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Messages - ghostman50

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Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 22, 2010, 07:06:44 PM »

First off, it'll mean more work, then, it also means you can have pokemon that once disobeyed, you put it in a box, and when you retrieve it, it still disobeys you even when you have got badges in between that period.

Shouldn't a poke' have low confidence anyway for being stuck in the PC? It actually makes sense to link poke's confidence to the actual pokemon and not the trainer. If the trainer is stuck training his 6-10 wiht 200 other poke's (sparsely used and have low confidence from previous losses) in the PC, he/she shouldnt expect them to automatically accept (obey) the trainer.

you can be good at the game and still lose to several other players in a row,

Pokemon is one of those "here and now" games, as most are. No one cares if you know the rules or if you have an amazing team. Only thing that constitues a "good player" is defeating your opponent at that given point in time. If you're unable to defeat your opponent, then you're obviously no good.
fairly simple eh.

Other Chat / Re: Post Your Own Pic Thread
« on: July 22, 2010, 06:32:49 PM »
I could, and I might, but not now I will some other time.

Maybe the Camera messed up?

What's so hard about admitting the pic was taken 2 years ago?

Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 22, 2010, 02:19:11 PM »
I like the confidence level. I think it shouldn't be affected by pvp battles, though, because you don't really have to be bad at the game to lose in a crapstorm* of people that are looking up strategies for battles during the battle.

lol, what do you have against challenges?
Oh, and the confidence thing would also have to rely on how often players are allowed to re-challenge (non-gym related) NPCs. Obviously if the option to re-challenge NPCs is available, the NPCs would end up possessing stronger poke's after subsequent battles (at least that's the idea). So should the confidence lost/gained count more for/against the player when battling NPCs with poke's higher than the base levels ?
 There was a thread, a while back, inquiring about re-battling... but I cant find the thread.. nor do i remember if there was a definite conclusion to if it will even be available.
And, should confidence gained be applied to an entire team... or just the poke's used. Same for losses, should the confidence lost only be applied to the team, or for all poke's (even the one's in PC)?

Other Chat / Re: Post Your Own Pic Thread
« on: July 21, 2010, 10:23:12 PM »
Me, just chillin'



New Trainers / Welcome / Re: New trainer hangout
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:12:12 AM »

Has anyone else noticed how like 20 other people have this exact avatar?

General Chat / Re: If you were a pokemon, which one would you be?
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:08:24 AM »
Probably a chansey.
Only because i feel dainty today.

Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:05:46 AM »
Im getting Sick of the BS. All the fighting is getting out of hand, Its pointless, SO STOP.

Bottom Line: Ghost has his Ideas, we have ours, thats life, suck it up.

Your wasting your time fighting an argument no one is going to win. Forget it.

Who's arguing? who's fighting?
He's presenting his points, im presenting mine... kinda like.. ya know.. a conversation.....   

You, stop bit- crying!
Hm... what about... your pokemon losing confidence in you?

I like this idea, but the confidence thing would have to be present in all battle types to really be effective. There will be other things to do in PU besides battling gym leaders.
There could possibly be a whole week or month gap in between gym battles.... so what are the poke's to do.. maintain the same level of confidence even though he's battling 100 other times in PvP PvE and NPCvP?

Japanese Entertainment / Re: Deathnote
« on: July 21, 2010, 03:53:38 AM »
Not sure if you've read the manga (post L), but i can assure you that the best thing the Mangaka did was end it.
Deathnote easily turned from suspenseful and action packed to talkative and never-ending after a while.
The anime left a ton of things conversations out only to not bore the crap out of those that werent already bored to death.

Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 20, 2010, 05:58:53 PM »
lol, if they are spending all of their time in the gym battling and re-battling.. no one's gonna ever notice. PLus, that isnt humiliating at all. Some may even strive for "Newfag loser" status for the lulz.
And some people make an effort to die, it still sucks, though. And they aren't spending all their time in the gym. They have eight hours after the battle where the gym is totally useless after the gym trainers are beat. 

That is tantamount to one's bed-time. Havent you heard of spam accounts? If i wanted to spam (via power leveling), i'd just log into it right before going to bed battle, lose.. then log in when i wake up.
*cough cough*, still being exploited. Losing a poke (and/or something valuable) would completely eliminate exploitation.
I dont think anyone can seriously argue that. (I agree, it borders the land of absurdity yet it is undoubtedly effective.)
Are you bashing this idea because it's different because as i've said many times before, it is fairly reasonable and actually presents a challenge (that no one is willing to take on)  :'( .

