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Messages - schindle

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Archived / Re: Styles of 'battling'
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:52:00 PM »
basicly you wont need to do this for EVERY move. i guess its just an 'insert' you could do for every of moves avaible.

i personly dont like the whole idea of pokemon holding items. its not really RP like to fight against a lapras holding something... but its more likely that pokemon are traing their attacks to be stronger, isnt it?

but as far as mr_dark isnt responding, i guess its not possible to implement such a 'ability-training' :-(

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Magmortar and the Red Mountain
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:46:59 PM »
i like the idea, only to be able to buy firstones by completing a questline. should be done for all of the stones? just to ensure that theyre harder to get then its for now.

Quests & Plots / Re: [Quest] Mew encounter
« on: February 11, 2010, 03:42:24 PM »
love this idea.
maybe you could make such quests for all of the legendaries. not catchable but fightable. and then they drop something. neat.

Trainers Lounge / Re: PU Article on my Blog.
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:33:39 PM »
it isnt THAT much work. because you can add an algorithm that changes every pokemon to a 'base lvl'. pokemon that are realy messed up with stats needs special treatment. but that wont be that much to change tho.

in another treat i showed the possibility to balance attacks. no1 really wants that every attack does the same damage. this is an MMO, not an simple GB game :-)

at the moment im looking at the damage formulas and look if you can get it to scale more with stats.

scalings everything at the end regarding attacks.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« on: February 08, 2010, 02:09:24 PM »
this was kinda... joke... that gearthing^^

i actually ment that the trainers increasing the power of the pokemon!
a pokemon of a newbie trainer shouldnt be as strong as a pokemon of an expierenced.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: PvP battles, please make them fun....
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:36:14 PM »

no items in pvp!

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: The big pvp thread (suggestions here please)
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:35:19 PM »
no item using in pvp. it would be lame i guess.

for winning pvp battles you get equippement for your trainer. clothes etc. Those special clothes got effects for all of your pokemon.

when a trainers pvp master, he got clothes that impress your pokemon :-D
or that scare the enemys pokemon. :-)
cloak of quickness
your pokemon got an 50% higher agility for the first turn it gets in the fight.

bracers of xxx
your enemys pokemon are scared of your aura. they lose 10 stages of health.

something like that^^

Archived / Re: Styles of 'battling'
« on: February 08, 2010, 01:06:11 PM »
the fights in GB games are extremly simple.

when your playing an MMO, those fights CANT be that easy they are in GB games. why? we havnt got equippement. so every pokemons of the same type got nearly the same stats. so how decide who will win the fight?

one thing i would LOVE:
your against equipping pokemon. thats right, it would be absolutely against the poke-philosophy! Your against talent trees. ok.
what about 'to train attacks?' In TV series trainers are training attacks to be more effective and stronger. what abot to add such a thing in the game? i thought about:

bosses like, heroic/master gym leader, if you want to implement such a thing, , or they can be bought in malls or be won in tournaments!:
items that say:
increase the damage of the attack by 1%.

its an item that can be used on every attack, and will increase that attacks damage by 1%.
There should be also special attack-items like:
'hydro pump only item':
increases the damage of your hydropump by 2%. in Addition every Hydropump got the chance to trigger 'water strenght' that increases all your water damage by 10% for the next 3 turns.

So every poekmon should make different damage i think :-)
You got the possibility to make one attack an 'ultimate', and to increase the damage of all your attacks equally.


Archived / Re: Styles of 'battling'
« on: February 07, 2010, 01:30:11 PM »
is it that essential hard to implement such 'effects' for old attacks? do you really have to change a lot? :-)
it would be work, for sure, but i guess it would be usefull and would make PU to something very unique. If you find some people to make the balance thing, and only have to programm it, would it be that hard? :-)

Archived / Re: Styles of 'battling'
« on: February 06, 2010, 05:35:02 PM »
Games yes.
but what about tv series/ movies. The fights are more impressive and fun to see then in the GB games :-)

about your ground feature:
very neat, already thought about that when i saw this on TV (hoenn league finals^^).
interessting for tournaments!

