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Messages - Level5Pidgey

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 32
Trainers Lounge / Re: queston about starters?
« on: October 02, 2011, 12:54:19 AM »
Actually stat wise the starters are fairly weaker than a whole lot of other Pokemon. They are just a bit more balanced and less specialized.

Actually, to the contrary, at the base stat total of 525, Starters are actually in the higher echelons of power.

Quite far above the general average of ~450.

That said they're not exactly pseudo-legendaries.

Game Features / Re: A balance for weather abilities
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:53:18 PM »
If you don't 'Weather Abuse', build a stategy around it. (Ex. Drought Ninetales or a pokemon with a weather move.)

So, if you don't abuse weather - abuse weather?


Also check my post count. Oh yes.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Marriage
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:51:36 PM »

Also lol, Wailord =/

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: Hyper Zombie Timecops!
« on: September 27, 2011, 02:28:08 PM »
After planning his day, John turned off the TV, gathered his wallet and phone - and opened the front door.
Stepping out, he looked upwards... there were brilliant lights in the sky!
And festival music!

Of course! Today is the Day of the Dead!
John had forgotten - but Tequila was in order either way.

Looking up and down his street, John could see other residents and their families all dressing up to have a day of fun and remembrance.

He had some errands to run, but John decided to attend the festival first. Errands can wait.
He followed the source of the lights - which appeared to be the park two streets over.


John started quickly north - past ghouls, bodies and houses. Posters for the "Day of the Dead" festival that was supposed to take place today were all around. John guessed it had been postponed due to... yeah.
As he moved, John tried to be quick, but quiet - to attract as little attention as possible.
Plus, he was feeling hungry - so so hungry... if only he had eaten before he left home, he might have been able to muster up a jog.

As John walked, he recounted his plan. There was a small corner shop down the street, which would have a number of useful objects, primarily food. But, John knew it also had torches, bottles, gloves, underwear - you know, the essentials.
If John couldn't reach it though, there was another a few streets away - you have to plan for the worst, right? (2/20 Unhatched Chickens Uncounted)
It never hurts to keep an uncharacteristically level head.

The further John walked, the more he began to scuff his feet - and the more sound his shoes made, the more zombies that started to perk their heads as he passed, and stumble up onto their knees.

And as John walked, the party of shamblers tailing him grew - there were 4 now.
Looking behind him, John wished he had worn softer shoes, but with his sneakers, he was outspeeding them fairly easily.
What ghouls do have over humans though, is their stamina. John knew that on such a low stomach, he'd have to take action soon.

John checked his bag to see what was available - "Okay Commando Zazzerpants McGruder... time to do your thing!" John exclaimed - throwing his toy out behind him.
Walking backwards to see if it tripped the zombies, John felt his heel clip a crack in the pavement - and as if hoisted by his own petard, he started to fall backwards himself.

But then he stopped.

John revealed the trait "Ominous Oblivious"! John is immune to horror cliche!

Well that seems useful.
With the adrenaline pumping through his system, John felt like he could run.

Good thing too, because the toy only tripped up one of the four-strong mini-horde on the chase.

John ran the rest of the way to the store, before clubbing a zombie in the doorway with his frying pan.
The loud twang of John's vertical hit echoed throughout the store, and the immediate area.

John leapt into the store, and locked the doors.
That's another reason why corner shops are great - being a common victim of burglary, there are more safety measures than your average store. Thank God for door-bars.

John readied his frying pan to deal with any undead in the store - but he started to shake as the adrenaline wore off.
He needs food... fast... better bust any necessary skulls quickly.


John's health: 34/100.

John gained the trait 'Uncharacteristically Level Head'!
John revealed the trait 'Ominous Oblivious'!
John is immune to horror cliche.
   - John cannot trip while being chased.

John gained +1 Penchant for Non-Generalisation! (2/20 Unhatched Chickens Uncounted)
Commando Zazzerpants McGruder gained +100 exp!
John gained +10 shared exp!
John gained +25 exp!

