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Messages - Mr_Dark

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 76
News & Announcements / Re: Website offline and future of PU
« on: July 14, 2015, 09:12:24 AM »
EDIT: Sh!t Mr_Dark I just realised we never went for that beer. Ik laat je wel weten als ik terug in Nederland bent.

Sure man, just send me a mail once you're in the neighbourhood :)

News & Announcements / Re: Website offline and future of PU
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:39:45 PM »
I understand this is hard for some (myself included), because we've been through a lot. The easy way out would be to let the site continue as a Pokemon community. We'd just remove all the MMO related pages and forum boards. Then we'd assign some new Admins who're going to advertise and run the site.

What I read in your replies is that the new pokemon-universe.com could focus on General pokemon chit chat, role playing and the balance server. It would probably not attract the big crowd, but just the people who are interested in RPing or playing competitive pokemon.

Might not be much, but atleast the site will not go away.

News & Announcements / Re: Website offline and future of PU
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:16:37 AM »
I am severely dissapointed in this. I had been waiting for sooo very long to get to play the game. I'm sure if you had only released a working beta for people to play online on, than this project may very well have gone much further than this.

I wish That this was finished.  :'( :'( :'(
I agree, i have been following this sense back in 2009, it could have come to become a great thing and it is very sad to see it go. Sadly things happen and i understand that, but even so i still have at least some hope this game will be made. I dont want to pressure anyone but hey, even if the game didn't and doesn't get made at least we got to meet some very amazing people. Here is to hoping everything somehow works out and this game becomes a thing again! Even if it doesn't i hope that everyone who has been on here has a great life and will continue to have a great life from here onward!

Over the years we've worked on PU with great enthusiasm, but we had a lot of set backs - mainly regarding art. Of course we could have used sprites from the original games, but we were too proud because we didn't want to be like all the other games. Looking back at it, it would have been better to use the original art and then later upgrade it, but yea, we were young back then and didn't knew better.

Time passed by and more people on team started to lose interest in the game, Pokemon in general or maybe they (like me and Urmel) graduated and started working full-time. I work full-time as a developer and even if I wanted to I can't find the motivation at night to code on some other project (even thou I have a couple going on). I'd rather load up Guild Wars 2 and play that for a while before heading to bed (btw, I'm also guild leader of one of the bigger PvE guilds in GW2 - 400 members).

Anyway back on topic. In the last 2 years or so I've tried to re-ignite the spark and get this game going again, but failed due to lack of time and people. For those who think it's easy to run a project like this. It's not. From the front it might seem easy but there's a lot going on behind the curtains which you never get to witness.

Everyone who ever worked on this project did this for free because they liked the idea and wanted to donate some of their free time.
I'm very grateful to everyone I've worked with and met during this project.

News & Announcements / Website offline and future of PU
« on: June 22, 2015, 02:10:18 PM »
Website Offline / Server Crash
Last Thursday one of the hard disks in my server failed which caused the website to load very slowly or not at all. Unfortunately I was away for the weekend and was unable to fix it, but now (as you can see) the website is back online.

Future of Pokemon Universe
Since almost nobody is working on the game anymore, I'm open to suggestions on what to do with the website. If you have a nice idea for a (Pokemon related) website which fits our name (Pokemon Universe), feel free to post it in this topic or send me an e-mail.

As it stands now, the website is just a waste of money and bandwidth.

- On average the website still gets about 100 unique visitors each day
- The website still ranks high in search results related to "Pokemon"
- I'll be willing to "sponsor" the domain and website hosting, so you'll only be in charge of the website itself.
- The new website can be a reformat of the site we currently have or something completely new

Let me know if you have any questions or if something is not clear.

News & Announcements / Re: True Love
« on: April 10, 2015, 03:48:10 PM »
Congratulations you two! May you have a happy life together. The force is with you. Etc.. all the good stuff :P

P.s. Paragraphing might make it more readable.