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: linking moves
« on: February 06, 2010, 05:32:52 PM »
in fact, when you look at tv series/movies, abilities like barrier never 'increase the defense by 2 stages', but they decrease the damage dealt of the attack hitting them, and, if they are strong enough, they even absorb all of the damage.

by that fact, i would change, if possible, barrier for:

decreases the damage your pokemon take by [defense * 2] or such a thing.

when your defense is high, you will absorb a lot of damage, if low, not that much.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: linking moves
« on: February 06, 2010, 04:56:01 PM »
healing not^^ and damage reduce is only for ONE attack after using barrier, not for the whole fight! so that you should use it wisely when thinking of an 'hard-hydropump' hitting you.

i wanted to show that there are possibilites to counter offensive effects like an 50% harder hydro pump.
In addition, those effects/items has to be rewards of hard quests :-)

i just want to make fights more attractive. Not only
attack one
attack two
attack three

but you should think about what you use the next. Make, even not impressive attacks, more attractive.

Another possibility is to make attacks, you wont use normally, because too weak/useless, more valaible by adding an dispelling effect. For example give tackle, after a quest, the ability to dispel one effect off the pokemon. BUt this should be an attack you wont use normally!

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: linking moves
« on: February 06, 2010, 04:47:10 PM »
i thought about:

barrier not increasing defense by 2 points but, f.e:

Increases your Pokemons Defense by 2 stages. This effect stacks up to 5 times. In Addition, your pokemons health is increased by 4 stages/stack.

last effect has to be gained with a quest :-)


Increases your Pokemons Defense by 2 stages. This effect stacks up to 5 times. In Addition, the damage of the next damaging attack against your pokemon is lowered by 20%/stack.

or direct counter:
barrier changed:

the next damaging attack against you is lowered by 50%. In Addition your Pokemons health is increased by 20 stages for the next 4 rounds.

Alternative: An special item that used, decreases the damage of the next attack by 50%.

A lot of possibilites to manage a counter,  dont know WHAT is possible so dont blame me:-)

New Trainers / Welcome / my turn :-) hello everyone!
« on: February 06, 2010, 03:20:21 PM »

just wanted to introduce myself.
My Name is Tom, im from Germany, just 23 years young and im studying Business education with specialization at human ressources and... im playing pokemon :-D

to be specific: i played red/yellow and gold, then stopped because the newer games ennoyed me too much. nothing really new, still old game mechanics so why paying more money :-)

so i started to play WoW. On Classic i played it real hard, reaching top100 of the world with my guild regarding content. on BC then reached top 20 of the world, played with the famous forte guild on beta realms, was the first player worldwide, regarding wowwebstats, to reach 1500 dps on an encounter, wrote game-mechanics and game-balancing articles on elitistjerks.com regarding broken hunter-mechanics :-)

but thats all in the past, i stopped playing and started to concentrate on my study. because WoW was an 24/7 job at the end :-D

now i started to play pokemon again and i wondered myself if there is a MMO version of this. so i googled and found... PU. i was very pleased of the idea thats behind PU and, for sure, i want to help.

favourite games:

especially roleplaying games like final fantasy, diablo, baldurs gate, and for sure, mmorpgs like world of warcraft and guild wars. non-computer hobbies are, tablesoccer (yes! even playing championships:-P), soccer, tennis, actually sports^^

im listenig to indie-rock, indietronics, alternative rock and a piece of electronic music. favourite bands are the kooks, arctic monkeys, maximo park and franz ferdinand :-)

favourite films are some who not everybody should know. like 'citizen kane', 'annie hall', actually everything directed by woody allen. newer like jason reitman, or quentin tarantino movies.

so, only a litte overview of me :-)
hope to see you ingame!

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: linking moves
« on: February 06, 2010, 02:24:48 PM »
for sure.
the main question is:
are your able to integrate such combos/effects? if you are, it would be nice to create a 'game balance' team, just to make sure that there is something to counter/avoid such effects. This would be work to do, but it would make the game 'up-to-date' . Here are a lot of people having great balcing ideas. go for it :-)

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