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Author Topic: [RP] World of Pokemon  (Read 5071 times)

Offline Kat

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[RP] World of Pokemon
« on: August 25, 2010, 09:46:29 PM »
 I decided to start an RP, so make sure you look at the OOCC and Profiles before you start posting. So you start in Littleroot town, and you get your First Pokemon from Proffesor Birch (Unless you're part of an evil organization, than you can choose a pokemon found in the wild, as long as it's not really rare or very powerful[so no ubers or pre-evos of ubers]) Then you start your journey.
If you get your starter from Proffesor Birch you may choose from:
 (Your pokemon will be able to learn up to eight moves)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 02:48:30 PM by Kat »
theres a turd on my leg!NOT!;)

Offline UnationConsideration

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Re: World of Pokemon
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 05:27:14 PM »


Ryan was asleep in is room. Surrounded with pokeballs. Each one containing a common pokemon such as pidgey or caterpie or rattata and somtimes a Tailow. Ryan has been a trainer for five years. He decided to start his journey at 15. Ryan was snoring loudly happily dreaming about his starter. His pokemon was going to hatch soon! His dad gave him an egg before he left. Ryan drempt happily snugiling with the pokeballs. A tailow clock sprung open and started making very loud chirps. TAILLLOOOOW TAILLLOW! Ryan jumped out of his first headfirst into the ground. "OOW! Oh no im late....Grah!" Ryan sprang out of his room into the hallway heading towards the door. He opened the door and then closed it. Ryan started running to the Near-By Labatory. There he would see a couple of kids standing there but ignored them. Ryan went into the labotary and started breathing hard. "Yo...Prof. Birch!" He would walk towards the Proffesor. "Oh your here!" Proffesor Birch and Ryan walked towards a machine containing an egg. Ryan looked happy "This....is mine?" Birch Nodded "Your dad told me to give you this." Ryan happily took the egg and told Proffesor Birch thanks. "Wait wait! Here this is a PokeDex I would like you to recored every pokemon you see. I hope you catch every different kinds of pokemon to help with my research. Ryan took the PokeDex and waved good bye. Proffesor birch sat back down to his studies.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 09:48:13 PM by Drbg11 »
Feed My pokemon please I dont want it to die of hunger!
Wont you please feed that cute face?

Offline St. Jimmy

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Re: [RP] World of Pokemon
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 03:22:38 PM »

   Brian was sitting on the top of the house. The air was cool, and the sun was peeking over the mountains in the horizon.  He looked out at all of Littleroot town. It was quiet and peaceful.  He looked over to the woods and saw a large pokemon fly over top and a figure standing on it's back. Brian quickly reconized the figure as his brother, John. John was a great pokemon trainer and the oldest brother in Brian's family. He had come home to see Brian get his first pokemon. They all expect me to become as good as him, but I don't know if I can. He then heard his mother calling, Brian, John is here! Come inside for some breakfast! Brian did as he was told and came inside. He said a hello to John and then sat down for some eggs and bacon. Once breakfast was over, Brian left to go to Proffessor Birch's lab, where he would get his first pokemon. Brian arrived at Birch's lab. Brian was anxious tio get his first pokemon, but he was told to wait until the other beginning trainers came. One by one kids came through the door. They were still waiting for the last person to arrive when he came bursting through the door. He was older than most of the kids there. He and Birch started talking and then Birch handed him an egg. The older boy then left and professor Birch turned to the rest of us. Alright now that that's settled lets get you guys your pokemon! Brian you pick first. Professor Birch let out all the pokemon they could choose from. Brian chose a Charmander. Professor Birch then handed Brian a pokedex Now, use this device when you see a pokemon. It will collect data on that pokemon which will help with my research. Brian said thanks to Birch and then proceded out the door. He went home to show his family his new pokemon. Then John showed Brian how to get to Oldale town and Brian then left.

Offline xhizor8201

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Re: [RP] World of Pokemon
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2010, 07:58:28 AM »
Xhizor had just finish waking up after an exciting weekend. "Well then, i better get ready to head over to Prof. Birch's lab and start my adventure" said Xhizor. Xhizor quickly got ready and headed toward the lab. Xhizor stepped inside, only too see that there were some trainers there already. When xhizor's turn to choose a starter came, he decided to choose a mudkip. "I got a feeling that this pokemon was a good choice" he thought. Xhizor was just about to leve the lab when Prof. Birch called out to him. "You best take a pokedex with you before you leave" he said. Xhizor went back and grabbed the pokedex. He was about to start heading down the road when he remembered something. "I better not leave without my town map" he thought. He returned to his house and grabbed his town map from his desk. "Seems that im good to go, better start heading towards Oldale town" he said. And so, Xhizor made way toward Oldale town.

Offline St. Jimmy

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Re: [RP] World of Pokemon
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2010, 07:47:34 PM »
   Brian neared the edge of the woods when he heard a voice calling to him, Brian! Brian! Brian turned around to see his older brother waving his arms at him. Brian ran to John, What is it?
   Here, I have some things for you. John handed Brian some pokeballs, a pokenav, and a few TMs. Don't waste these okay?
   Don't worry, I won't. Brian then walked to the route and continued on his way to Oldale town.

Offline xhizor8201

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Re: [RP] World of Pokemon
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2010, 01:45:37 AM »
Xhizor was nearly at Oldale town. He only had to go up the road so the journey was pretty short. He got there moments later after fighting a few wild pokemon to level up his mudkip. He first went to the pokemon center to heal mudkip, then he went to the mart and bought potions and pokeballs. "Wheres to next?" wondered Xhizor. He looked at the map and decided that he should be heading toward Petalburg city. Xhizor found some random trainers along the way and he fought them to train some mudkip some more. And so, he continued his way down the road, picking berries when possible.

Offline Kemerd

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World Of Pokemon REVAMPED
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2010, 03:56:11 PM »
 I am restoring this RP, Since the author hasn't been on in MONTHS!

Kemerd awoke to the sound of the door slamming... He looked at the clock and said: "Holy ****" And jumped out of bed and got some good clothes on, He grabbed his backpack which carried his egg and ran. His egg moved in his pack, But kemerd didn't notice. He was running to fast, He ran past the lab, On accident, He ran back and slid into the place... "I'm here, Ryan... *Huff*" He said tiredly. He egg jumped out his pack. Nick turned around... It started to crack.

EDIT by mod: You should've asked for this thread to be unlocked ::)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 05:42:36 PM by Jerry »
Let's Boogie!


Offline stephenkill2

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Re: World Of Pokemon REVAMPED
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 04:16:02 PM »
Syren just got to the edge of the woods, he sat down on a stump, and cracked his coffee open and took a swig. He exclaimed, "Pokebucks makes epic frappuchinos, and they even come in cans!" Three towns searched, and no sign of any one from Team Magma."I have no idea where they are located and I can't even find a lead! I am going to end up wandering alone and purpose-less if this keeps up." He threw a few treats to Remnant( His Houndour), secured his backpack, and continued on his way to the next town.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2010, 04:27:24 PM by stephenkill2 »