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Messages - Mr.Doomtrain

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: [Merged] Your Favorite Pokémon!
« on: April 09, 2010, 09:16:25 PM »
I have a top 3, if you dont mind.
1.Krabby/Kingler - I practicly fell in love with this pokemon from the anime (oh the childhood), plus I like crabs and crab-like animals. (awesome pincers)
2. Snorlax - It is a bear..... In relation to the ultimate animal of this planet. (In my opinion) You dont talk back to a giant bear, because bears are... sublime (sorry, loss for words)
3. Electabuzz - I have no idea. It seems unique... plus a very good electric-type.

Ideas & Suggestions / Re: Pokemon in Player battles
« on: April 08, 2010, 07:07:32 PM »
Even though I think you didn't quite understand my Idea to the fullest, but that's ok. I guess that was only a fear in my own false logic.
Big thanks for this answer, I appreciate it.

Ideas & Suggestions / Pokemon in Player battles
« on: April 08, 2010, 05:27:07 PM »
I am concerned about the PvP in this game.
Here is a situation I wouldn't want - When 2 players meet - battle.... They battle until all of the pokemon has fainted. This is fine in theory, but there is one problem: Type Match-ups.
Will players be able to switch out their pokemon freely?
The point I am trying to make.... Example:
I battle and we put out our first pokemon in line- I have started with a fire-type and the opponent (who we will be calling mr.Guy) has started with a grass type pokemon. It would be a good match-up for me, but suddenly mr.guy switches to a water-type pokemon to counter my fire type, I reply by switching to a electric-type---- While mr.guy tries to go on my weakness again and switches to ground type--so on and so on until we get where we started with barely of any battle done.... That is a situation I dont want to be in.
Will players be able to switch out their pokemon freely in pvp battles?

If not great.... But it really all ends up on the first pokemon's type. We keep countering each other until the obvious mathematical result - the one who was lucky on the first turn wins the entire thing.

My suggestion to keep preventing this kind of result in PvP, is that it would be.... Like the Battle Tent in 3rd gen. When the battle is announced, the both players pick out 3 pokemon that they will decide to use in the battle. And they battle! No switching, you can only switch when your pokemon have fainted! 3 pokemon defeated and a winner can be declared!

There is probably something I missed in the forums or the site regarding this question. (Tried the search bar, didn't find much) But I am really concerned about the fairness of the battle system. Yes, I know my idea is probably pretty lame, and it is probably too late to implement it, but I find it relatively plausible.

Bottom line: I do not want PvP battles to become switch-fests. What should we do to prevent this?

I feel stupid asking this question.

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