Pokémon Universe > Ideas & Suggestions

npc with pics

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i had this idea coz most mmorpgs have this:

i think adding pics will add more depth on the game.

it may hard to get resources. but i may help in finding/creating them if you want to ^^


--- Quote from: SEEDY on January 05, 2010, 09:05:48 AM ---[..]

it may hard to get resources. but i may help in finding/creating them if you want to ^^

--- End quote ---

finding/creating <--

That's a cool idea. :) I do agree that it adds another dimension to the game.

It'd be cool if we could somehow squeeze in our own profile pics. ;P

Making head shots like that wouldn't be much of a problem. I could help with that, if this venture ever comes to something more. xD

The Fireball Kid:
Ahh what a cool idea. Especially if we could add our own headshot. Nice idea Seedy.

Genius idea, why not take it a step further with perhaps a short animation, perhaps of that  NPC throwing a Pokeball or something along those lines?


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