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Messages - ghostman50

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19
Thing to avoid:

Making the Game too simple.

IN the anime, it took Ash about 10 years to catch, roughly, 70 pokemon. With the newest generation coming soon, no telling how many pokemon there will be.

If you dont make the catch-encounter rate somewhat difficult, there will be players looking to take advantage of the system.

Im not saying that I want a super tough catch-rate system, but I want one to where it doesnt take 3 months to catch them all. Im hoping to finally play a mmo that doesnt lose me after day 5.

I think that one way to make the game more in line with the quests is to make some pokemon unlockable. (not just the rares) It will force players to get involved in the story-line. It will help make the game a little more realistic as well.

Game Features / Re: Poke' stats?
« on: January 18, 2010, 07:15:08 PM »
I hope Im not going off topic but there is a game that I play (tribal wars) and the goal is pretty much to conquer as many villages around you and grow as much as possible in the process. The game has an official site to where it keeps track of conquered villages etc.

Trying to relate this to stats in a way.....

I was wondering on the possibility of implementing a feature on the PU page similar to this. Where it tracks captured pokemon.  Track real-time tournament standings etc.

and hopefully a feature that includes viewing tournament PVPs in real-time.

Would this be do~able?

Game Features / Re: Tournaments
« on: January 18, 2010, 06:59:22 PM »
Well, if there are several wobbuffets with counter/mirror coat/encore/destiny bond combo is simply an insane thought! ... isn't it?  :-[

Its called a strategy. Find a way to counter it.

There is a huge difference between strategy and repetitive noobiness.

This isnt some Pokemon GBA game. Its a MMO. featuring all 1.500 Pokes. You play the game to win; not annoy the crap (is that a forbidden word) out of your opponent.

Other Entertainment / Re: What's Your Favourite Tv Show?
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:16:35 PM »
1. Fullmetal Alchemist
2. Family Guy

Fullmetal Alchemist is an anime not a tv-show

Its an anime that ocassionally comes on T.V. :P

And is shown at various times during the day/night. :P

Other Entertainment / Re: What's Your Favourite Tv Show?
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:11:29 PM »
1. Fullmetal Alchemist
2. Family Guy
3. Chuck
4. Manswers
5. Secret Girlfriend
6. No Reservations
7. SportsCenter

***Edited because I posted only 2 before finishing list***

Game Features / Re: Poke' stats?
« on: January 16, 2010, 08:48:36 PM »
Maybe, just maybe, we could add that when entering the PokéLeague (PvP), you will have to sign 10 pokemons up. This will allow any trainer to use a combination of those 10 when he/she chooses 6 to battle with as normally and then later on he/she can choose another combination of those 10 pokemons which are signed up.

Any opponent will be able to see which 10 pokemons are "in play" and the levels of them, but not which ones the player has chosen for his/hers next battle, nor any stat or move of the pokemons.

I'm not really into this idea. But that's my opinion. I'll state the pros and cons that I know of.

Pros - More variety for PvP battles, Know your opponent's pokemon, You can attempt to confuse your opponents.

Cons - It isn't so much fun (in my opinion), The creator(s) of pokemon gave us a 6 pokemon party already (why need 10? It's already possible to customize with 6), I don't like the "make a different party in between battles" method, because it's like giving handicap in your time of need (because when fighting the Elite Four of the pokemon games, they want to challenge you and they don't allow any handicaps like adding in and taking out pokemons in the 5 battles ahead, except for potions, and changing the order of the pokemon party).

I don't mean to offend anyone. I just wanted to state what I think.  =]

Like Kamaran said, the 10 pokemon idea would be limited to PVP Pokemon League matches.

In the anime's indigo League, a similar format was used so its nothing "illegal" about it.

I wouldnt mind seeing mi opponent sqirm after realizing that i have four level 80 metapods.


But I was curious to know if EXP (IV/EV) would be gained in PVP matches?

A part of me wants Exp to be gained but another part of me wants to keep mi level 99 Gyrados at level 99 in order to qualify for the under 100 tourneys


Another question, that i have, has to do with player disconnections.

Out of pure noobiness, a player may decide to stall a match to avoid/defer the punishments that Dark mentioned earlier. Im sure some of you have played turn-based games and have been punished for leaving or verbally abusing the stalling player. I would not want to lose 40% of mi money and a horrifying disconnection percentage because of a few player's noobiness.

 To avoid all of that, a timer per move could be implemented.

Is there any plans for that?


Game Features / Re: Poke' stats?
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:37:21 PM »
Maybe the client could recognize that you have clicked on the X-Button on the right top. That would be good.
There are a lot more ways to close the client. E.g. with the Task Manager or by right-clicking the icon on the taskbar and choosing close. So that is far from good.

Of course it will suck if you get disconnected because of connection problems, but there is no way to detect this. I'd rather make sure that the lamers get caught than make sure nobody gets punished unjustified.