John still Has:
   - Kitchen Knife
   - Brain-Splattered Frying Pan (+1 Int)
   - TV Remote
   - Bright Raincoat
   - Hilarious Shirt
   - Denim Jeans (+1 Bite Resist)
   - Self-Referential Video Game

John is Hungry! 5/250 Stomach Capacity.
John is Tired! 0/100 Adrenaline.

Jobs / Re: Applying for a writing position
« on: September 26, 2011, 07:33:52 AM »
Okay here it is. Although it isn't based on pokemon, but a random scene.
sorry if it takes a while to get through i couldn't upload it so it's pasted.
  Quest writer application.
Created by Blake on the 26th September 2011
Starting scene.

You wake up, dazed and look around for a bit. It takes a while for you to notice everything around you is lovely. You hear the cries of joy and the courageous roars of the evolving Jigglypuffs. Your brain clears and you stand, but as you do a Jigglypuff sings for you, surprised you jump out of the way and pick up a Pokeball.

Officer Jenny: You! Get over here and help defend the Pokemart, we’re outnumbered 3 to 1.

You: Yes sir!?
Task =   Hug as many Jigglypuffs as you can.
Rewards = Pokemon Herpes
After quest completion.

Officer Jenny: Great work! I think these STIs are well earned.

Once you receive the items you are welcomed by the tradesmen to a hearty meal and drink.

Adapted. :D

News & Announcements / Re: Level5Pidgey's BIRTHDAY!!
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:44:00 AM »
Actually, I've had 2 b'days here - so it'd be Level 7 Pidgey now! :o

Trainers Lounge / Re: Pokemon Universe Community Tournament
« on: September 26, 2011, 01:06:19 AM »
Congrats! Next tourney should defs use a balance server :3
It will get rid of some problems like team predicting and me having a big mouth when commentating XD

Also possibly seed the tourney battles such that the best teams meet in the finals - I would argue that EE and PU Balance Team were 2 of the biggest threats, so to knock one out in Round 1 means that the most exciting battles were likely too early. most tournaments attempt to separate the top threats early.

Also teams need to be more ready and timezones need to be sorted out better, so everyone's available when they need to be, but, for a first tourney, that's always the case ^_^

But overall, congrats EE!
We'll have to do this again soon, I had a lot of fun!

Trainers Lounge / Re: Searching for PUCT Commentators
« on: September 25, 2011, 11:25:50 AM »
I can commentate

News & Announcements / Re: Level5Pidgey's BIRTHDAY!!
« on: September 24, 2011, 12:22:11 AM »
Thanks again! <3

News & Announcements / Re: Level5Pidgey's BIRTHDAY!!
« on: September 23, 2011, 03:32:33 PM »
Thank you everyone!

Trainers Lounge / Re: team needed
« on: September 21, 2011, 11:36:56 AM »
Congrats. You have earned yourself a warning for deliberately spamming the forum. =/

Keep tourney discussion in the tourney thread thanks...

In-Forum Games / Re: Last post wins! (Pidgey DEFINITELY wins)
« on: September 20, 2011, 11:17:07 PM »
Aaaactually, you both changed the title of your posts... silly XP

/changes thread title.

I think that makes the win official - I was the only one pro enough to change the topic title XP

In-Forum Games / Re: Last post wins!
« on: September 20, 2011, 12:54:57 PM »
Oh poop a challenger approaches!

In-Forum Games / Re: Last post wins!
« on: September 20, 2011, 11:26:58 AM »
/eliminates 90% of the competition.

Winning is fun!

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: pokemon style/editing
« on: September 20, 2011, 02:36:14 AM »
I think this is actually a good idea - not for wide consumption, but perhaps for very unique and special rewards?

Like, I disagree with the idea of making triple the sprites or whatever, but, one or two here and there would not be such a bad idea I think.

Only issue is, how we would ensure that the designs are in the spirit of Pokemon and not going to that "Fakemon" area.

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