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Author Topic: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth  (Read 70121 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #90 on: March 09, 2015, 07:30:26 AM »
Archie grabbed the gum, and crushed it, tossing it aside. What kind of person would hand him SYNTHETIC ORANGE FLAVORED GARBAGE? He continued to dodge and fight off the other students, hitting one directly at Warren, who he knew had the tainted filth on him. Dagen realized something in that exchange.

Hey, Warren! If I get the Orange, I get to date Silene, deal?

Shove off it Dagen.

He winked. They would need everyone to achieve this task. Dagen bombed the room, letting dust kick up everywhere. While everyone was distracted, he ran up to Silene, and kissed her on the cheek.
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #91 on: March 09, 2015, 07:39:52 AM »
Alex brushed a lock of hair behind her ear and lowered herself in her chair. Jessie did feel a bit bad for laughing at her and made a note to make it back up to her. She’ll go out and get dinner or something. A few more ideas flowed through her head as she sat back down in her seat - and immediately she was up again.

”That son of a bitch!”


Jessie pointed at the front of the class. ”Dagen just kissed Silene on the cheek!”

Now Alex was on her feet. ”Excuse me?” She took a few steps forward and held out her hand, which Jessie landed in after transforming. Alex drew an arrow and fired it at Dagen’s neck. She knew before it left her hands that it was going low, but she didn’t care. Neither of the two did, so long as it hit him.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 07:42:15 AM by Lunartic »

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #92 on: March 09, 2015, 07:44:58 AM »
Rather than flinging each and every student around, I noticed that Archie began to dodge, and weave around the students... That was until one of them kicked off the wall, and he did the exact same thing he had done to Steven and I... I guess I was only half paying attention, though, as I didn't really see what had caused the thick cloud of dust that had been kicked up, causing me to begin coughing a bit... Man, whoever kicked up the dust was a jackass. Anyways, as the dust began to clear once again, I saw Silene walk up to the larger man, and offer him some sort of gum, to which he replied by taking the gum, crushing it in his hands, and tossing it aside. After that, I finally caught what had been kicking up dust; One of them had turned into a weapon, and was firing what I could only assume was grenades... How much did these guys want the damn orange?! Even Steven was dead set on getting it, turning his right arm into a chain and whipping it towards the orange as if to try and grab it...

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #93 on: March 09, 2015, 08:20:47 AM »
Silene turned scarlet, her hands balled into fist as she turned to face Dagen, and swung a punch- only to have it halted by Warren. His face was as expressive as a slab of stone, one hand wrapped around her arm holding it back, the other clutching an arrow (where had that come from?). "Don't," he said quiet enough for only her to hear. "He's not worth the energy."

The scythe-weapon pulled back from her meister and his stony face, internally deflating. She had, secretly, hoped the kiss would get a rise out of him, but if it had it hadn't been the one she was looking for. He looked scary-mad. "Yeah, yeah you're right. Thanks."

She stormed away from the scene, surprised to find herself mad at Warren more than Dagen. She didn't know the two's history; he wouldn't tell her, but... Shaking her head, she plopped down in the seat beside Jessie and Alex, still looking rather gloomy. "Thanks for that shot, you two, I saw the arrow."

Warren turned back to face Dagen once Silene had stormed away, his eyes crackling as if they were a thunderstorm. The Grenade Launcher would have been familiar with the look, it generally signaled a lot of incoming destruction back when they were partners. "Don't lay a finger on her, Dagen. She's not like us, she's normal."

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #94 on: March 09, 2015, 08:33:23 AM »
Dagen smirked. All according to plan. Even the crazy chick with arrow got his blood rushing.

Don't worry old buddy. I shall not lay another finger on your wife. Now, let's get that damn orange already and go get some coffee. We really need to catch up.