What if the PU team is forced to update the servers, resulting in an en masse kick?

Would there be a way for the PU team to provide reparations if this were to happen?

Game Features / Re: Poke' stats?
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:33:31 PM »
First I want to say that the leaderboard is a good idea imo. But then there should be two leaderboards. Yes, two!

The first one should show the stats of the normal game. The second one should only be about events like tournaments. I think, only tournaments show who is skilled.

Or how about 4-5 leaderboards.

Im one of those guys that like to see where I rank among others. Even when i know that I horribly stink at something, the satisfaction of knowing that I did something better than the other guy keeps me going.

The leaderboard doesnt have to be too too extensive (maybe just top 25-50) but there could be one for :

  • # of badges
  • Player Exp

  • A leaderboard for total lottery winnings (if that idea sticks)
  • # of Pokemon

  • Separate leaderboard for tournament standings
  • If Kuhn's hunting idea goes through, there could be a board for # of hunting missions completed

Im sure there are many other things that could go along with the leaderboard idea.

Just offering a few suggestions

Game Features / Re: Poke' stats?
« on: January 10, 2010, 08:36:20 PM »
Another issue that deals with statistics are quitters. In alot of multiplayer games, one may come across a few sore losers after a while. I would hate to have mi experience ruined by a bunch of kids that are afraid to lose. DO you think it owould be possible to add a flee counter? or something telling opposing trainers how often this player is most likely to quit a battle.

When we will implement the stats we can make it as extensive as we want, so yes it'll be possible to show how many times a player has fled from a battle. Although it's not possible to run from PvP battles, but then it's still possible to just close the client and disconnect from the server. If you do this you will be "punished", like the opponent gets 40% of your money and all your Pokémon will be fainted.

lose 40% of the player's money? and all pokemon would be fainted?

Those are pretty harsh punishments but it would almost guarantee 0 intentional quit battles

Another thing I was curious about involved Poisoned/Burned Pokemon. There were a few times, while playing the older Pokemon games, where I just won a battle and completely forgot about mi Pokemon ever being Poisoned/Burned.

Would it be possible to implement a HP bar at the top of the player's character that relects the HP of the affected pokemon.

Having a HP bar would save a lot of time and would be a life saver for those that are unaware ,or may have forgotten, about the affected pokemon.

General Chat / Re: How do you make your teams?
« on: January 09, 2010, 05:54:56 PM »
The best team ever would consist of pokemon with the most ridiculous names.

You can guarantee that your opponent has never heard of them and there is a chance that that pokemon evolves into something even more ridiculous (increasing its strength by 100)

Ideas & Suggestions / Screenshots to go with the weekly updates
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:51:26 PM »
I guess, because ive spent so much time in the ideas/suggestions thread, I hadnt noticed the development thread till earlier today.

This isnt a "troll" post or a post meant to annoy the PU team, but I was curious to know if it was possible to include, at least, one screenshot along with Kamaran's weekly development update.

I think that one screenshot, weekly, would be great for the fanbase. It would inspire hope for a new and great game.

Possibly spark a few new ideas in the forum.

Just throwing it out there.

I know someone's bound to shoot me down. :(

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Legendary Pokemon
« on: January 08, 2010, 09:34:44 PM »
There is a very extensive thread about legendaries in the staff-only area, and at the end of it we basically decided you won't be able to catch any of them, they will only be available for battling against or with during quests.


Just wondering.

Are there any plans to make other pokemon uncatchable as well? Whether because they are too strong, too rare, or just plain ridiculous.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Pokemon Locator
« on: January 08, 2010, 01:43:39 AM »
True the Poke'dex  displays locations and all of the other things Declan_23 said, but I think that some information should be unlockable. That would ad to the "realism" in the game.

The last Pokemon game ive ever played was silver. That came out when i was in the 6th grade so there's alot about the pokedex feature im unfamiliar with.

Possibly having certain features of the pokedex unlocked after reaching an achievement, reaching an unexplored area, after beating a certain number of players, after catching certain types of pokemon, after finishing a hunting task (that was refered to earlier by Kuhn i believe) would add another layer of depth to the game

IMO, I beleive that if pokedex information (especially location) was easily attained ,especially in the unexplored region of Miryus, The game would be filled with noobs battling with Charizards and Dragonites (Yea I went old school. So what?)

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: following pokemon
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:22:43 PM »
Maybe you could just limit it to starter pokemon? I don't think many people would mind it and 3*4*12 is only 144 :)

I like that idea... but random question... what will be the options for starting pokemon? (~Directed to PU team or anyone that knows~)

Will it be the original three? bulbasaur,charmander, squirtle?
Johto three? totodile, cyndaquil, chikarita?
or others?

I dont know the other landmasses or any pokemon after Johto.

General Chat / Re: [Merged] Your Favorite Pokémon!
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:16:58 PM »

Because excecution is important :P

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