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Messages - TrainerX

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 137
Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Legend Of Miltank
« on: April 01, 2014, 05:57:13 AM »
I hope you're kidding Humen. The questions I asked were honest questions; I was serious. I could have said much worse than that if I wanted to insult Cincy.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Re: The Legend Of Miltank
« on: March 31, 2014, 07:52:16 PM »
This is the shortest short story I've read since kindergarten.

What exactly are you attempting to do here? I honestly don't get the point of this story, or why it was written.

Until I know what you were trying to do, the only criticism I can offer is that you need to improve your grammar and punctuation, and add some depth and detail. It just isn't interesting if it's this short and straightforward.

Roleplay Corner / Re: Reviving the Roleplay Corner
« on: March 31, 2014, 07:44:17 PM »
-Annual or Semi-Annual Roleplay Awards
Why don't we reward RP'ers for their efforts? We could have some sort of community voted awards every so many times a year, where members of the community vote for things like best post, best profile (or user with best profiles), best dialogue, best quality, etc. We could have a separate thread set up for this to recognize the winners.
I know of a role-playing forum that does this. They have a pretty large community there, and I guess it's kind of a big deal to them. I dunno though, I've never taken any interest in it.

-RP "Hub"
Yes, we have all sorts of RP chats all over the place, such as PO and Skype, but what if we moved it to PU? We could have  a sort of Hub thread where people can come to talk about RP's in general, as well as discuss their upcoming projects, make suggestions for the RP section, and get feedback on new RP ideas and profiles.
I like this idea. Another plus is that it would help to keep the OOC threads a little cleaner.

-Guidelines and Tip Section
While we have standard rules for RP's and RP'ers, why don't we sort of update it? While their isn't a major problem with it, maybe we could change things up and require more quality and more frequent participation? Coinciding with that, what if we had some sort of tips set out for RP'ers? Like tips, help, and FAQ's giving advice that spans everything from replying to posts on RP's, creating your own, and general writing etiquette.
There are a couple of things in the rules I think should be changed. Specifically, I would like to add a rule which is used on the aforementioned role-playing forum: "The GMs word is law." I don't know if this has been a problem over the past year, but a couple of years ago when I was still RPing, there were a few instances of people arguing with the GM or what is/isn't fair, or what GMs can/can't regulate, etc. I think this rule could help to prevent conflicts like this from popping up as often.

The other thing I would change is this:
14. All RPing, and discussion about the RP must commence within a SINGLE thread. This means that separate threads for "playing" and "planning" are not allowed. It is not necessary for these two parts of the RP be divorced, and it only serves to clutter up the forum.
I'm not sure if this rule does not permit an OOC thread, or if you just can't have a thread solely for planning stuff(in addition to an OOC thread). It either needs to be rewritten or removed.

I think the tips section would be a nice addition.

-New RP Format
Again, I'm just brainstorming, but what if we changed the way that RP's were laid out? What if GM's kept up a summary of everything to happen in the RP so far? I don't have a problem with the way we have RP's set up, such as sections for Profiles, OOCC, and the RP, but is there a way we can improve it? This format, which could go in line with revised rules/guidelines, could possibly demand for more, deeper development of RP's, therefore there would be a higher chance of it reaching a conclusion.
Not sure about this, could you explain further about what you want to be changed?

What if we had some sort of "test" that had to be taken before you could host an RP? What if each RP had its own requirement for participants to join?
I don't think I'll be on board with this. When somebody who is unqualified to host an RP tries to do so, you can usually tell by reading the thread whether or not they're capable enough. I can't really think of a good way to test someone for that.

Each RP should have goals and deadlines to meet in order to keep RP'ers motivated and to keep the RP moving along. The RP could possibly even take short breaks after completing goals to prevent fatigue.
Interesting idea. It could help if the system is implemented properly.

I'll try to think of a few ideas of my own, but it may be a while before I get a chance to post them.

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: March 29, 2014, 10:37:09 PM »
Oh my god! My cover has been blown!
Then my suspicions were correct, it was intentional. Why is it negative karma though?

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:37:44 AM »
I'm wondering whether or not it's a coincidence that her karma is "-1337" Is this just a random error, or is she not 1337?

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:56:43 PM »
It's 10mbps, which is 1.25MB/s. There's faster speeds out there, but this is the fastest speed available out here. It's a hell of a lot faster than the 0.67mbps we were getting before. Our upload speed is only 50kb/s or so, but it was only 15 before.

You know what's really ridiculous though? CenturyTel was charging us $100 a month for our old internet speed and bundled phone stuff. We only have to pay $70 a month now.

On a semi-related topic, we're going to get Hulu and Netflix now that we have good internet. We're telling DirecTV that they can shove their satellite dish up their ass sideways.

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: March 26, 2014, 07:04:25 PM »
Hey guys, it's good to see that the forums have gotten a little more active while I've been gone. Did I miss anything significant? I see that the dev team is giving the karma system another try, it should be interesting to see if people use it properly or not (I don't think there's a single forum I've seen that doesn't abuse the karma system though).

Also, my internet is fast now. Very fast.

I had a few similes to express just how fast it is, but I don't think the admins would appreciate me posting them on the forum. They were incredibly witty though. And by that I mean they would have lowered the IQ of everyone who read them by at least 10 points. Not that an IQ score is actually indicative of one's intelligence, but that's a different topic entirely.

