from the Ice prison I had made, he stood up.  Looked at me, I walked up as if going for a handshake, as if to say no hard feelings, enjoy the rest of your life.  But, as we closed.  I stabbed his gut with an Ice spike.  The look on his face was great.  Shock, surprise, but mostly.  Fear.  The unfortunate man slumped to the ground dead.  Clutching the letter, I started off.  Towards the rebel meeting.

"Huh, I wonder if they'll accept an ex-paladin?"

As I returned to the paladin HQ, Mother was waiting outside.  She rushed over to me.

"Cyrus, follow me quickly."


She grabbed my hand before I had time to speak.  Running though the streets we raced towards our house.  When we arrived she pushed me inside and locked the door.

"Mother, What's gong on?"

"Cyrus, be quiet.  There is something you need to hear.  Tiberius has decided to have you canceled."

"What do you mean canceled?  I'm a paladin, not one of the governments experiments."

"Cyrus, you are a government experiment.  You were injected with the virus after you survived an attack on a rebel base.  Cyrus, I'm not your real mother.  You were the child of two rebels.  The squad brought you back, just so you could become a new paladin weapon."

"No, no nononono...  This doesn't make sense."

Walking over to our table.  I smashed my fist through it.

"They erased your memories when they operated on you.  They wanted to create the perfect solider, emotionless, strong and loyal.  I was give the task to look over you.  But that's trivial now.  Just know this, I love you and I always have."

Boom, Boom!

A knock was heard at the door.

"Cyrus, upstairs now."

We ran upstairs, as we ran a loud bang was heard.  The paladins had busted the door in.  Now upstairs.

"Cyrus, lets go, jump out the window.  We'll escape via roof tops."

Throwing a ball of ice through the window, it smashed.  I then jumped out onto the roof of the house next door.  Mother quickly followed.

"Ok, Cyrus.  Follow me.  We need to get you out of Utopia."

As we jumped down from the roof.  I looked back.  I could see the Paladins staring at me through the broken window.  I knew them, I had grown up and trained with them.  And now they wanted to kill me.

We ran south towards the gate to the underland.  The paladins hard on our heels.  Turning around for a second, I threw a spiked ball of ice onto the ground.  When the Paladins ran by, I exploded it.  Shooting spikes into them.  It managed to distract them for a bit but, I knew they'd be back on our tail soon.

After ten minutes of running we reached the gate.  Bashing through the door to the guard tower.  I dispatched both guards with an ice spike to their necks.

We reached the exit door.  I could hear the Paladins rushing into the gate.

Mother turned to me.

"Cyrus, take this parachute and jump."

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"No, my pace is here.  I'll hold them off.  Now go!"

Mother pushed me through the door, I was falling.  Looking back I could hear the soft screams of death.

Pulling the shoot, I swore revenge.  That bastard, I owed no loyalty to him anymore.

"Don't worry Utopia,  I'll be back.  You can bet your ass on that.  And when I return nobody will be safe.  Not even the ignorant."

I hit the ground running.  I dashed off into the wasteland, with a mission of destruction as my only thought.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 26, 2012, 07:32:23 PM »
I agree with the old lady life is but a turtle, imagine the suprise astronauts get eh? :P


I'm so lost right now.

Game Features / Re: Trainer Professions
« on: January 26, 2012, 06:51:55 PM »
I tend to agree.  Unless the boost is for crafting the items.  Boosts to in battle anything is just unfair and will disrupt the balance that PU is trying to achieve.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Poisoned Utopia
« on: January 26, 2012, 06:24:40 AM »
It is done. Have fun with it. It's up to you guys to react now, and how you react will determine how this RP goes. Bing, you are not left out of this RP, you can obtain a letter, if you can out wit me with the right words. Fox, you will get a letter too. Aqua, don't get mad at me for using your character, but it will make for something interesting. Rocks, you do what you do, since it seems you may not run into a conflict, but I guess we'll just have to see.

Ok, I could just be given one.  If mother hears they're canceling me.  She'd do something about it.  And my last post mentioned that the new injection is meant to give me emotions.  So I could do a character personality swing, I'd have no feelings for the rebels but, I could join them for revenge.  I think it's time for Mother to die.  Dam that sounds weird.

Anyway, I'll hold up posting until you ok this idea.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Territorial Mining
« on: January 25, 2012, 05:40:16 PM »
Woah, so we're going to confront the miners by using shiny Torkoal and shiny Shuckle? Cool  :)
But, there's no other wild pokemon in there? Like Zubats or anything that lives in the mountain...
just saying

You'll see why in part three.

General Chat / Re: [GUILD] Pokemon Knights
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:12:53 AM »
Sorry to butt in.  But, I was going to sleep and up popped this thread as new.  So I looked and I noticed Cortex's new saying and, It's quite true.

Also it's a sweet composition.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Territorial Mining
« on: January 25, 2012, 06:31:54 AM »
(I should have noted this before but, all pokemon during this quest are uncatchable.)
Part 2:  United Turtles.

Objective: Climb Mountain

The player heads up the path, pointed out by Diego.  (He takes the player to the start of the path)

Diego: Ok, here is the path.  Follow this and you'll end up at the top of the mountain.

