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Messages - Level5Pidgey
« on: December 11, 2011, 10:47:14 AM »
L... Ledian gets Spore? O.o
Had I known, it would have lost it.
Related: Sleep Clause should always be on. That is going to be in the standard battle rules for PU.
Our plan of attack: Ledian and Sceptile will lose Sleep. Quiver Dance will lose SDef boost.
Where I am: As you all probably know, I'm crazy inactive atm. I currently have a full time job as a games programmer that I do for 10 hours day, and it's a 3 hour travel each way. So I don't have really... any... time? I have weekends but they're generally used for other professional things, catching up on sleep, catching up with friends, and working on my own game side-projects (which unfortunately PU isn't on the top of that list atm). Sorry for any inconvenience. I'ma make edits/teach Fred how asap though ^_^
« on: December 02, 2011, 11:31:30 PM »
It's going to become Dragon Dance on the Spec side.
« on: November 22, 2011, 09:25:36 PM »
I'll check out Butterfree, but agreed on like - if you son't like the idea of Pokemon being changed, I'd go ahead and leave the site?
« on: November 20, 2011, 12:51:25 AM »
Spiritomb like... didn't get changed and it's actually not a crazy strong poke. I doubt it's OP.
What was on your team?
« on: November 19, 2011, 03:33:42 AM »
No, it's server side. I've already added it to the tier list. As well as banning quick claw, since I've been seeing heaps of people using it. It'll come in the next time we update the server.
I might actually fix Quick Claw my own way... hehehe
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:46:56 PM »
There will likely be a "Safe Trade" option - which is basically, you undergo the trade process, and everything happens as such (Pokedexes are expanded, Pokes evolve), but the Pokemon never actually go to the other trainers. It'll look like they do - but they'll trade back immediately.
Even if the other person D/Cs from the server during this trade, there will be no changes to parties as the Poke will never leave your team.
So it'll be safe ^_^
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:44:10 PM »
In normal Pokemon, there are 3 basic contributions to stats:
Base Stats: Stats unique to each species of Pokemon (example Infernape != Blastoise) IVs: Randomised on capture/hatch (0-31 range) EVs: Gained as you battle (0-63 stat range)
We changed them as such
Base Stats: We have manually altered these for most Pokemon to make each of them good in battle, so Delibird, Sudowoodo, and Blastoise will all be useful.
IVs: Instead of being Random from 0-31 range, they are random in 15-31 Range. This means you're less likely to need to breed/capture hundreds of Pokemon for good stats (/have pokemon ruined by bad stats) - but if you do want to put in the effort, that will still help.
EVs: They will contribute the same amount, but rather than being gained by beating certain types of Pokemon, you will be able to distribute them as you wish as you level (somehow, still working it out). This means you can train Pokemon competitively as you play, rather than having to reset them at Max level (because you couldn't control what you were battling) and respec.
That should be about it ^_^
« on: November 11, 2011, 11:34:59 PM »
... I'll give you three guesses?
You know, if this is for an RP - it's probably better off in the RP forum... as you said in your original post...
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:38:15 AM »
John remembered he wasn't alone in the bed however, he yelped as he discovered the zombie perched on top of him - and narrowly avoided the ex-woman's grasp as he pushed her off the bed. He caught a glimpse of her bloodstained face as she fell back against his floor - it was his date from two nights ago... or.. last night? "When am I?"
John walked through his front door, slamming it behind him. This alerted several walkers nearby - who began to shamble after John as he trudged towards the source of the lights.
John woke - to hear clawing at the shop's door... looking out the window - he saw at least thirty zombies all gathered around the shop. He walked down the stairs to the first floor to investigate.
Cautiously, he rounded the store - peering down each aisle. No zombies appeared to break in. Nearing the door, he could hear the sounds of chewing, and flesh tearing. It looked like someone had tried to get in - an older man who looked like he had an army uniform on.
He was just a few steps from the door - and on closer inspection, had a bullet in his head. Poor thing.
Enough of that - John was in a store full of potentially useful resources - and with only more ghouls being attracted by the fresh course, he may need to escape soon. Finding the store's cleaning closet - he knew just what to look for. He retrieved a steel handled mop - and pulled off the head, securing his kitchen knife within the handle with putty and tape.
Testing it out, however - he felt that while the reach would be useful if he was skewering an unsuspecting fish, it would be useless in close quarters combat, if a ghoul were to get closer than the length of the handle - John would be defenceless. For this reason, he broke the handle with a hammer - making the weapon just longer than his arm.
This way it could be used for slashing and be used in close quarters without balance problems - while still fulfilling the original desire of having a little more reach.
As John went to grab a bag of chips to top up his stomache, he heard commotion coming from up the road. Climbing the stairs - he tried to find an onlooking window.
John staggered out of the house - gazing upwards, there were lights in the sky. They were different to the ones earlier though - they were more directed, more ominous. Disoriented as he looked back down to the ground, John headed left. THe best place to be right now would be the little corner shop down the street. Hopefully no-one else had already thought of the plan before him.
Clutching his Meat Cleaver and putting on his shades, John walked down the street. He worked up to a jog as he noticed the small pack of undead forming behind him - but he had energy to spare. Easily besting the zombie's walkspeed, he continued to jog - until his toe clipped a crack in the pavement - and he fell face first to the ground.
John watched, as a man fell to the ground, and a small horde gathered around him. Just as he started to look away however, a brilliant light eminating from the center of the group caught his eye.
John looked on, as a strange sphere of light encapsulated the pack. (3/20 Unhatched Chickens Uncounted)
John's health: 85/100.
John gained the trait 'Crafty'!
John gained +1 Penchant for Non-Generalisation! (3/20 Unhatched Chickens Uncounted) John gained +25 exp!
John still Has: - Kitchen Knife - Brain-Splattered Frying Pan (+1 Int) - TV Remote - Bright Raincoat - Hilarious Shirt - Denim Jeans (+1 Bite Resist) - Self-Referential Video Game
John is Full! 210/250.
« on: November 06, 2011, 10:22:38 PM »
I'm not really a fan of the "Tricky Attacker" post.
I have never heard that term in Pokemon before, and you're listing literally several different strategies - and labeling them the same thing. What makes an ability a "Tricky" ability and others not?
You've pretty much lumped status inducers, phazers, spike abusers, one-turn set-ups, and a bunch of often useless gimmick sets under a single heading that no-one's ever heard of. There are all very different strategies.
Plus yeah, I have never heard the term "tricky attacker" and I doubt I ever will. I suggest you rename the post "Alternate Strategies" or "Uncommon Strategies" and go through editing references out, as well as clarifying what the post is actually about.
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:41:23 AM »
See ya.
« on: November 04, 2011, 11:26:19 PM »
A thread for you guys to share cool sets - and critique them! If you post a really good one we might include it in our reports!
« on: November 04, 2011, 10:09:20 PM »
Okay, not really an issue related to PO, but the report for Smeargle lacks the base stats 
That's fine! This is the right place to report that I'll fix that now!
« on: November 03, 2011, 08:02:07 PM »
That's fine
We haven't balanced Drapion, so I'm really not sure of where that came from.
« on: November 03, 2011, 07:58:11 PM »
Hey guys, I recently held a competition where people in my campus at college made games in 48 hours straight! I didn't enter because I ran the comp - but while the teams were making games, I decided to make one on my own! This game took me 30 hours (I did all the design, porogramming and art by myself)'ll need Unity Web Player) Flighty Hordes is a game where you shoot zombies out of cannons so they can catch brains in mid-air.