Pokémon Universe > Archived

Styles of 'battling'

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I have noticed that many members are now talking about how to change the battling styles of the game.

- linking moves
- support skills
- balancing the stats

I think that pokemon battles should remain the same. Since the first games (RBY) up to the latest ones (HGSS) the battling style is the same, when looking at the stats.

Yes, they introduced items in the game to make battling more interesting...
Yes, they further introduced natures and abilities in the game...
These are already to balancing, in some way, the pokemon differences!

If you are really keen on introducing those features, I suggest you make them temporary, and to do so, they should be in tournaments only (or perhaps minigames also) where there will be those facilities and handicaps. The player would be free to choose the feature (s)he likes and enjoy it there.

The only change that I would really like is making the terrain an advantage, or disadvantage. This doesn't really affect the pokemon itself, but the battle. The terrain is there already, why not make use of it?

For example, a plain will give a slight boost to ground, normal pokemon, a lake/river/sea would benefit water pokemon, a volcano, fire pokemon, a mountain rock pokemon, in a building psychic, electric, fighting pokemon, in the forest, grass and bug pokemon, etc.

Tournaments could have this feature. This will add to the randomness and adaptation of the trainer to different situations.

Sorry, I just needed to say that.

Games yes.
but what about tv series/ movies. The fights are more impressive and fun to see then in the GB games :-)

about your ground feature:
very neat, already thought about that when i saw this on TV (hoenn league finals^^).
interessting for tournaments!

The movies are different. Yes, I like the fights in the series/movies.

- They make use of the terrain.
- They don't use items during PvP battles.
- They don't link moves, they use at most a 2 combo attack (that occurs in battles, when two pokemon have the same speed stat, or use say combo: "Hydro Pump, then Aqua Jet").
- The stats are not considered, nor are the levels. Only training, experience and ability to improvise matters.
- The pokemon in the trainers' pokeballs don't help in any way the battling pokemon.
- The pokemon can dodge nearly all attacks, depending on the use of its attacks and speed.

very good but linking moves has been used in all the mystery dungeons other than that you make a good point

Yes, linking linking moves are in the Mystery Dungeons. Is that the same here? Pokemon classics are not like mystery dungeon.

As I explained in the other thread, in Mystery Dungeon, you have more pokemon to battle, you have many floors/bases and you have monster houses!!! The PP there different, the effects of the moves are quite different, the power, accuracy too are different. The stats are different (note that in PMD (pokemon mystery dungeon), you don't have any maximum stat. You can go up and up and up with vitamins and gummis, at least, I never got there to say that it can go up to 1000). Different features for different games.

So, I'm still a 'no no' on linking moves.


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