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Messages - Gammal

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 15
Computers & Technology / Re: Feista
« on: April 27, 2010, 11:44:36 AM »
i really didnt like it when i tried it im still looking for another mmorpg to play

Looking for a cool mmo?


In-Forum Games / Re: [GAME]Add 3 words
« on: April 24, 2010, 10:40:56 AM »
But this was

In-Forum Games / Re: [GAME]Add 3 words
« on: April 23, 2010, 09:20:24 PM »
very small green

In-Forum Games / Re: [Game] Rate That Signature!!
« on: April 23, 2010, 09:19:25 PM »
noo 7/10 bit sadface :).

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Trainer Specializations
« on: April 23, 2010, 09:17:12 PM »
I might add actully, that there is a small chance we can impliment something that effects pvp AND pvp, what you need to do is take the fact that it does into concidiration when comming up with and idea :)

Dont be afraid to post stupid ones, better to have posting, then no posting at all.

Use Search
Think how it effects pvp AND pve

Art Work / Re: Sig's
« on: April 23, 2010, 02:51:24 PM »
I would love an Umbreon that looks sinister, possibly with an Akatsuki mark somewhere on it(look my current sig) Ty

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Trainer Specializations
« on: April 22, 2010, 09:42:00 AM »
I like how some people consider themselves specialist trainers, like fire-type, water-type, etc.  So, I was thinking it would be cool to earn points as you level up or something (i don't know how you level up or if you even do).  Then you can spend those points into improving the types of attacks you specialize in.  So you specialize in fire, you can put points into improving your fire damage.  Or say you specialize in ice-types, you can put points into decreasing your enemies speed with your attacks.  Those are just examples you can come up with much more cool abilities like that I am sure.

/discuss :)

When you say earn points when you level up i assume you mean your pokemon right? Are you saying they should gain a certain like specialization point everytime they level up? Im just a bit confused on your idea. If each pokemon gained maybe like 1 specilization point everytime they leveled up and the trainer could use those points in a special menu to upgrade things like you said, that would be very interesting. I kind of like that idea. And in this menu maybe each pokemon had different things they could upgrade like fire damage or crit chance. If this would be put it i would think it would create a whole new playing experience with people being able to customize their pokemons abilities beyond what any of the handhelds have done.

This is already being planned, and we call it it a talent tree.
Use the search button, look forward to it :)

Also, with the whole Specialization deal. Let me be clear on this point.

We will NOT implement ideas that are not 100% directed towards PVP but still changes it, its simple enough. If you got a nice idea for PVP, cool post it please.
But if you have an idea on when a trainer has walked 9999steps all his Pokemons stats grow with 10%, then....Do you really wanna know?

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Pokédex - Features
« on: April 22, 2010, 09:39:58 AM »
How about you just make the Pokedex available in the Items menu so that IF the player wants to use it in battle he can.
But remove this in a PVP fight, otherwise a player could hold up the battle to long.

Thats exactly hat I posted. Except that I think it should be available in PVP as well. 

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: An idea that just came to me
« on: April 21, 2010, 04:09:11 PM »
actully.... How about letting the pokemons have 2different move-sets? That´s kinda the same thing, but it still limits you to having 6 pokes?

News & Announcements / Re: Happy Birthday Urmel
« on: April 21, 2010, 03:17:52 PM »

Yeah... I dont really like the umbreon, the face is F-ed up :D

General Chat / Re: If you were a pokemon, which one would you be?
« on: April 20, 2010, 07:10:02 PM »
A Nidoran! Man they are so cool!


leafeon from front :)


Do Umbreon cool like that and you got my support :D
^ ^ ill try that next which do you prefer shiny or normal?

Normal OFC!


leafeon from front :)


Do Umbreon cool like that and you got my support :D

Games / Re: Your Favorite thing bout the Pokemon Games you loved.
« on: April 20, 2010, 10:51:02 AM »
Well, I LOVED the story in Pokémon Crystal, and I spent many hours searching for Suicune.

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