That is just like saying that a person who works and goes to school all through his/her life and becomes an entreprenuer to finally become a millionaire (the player defeating the Gym leader with little effort) is at the same level as a homeless drunk meth-head, that dropped out of highschool, that wins the lottery (the player that takes a little longer to get to his million dollar goal, but FINALLY gets it.)
Yea, they both have a million dollars, but seriously, are they really on the same level? Will they ever really be on the same level? seriously?>

It's not like that at all. The homeless guy just got lucky in the lottery, whereas the player who took several tries to beat the gym leader EARNED the win.

You're assuming too much...
I never said the homeless guy actually tried. Only thing the homeless drunk, meth-head actually did was rely on luck (the lottery)... no effort involved. It only took him a long time for luck to kick in... not his hard work and effort.
While the entrepreneur reaches his goal with "little effort" (as stated above, not several attempts..). The Entrepreneur completed the task because he/she was prepared, well in advance (the schooling and hard work).
Again, are they really on the same level?>
Imagine someone who became a millionare at age twenty, as opposed to one that became a millionare at age twenty-seven. They're both millionares, but it took the second guy a bit longer. They're still on the same level.

What does age have to do with anything? I think that a man's effort speaks more loudly that his age/experience.
The argument could go either way.. the 20 and 27 year old's maturity, gender, financial investments, family background, criminal history, place of residency and other factors actually make your example impossible to really know what the level is and what it takes to really be on what level.
While mine is fairly simple..... homeless drunkard (Player that loses for the hell of it, or is just that bad) <<<<<<<<<<<< Hard-working individual (player that is prepared, aware of potential costs.. and is willing to take the risk) everytime.
Not even close. Never ever will be close
Never mentioned the farming of exp. Only poke's
You did, actually. Even in that post.

Even in what post? No i didnt. I've said etc... but never EXP..... how and why would exp be taken away when you can simply take away a poke?

...If they are exploiting the system by power leveling...
Not a member of team rocket, but a member of the pokemon league commision (PLC).
Example to help you all understand mi pointo, Try teaching the piano to a 30 year old guy wiht no sense of rhythm, timing, or talent whatsoever. Everyday, coming in just as bad as he was the day before. Are you going to quit tutoring him because he's bad? NO. because he's paying your bills. Why stop?
Will you continue to charge him (or charge him even more) even though he'll never get better? Probably.
Continuing to charge this guy, that is the toll for wasting time and effort.
Same concept for gym leaders.
WHich is, as said before, fairly reasonable.
Are we touching up on your personal life here? :D 

Just a little.
And no, it isn't fairly reasonable. The piano teacher is charging money. He's not taking your pets as payment.

Same concept here... instead of losing money, you'd lose a poke' (the toll). Anyone's that ever played a Pokemon handheld know how insignificant money is... and anyone's that ever played a pokemon handheld knows how valuable pokemon are.
Which is a fairly reasonable trade-off.

*cough cough*

Dont want to lose a poke' dont lose.

...and Three in a party means that you have three more slots for fillers, to prevent you from losing anything you care about.

Alright, if you'd lose a pokemon.. whether you care about it or not, why the lack of acceptance?

Other Chat / Re: Chit chat thread
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:54:29 PM »
Hm... I must have it confused with some other language with freakishly complex characters. I'm gonna go check the book I read that in.

What book is it?

Game Features / Re: gym battles
« on: July 20, 2010, 03:34:37 PM »
Yea, i dont get the slow animation argument either. But if you argue now for simple 1v1 battles, I dont think you're ready for the 3v3 battles being introduced in black/white.

Jobs / Re: I want to know what a good pixel art progarm is
« on: July 20, 2010, 03:17:02 PM »
If im not mistaken, the PU team uses Vector, not pixel art.

I was mistaken .

But yea, the two Boyben10 mentioned are good pixel art programs

Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 20, 2010, 03:02:43 PM »
You keep saying harsh punishments, but, c'mon, there are ways to punish people without haxxing their pokemon. And as long as we're okay with doing things that could easily be considered unfair, why don't we make that punishment be that the words "Newfag loser" appear above their name until they beat the gym leader?

lol, if they are spending all of their time in the gym battling and re-battling.. no one's gonna ever notice. PLus, that isnt humiliating at all. Some may even strive for "Newfag loser" status for the lulz.
If they are exploiting the system by power leveling, they arnt going to care what's placed over their heads when they are gaining insane levels.

 And honestly, they DO deserve the same status as someone who beat the gym on try one, regardless of how many attempts it took them. Wanna know why? Because the second they beat that gym leader, they have made the very same accomplishment that the other guy did, albeit it took him longer.