Diego departs back into the reserve.

The payer then starts up the mountain.  Wild pokemon include various Torkoal and Shuckle.

About halfway up the player will walk in on a group of Torkoal battling a woman trainer.  She easily wins using a Sandslash and an Onix, the Torkoal then retreat down the mountain.

The woman walks up to the player.

Woman: Who are you?

Player choice: "I'm a trainer sent to investigate what's happening here on the mountain."
                     "First tell me who you are?"

If the first option is picked.

Woman:  Are you now...  Wonderful, I guess the jig is up.  My name is Vivian, and my company is mining this mountain for it's coal. 

Player: "What jig?"

Vivian: We operate outside of regulations.  It allows us to mine more coal faster.  Now that you know, we can't just let you leave.  Alex, Scott!  Get his fool.

Second Option.

Woman:  Who am I?  I'm Vivian, owner of this mining company.  And you are?

Player: "I'm a trainer sent to investigate what's happening here on the mountain."

Vivian: Well, I can't let you leave here then.  You see we operate outside of regulations, in order to mine faster.  Alex, Scott.  Get this fool!

Alex and Scott advance on the player.

Diego comes to the rescue along with a shiny Torkoal (Leader of the Torkoal).  Kadabra and Torkoal chase off Scott and Alex.

Diego: I've had another break through, Torkoal says that his group was forced out by the miners.  He want's us to reason with the Shuckle leader.

Player: "I've discovered that the miners are illegally mining the area.  We should try to get the Shuckle and Torkoal to join forces.

Objective: Confront the Shuckle leader.

Diego, the Player and the Torkoal leader head down the mountain.  They approach the Shuckle leader's den.  Three shuckle appear.  The Torkoal leader talks to them.  Diego lets out Kadabra, who communicates what is said.

Kadabra(Using psychic powers): It seems that the Shuckle agree to join forces against the miners, if we can defeat their three best battlers.

Player: "Bring it!" Or "If we must."

The player enters a triple battle Vs, three Shuckle.
The players pokemon is in the middle, Torkoal to his right and Kadabra to his left.

After winning, the player is met with a Shiny Shuckle, speaking through kadabra again.

Kadabra:You have proven your worth.  I shall accompany you to the miners camp.  And do not worry.  I will tell my Shuckle to hold off any fighting for now.  But, if we fail to defeat the miners the Torkoal cannot stay here.

The Torkoal leaders nods, agreeing to the terms.

Diego: Ok, "Insert Player Name", you go with these two and try to stop the miners.  I'll alert the authorities of the Illegal activities.

Objective: Defeat the miners.

Ok, I'm tired.  This is a bit rushed as well.  I'm gonna need to do some editing on a later date.

But anyway part 3 will be coming soon

Part 3: The Miner Fourty-Niner.


General Chat / Re: Official Elemental Elites thread
« on: January 25, 2012, 05:40:03 AM »
nice to see you too Missy. 8)

To good to speak to me eh? :)

I saw all the chat on PO by the way. Your a dead fox, Fox.

Oh Snap!  Fox run, he's crazy.  He'll do it.  Whatever it happens to be.

Balance Server Testing / Re: DB Problems
« on: January 25, 2012, 01:03:40 AM »
this might seem stupid but do you NEED to download this database?

If you have the old one.


This is just the same DB.  There are no new changes.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Poisoned Utopia
« on: January 25, 2012, 12:12:04 AM »
Now that I can elaborate more on that, the reason why there is no internet is due to the massive war, which pretty much severed the country from the rest of the world, as the rest of the world can't accept the fact that mutants run amok. Over time, people in Utopia and the underlands believe the world outside of their realm has been destroyed, but in all reality, there is just miles of dessert, and a barrier that prevents them from leaving.

Sounds yummy.  I think I made a mistake putting my character in the utopia.

Balance Server Testing / Re: DB Problems
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:54:20 PM »
You should post that on the main balance server topic.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Poisoned Utopia
« on: January 24, 2012, 09:35:21 PM »
Is there any way I can join this? Or has the story progressed too far?

Ask cortex.  Also avoid the OP crap.  I'm not trying to be a dick.  You just have a history of it.  Other than that.  Welcome?

Better, but yeah I will, and if anybody notices me G-Modding please tell me.

Haha.  My bad.
I mistyped.  I was tired, and I don't have a problem I'll lay that out for everyone.  Try not to god-mode.

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] In the Dark
« on: January 24, 2012, 07:16:19 AM »
If I wasn't already a misfit.  I'd be a math/music teacher.  I could teach kids things like calculus and the circle of 5ths. lolz

Other Roleplay / Re: [OOCC] Poisoned Utopia
« on: January 24, 2012, 06:56:55 AM »
Is there any way I can join this? Or has the story progressed too far?

Ask cortex.  Also avoid the OP crap.  I'm trying to be a dick.  You just have a history of it.  Other than that.  Welcome?

Um also lubbies.  You need to change your post and possibly your character, or refer to grandpa as someone else.  As stated before, Dr. Weil doesn't care for robots.

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