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Pinsir for Roloc
« on: March 16, 2014, 05:28:31 AM »
You know Fuzzy, if you haven't tried your hand at quest writing, I think you should give it a shot. I think you'd be great at it.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Rebuilding the Forums (The "Official" Thread)
« on: March 16, 2014, 05:25:37 AM »
Sadly, our Canadian members are no longer active. Spirit seems to pop in every once in a while, but I haven't seen Luqman in forever, and Silver went off to a role-playing forum with Frenchfry last I knew. I'm pretty sure Frenchfry is still hanging around over there, but I think I recall him saying that Silver got frustrated and quit RPing. Something about too many RPs dying early on I think. Not sure if he went back or not. Wailord was on that forum at one time too, but I think he also may have left.

They're the only members I know the whereabouts of and am able to contact, although I don't think they would care to have me pestering them about coming back to the forums. If the forums get active again and they don't come back on their own I'll let them know, but I don't think they'll be interested in coming back until we have more activity.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Rebuilding the Forums (The "Official" Thread)
« on: March 15, 2014, 11:31:59 PM »
We also need to pinpoint the best time and day to do this. Soul had the same idea and suggested it in our guild quite some time ago, but we never executed it.

Things that you'll have to keep in mind are time zones. Not everyone lives in America. It's good to know when everyone is available. For example, the difference in time between Europe and America is about 6 hours and we even have someone from Australia on the forums.

Of course it's not possible to please everyone, but make sure a large part of the community who wants to can participate if you do so.
Yes, of course. I can see how that would be a problem, but we can probably find a time period at a point where a lot of people could do it. I was thinking we could do this after the school year is over, when more people have more free time. Also, I was thinking we could probably hold this game day/night over a period of more than just a couple of hours, assuming we have enough interest. This idea is for in the future, I'm hoping that after the school year is over we'll have more active members. It's not going to work very well if we only have like ten active members. It's best to plan things like this early on, although I probably brought it up much earlier than needed.
Hard, but not impossible. Alternatively, how about a multiplayer game that doesn't happen in real time? I realise this will be less exciting, but it still brings people together. For example, some of us used to play a free scrabble game that was around somewhere on the internet.
That could work too, and would probably be a better way to start this off. My idea would to work better with more members than with as few members as we have right now, but something turn-based or whatever could work well even with just a small amount of members.
we have about 4 people from australia, 2 from india, 1 from south africa, 5 from europe, and 2 from south america. Thats all the ones I know of. And even then most of those people arent active anymore.

Good luck, toast. Getting people together from all over like this is crazy hard. We had a hard time with our PU community tournament.
What about the North America? I can't be the only one left that's from the U.S.

I might post again later to expand on my ideas, but I'm too worn out right now.

Trainers Lounge / Re: Rebuilding the Forums (The "Official" Thread)
« on: March 15, 2014, 03:09:59 AM »
Alright, so now that my driver's ed class is over, I'll have more free time again. I've been thinking of ways to get the forums active again, and so far I haven't come up with much. Hopefully, now that my schedule isn't as busy, I'll be able to think of some better ideas.

Anyway, I believe I mentioned this before, but I never really went into detail. What do you guys think of having a PU community game night? This is pretty self-explanatory. Basically, we find a multiplayer game, preferably something free to play on PC (until we have more active members on the forums), let people know when we plan to have the game night a week or two ahead of time, and see what happens.

The game should probably be something with low system requirements for those who are using laptops or below-spec desktops. It should be free, and preferably something that everyone could get into and learn fairly easily. The game can still have depth of course, but it shouldn't be really hard for someone new to the game/genre to learn initially. So Team Fortress 2 would be good a good game, but League of Legends probably wouldn't be that great of a game for this. Maybe later we could have an LoL thing though, that could be cool.

So requirements for the game (initially, anyway), would be like this:

Easily accessible and free to play
Low system requirements
Small learning curve when starting out
Preferably for PC(since the majority of members probably own a PC)

So far, I'm thinking we should play Team Fortress 2 or No More Room in Hell if we actually do this. Both are free to play, and have fairly low system requirements. (For those who don't know, No More Room in Hell is a stand-alone game that uses the Source engine. It was originally a mod for some other source engine game, but I don't know for sure which one it was. It's a zombie apocalypse thing, with a great balance of realism and... arcadeyness? You get the point. Just Google it.) And of course, we should wait until people aren't as busy, as this is a busy time of year for a lot of people.

So, any thoughts or suggestions? We can go into more detail later if there's enough support for this.

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: March 09, 2014, 10:18:31 PM »
Well then, I guess I'll have to make an army of annoying Pokemon found in caves instead of an army of Zubat.

That reminds me, how far has the balancing gotten? I stopped keeping up to date with that after I left.

V1 and V2 of PO are the same except that it has a different script because scripts from V1 don't work with V2.
By vanilla PO, I meant unmodded PO.

Other Chat / Re: Chit Chat Thread
« on: March 09, 2014, 05:55:05 PM »
I would've hung around longer, but my dad asked if I wanted to go drive for a while. I didn't even think to ping you, I should have thought of that.

I have a question about the balance server. Is it possible to use six of the same Pokemon in a team? I want to make an extremely annoying Zubat team, but I'm not sure if it will let me. I don't think vanilla PO allows it.

Pokedex Entries / Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lugia
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:49:38 PM »
I think this may be your best entry yet. Keep up the good work!

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hey there guys
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:44:29 PM »
Welcome to the forums brendan_37, be sure to read the rules and FAQ before asking questions or posting.

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