That is just like saying that a person who works and goes to school all through his/her life and becomes an entreprenuer to finally become a millionaire (the player defeating the Gym leader with little effort) is at the same level as a homeless drunk meth-head, that dropped out of highschool, that wins the lottery (the player that takes a little longer to get to his million dollar goal, but FINALLY gets it.)
Yea, they both have a million dollars, but seriously, are they really on the same level? Will they ever really be on the same level? seriously?>

Moreover, you can lose to a gym leader three times... without xp farming or being a 'loser'.

Never mentioned the farming of exp. Only poke's
It took me about four tries each game to beat the elite four, and PU is supposed to make the gym leaders much more challenging than anything from the handhelds.

I was only talking about gym leaders. I understand how difficult it is to defeat the elite. Hell, it's in their name. But Fisherman Barneypants (the water gym leader) doesnt seem to be a member of the elite.

And again, what is this gym leader, a secret member of team rocket? What business does he have, taking your pokemon?

Not a member of team rocket, but a member of the pokemon league commision (PLC).
Example to help you all understand mi pointo, Try teaching the piano to a 30 year old guy wiht no sense of rhythm, timing, or talent whatsoever. Everyday, coming in just as bad as he was the day before. Are you going to quit tutoring him because he's bad? NO. because he's paying your bills. Why stop?
Will you continue to charge him (or charge him even more) even though he'll never get better? Probably.
Continuing to charge this guy, that is the toll for wasting time and effort.
Same concept for gym leaders.
WHich is, as said before, fairly reasonable.


...And even if this were implemented, it would be laughably easy to exploit. I normally only used three pokemon in the handhelds, which I pulled off by making them very different types and levelling them far beyond that particular zone's norm. That leaves three slots just for fillers, to save you the trouble of losing a rare pokemon you were in the process of training when you lost to the gym leader for the third time.

Never said rarest, only the weakest (PLease dont twist the text.) But if your weakest just happened to be rare, oops.   :'( .
The suggestion suggests that the weakest in one's party be taken. I'd imagine a part of 3 still equals a party.   :-\

Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 20, 2010, 02:33:16 PM »
losing your pokemon because you lost a battle??? come on are you being serious??? thats is the dumbest and most ridiculous  thing i have ever heard, i for one am sure glad you are not making this game, or have any part in  making this game. enough said...

The dumbest and most ridiculous.. really?... It's only dumb to you because you and everyone else is so used to being able to parade through a game without consequence, one little obstacle that doesnt appear in the handhelds is automatically assumed as dumb, may want to stop crying and learn to adapt (an overture to evolution, mind you).
If pokemon were real, no gym leader would ever have the patience to seriously battle the same loser 20 times. (am I right?) Something would have to be lost (Im also aware that poke's arent real). And dead weight  (ex. lvl 8 paras) seems about right.
Im fairly sure the loss of poke's wont be implemented but it's obvious that that something needs to be lost.
Heck, most gym badges in the handhelds are worth more than some of the weak a$$ poke's out there.
And as I said before, stop crying. It's only a suggestion.
And as I've said many times before, if your poke's were worth half a crap, it wouldnt take as many attempts to battle in the first place. It's an easy concept, dont make 20 attempts to defeat a gym leader, if you do... you may lose the dead weight in your team.
I dont get how that is dumb at all. tbh.
Is it because you didnt think of it? Is it because it's different? Is it because you planned to power level and losing (dead weight) poke's would interfere? Is it because losing poke's has never been a consequence ever in the history of pokemon?

This is an MMO after all.
I'd seriously like to hear how it is dumb...
It is certainly more effective than,
"hey.... you have to wait 20 minutes because you've already lost to me 11 times earlier today without any signs of improvement."

Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:26:51 AM »
Uh... I get the losing something of value, but... how can you justify taking away their pokemon

If a player wins a gym battle, it enables them to move on to the next gym without incident, Unlock new quests and content, and explore new lands The gym badge that they recieve is among the most valuable things in the game. It's a symbol for status and tenure in the game.
WHy should a player that loses 20 times and gets lucky on the 21st try get the same prize and acheive the same status as a player that pwns in the first or second attempt, without any kind of punishment for losing? Something has to be lost and if it's a pokemon, the penalty seems reasonable.

or calling other players losers?
If you dont want to lose anything valuable... how about not lose.

And... there shouldn't be a loss of exp, there should just be a loss of money

totally agree, I never mentioned anything of the loss of exp.

I get having to 'pay' for a second loss, so that can be justified, but will you honestly become a worse trainer by losing a match?

If there isnt a legitimate (reason to fear) penalty or punishment for losing, abuse and boredom eventually become the outcome. Trainers that lose a first time will experience the thrill and urgency of actually getting better before re-battling... rather than rebattling 10 minutes later and getting pwned numerous times without any will to improve.
Harsh punishments or the potential of a harsh outcome brings out the best in people.

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