News & Announcements / Re: Wanted: Developers
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:05:17 PM »
Since google code is going to stop, I've exported it to github


- First server writting in Go (doesn't compile against latest Go build chain)
- Client written in Go (we stopped developing this and went to Java+GWT)
- Client written in Java
- Mapping server

If you're really interested in continuing this work, you can probably get the Go server and Java client to work. Otherwise use them as inspiration if you're going to start over.

News & Announcements / Re: Wanted: Developers
« on: February 20, 2015, 11:52:32 AM »
*sigh*, there's so much crap in this topic.. Here we go:

1. GO is not a "poop" language. To counter believes, the language is pretty good documented and even has a tutorial learning site. Those who claim C++ is a better language then GO clearly have no real programming experience.
2. What Baka said; As a programmer you shouldn't really have to care in which language something is, the language is only a tool. GO is like a mix of C++, java and Python, so if you can write one of the above, you should have no problem writing GO.
3. I uploaded the old cpp source code to github so you all can see how much of a pile of poop it is. It's missing all dependencies, so welcome to dependency hell.
4. The latest C# version (also on Github) was a final attempt on creating something structured in a more common language to attract developers, but that stranded due to lack of motivation and time on my side.
5. From what I read, most of the people in this thread are not really developers except for maybe a single file here and there. Building an engine which can be used for a game like this is not build in a week. Sure it's possible, but then you end up with our first CPP version, some kind of unmaintainable beast. This is the part of the reason we started over this much. Maybe it's my fault for wanting everything to be perfect and being too easy in saying "oh this is poop, lets start over".
6. A kickstarter would never work for a project like this. One word: Nintendo. They'll Cease & Desist you so hard you don't even know what hit you.
7. Fiver seems like a nice site, but for finding people to work on a project like this. You want people who're dedicated and want to spent every single minute of their free time working on the project.

P.S. For those who're wondering. I (still) have a full-time job and working on 2 other businesses on the side, so I don't have time to pick-up another project (PU).

Computers & Technology / Re: Post your desktop!
« on: June 05, 2014, 11:45:32 AM »
This is mine at work, pretty plain - http://imgur.com/nPDrlSS

Left - Dell U2211H @ 1920x1080
Center: Dell U2711 @ 2560x1440
Right: Samsung Syncmaster @ 1920x1200

News & Announcements / Wanted: Developers
« on: May 23, 2014, 12:11:28 PM »
Looking for C# and Java developers who can continue my (little) work on the MapEditor (C#, OpenGL), Server (C#) and Client (Java, WebGL).

Most of you know I have a full-time job as a programmer and when I come home in the evening I don't have the will-power to continue working on my own projects. Besides this I'm starting up another business on the side. So when I have some free time I'd rather relax and play a game or watch some tv shows. Therefor I'm looking for people who want to continue the little work I've done. I will still be available to help and perhaps write some code here and there, but building all three products (MapEditor, Server and Client) at the same time is just too much.

Most of our code can be found on our github: https://github.com/PokemonUniverse

If you're interested, feel free to post a reply in this thread or just fork the code you want to work on and submit pull requests for changed code.

Computers & Technology / Re: Post your internet speed!
« on: May 12, 2014, 12:39:44 PM »

Yes, this is real ;)

Art Work / Re: Ponge's first tattoo design (help needed)
« on: April 05, 2014, 11:42:53 AM »
Where do you want to place this tattoo?

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: April 01, 2014, 08:23:29 PM »
Everyone should be able to give karma now

General Chat / Google Maps: Pokémon Challange
« on: April 01, 2014, 05:21:22 PM »
Google Pokemon Master needed. The Beta Test begins.

Yes this really works in Google Maps (mobile) :D

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: March 29, 2014, 05:27:39 PM »
Nah, I might be moving to Leiden to work for a year

What Leiden? That's like 20 min drive from my place :P

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: March 29, 2014, 02:07:59 PM »
Well if things go well, I should be joining you in the Netherlands in a few months :P

Going to visit your family/friends again?

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