Although Jessie seemed pissed off at Dagen, he made a face half apologizing, half flirting again. He needed Warren for this, although Warren seemed much different than before. Malencia noticed Dagen's face, and placed a hand on his shoulder. It changed almost immediately from a deranged smile, to a relaxed and level headed one. He knew exactly what she was thinking, and transformed into a full weapon, flying right into his meisters hand. Malencia's eyes turned a blood red, and the power radiating off the two was intense.

Warren, we just met, but you're going to have to work with us. I'll keep Archie on his toes, and back him into a corner. You grab the orange when the opportunity arises. He doesn't seem to intent on letting it get hit by anything.

She turned around, and faced Archie, still trying to keep the students off of him. He spotted the chain, and turned, taking the attack himself, the weapon bouncing off his skin.


All the students realized what was going on, and got on the ground. One by one, Malencia lobbed grenades at Archie, pushing him back. He had his arm up, taking the blasts, guarding the orange as best he could. Hit after hit, he moved a couple of inches, until he could no longer move. She kept up the push, suppressing him until he held the orange in the air, outside the effect of the blasts. He covered his fingers over it, but they were slipping with each blast. It was only a matter of time until the orange would be free.

Warren, it's almost time. It's up to you now,

Malencia was caught up in the moment


The rate of fire increased to a torrent of blasts, slowly tearing the room apart.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 08:42:03 AM by Tickles »
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #95 on: March 09, 2015, 08:50:08 AM »
Alex almost tossed Jessie away. Instead, she abruptly dropped her and stomped back to her desk, hands in the air in defeat. She wasn’t sure what pissed her off more: the fact that her arrow didn’t hit Dagen, or the fact that Warren was able to catch that arrow mid-flight. I mean, the fuck was that? When did he suddenly become a super-human with better morals than her? . . . She spat her gum out of a hole in the wall and bit down into a fresh piece.

Jessie wasn’t faring much better. She transformed back with arms flailing around like a lunatic and swearing her mouth off as she stumbled forward. ”Did you see how he caught that fucking arrow? she said to Silene. ”How is that even possi-”

The shockwave of explosion after explosion knocked her off her feet. ”SHIT!”

Throughout the chaos, nobody noticed Dean calmly walk over to Archie, take the orange from his hand, and walk through a large space that was once a wall. He tossed the orange into the air a couple times, whistling as he walked across the field. Finally, he found an intact wall to lean against while he peeled and ate his prize. ”This is a good orange,” he muttered.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 03:54:38 PM by Lunartic »

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #96 on: March 09, 2015, 09:15:00 AM »
As the dust was kicked up farther and farther, the room began to get more, and more displaced, the explosions knocking away more and more of the room with each blast. Something about this seemingly filled me with glee. Something about this, caused me happiness, as less and less of the room was left standing. Similarly, I felt myself get a bit disappointed when they began to realize that the orange was missing, and the shots began to die down in frequency, until the shots finally stopped. It's a pity that they stopped so soon, isn't it?

As the dust finally cleared, I felt somewhat disgusted. Not at anyone in the room, no; I felt disgusted at myself... Ah, but enough of that. I began to look around the room for Steven, mainly so I could tell him that the orange was at least gone. Upon finding him, he was on the ground, somewhat dazed and confused. I spoke, my voice sounding somewhat confused. "Hey uh... What are you doing on the ground?" To this, he merely gave me the same stupid smile, a somewhat excited tone to his voice. "I uh... I might got flung off of Archie, and decided to just sorta... Stay there, for a bit. " To this, I merely shrugged, and just sorta got up, leaving him there. As I began to look around, I noticed something, or rather, someone, leaning against a wall. He was eating an orange... So that was who got it, huh?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 09:18:06 AM by Desbear »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #97 on: March 11, 2015, 03:24:09 AM »
Silene dug her heels into the ground to stay upright, laughing at Jessie's flustered display. "Yeah, he does stuff like that sometimes." She shouted over the chaos. "It doesn't surprise me anymore; he's a lot better at fighting than he lets on." That didn't say much, now that she thought about it. If you judged him off the way he acted he didn't even deserve to be a meister, much less in the school. He still hadn't told her what he had done to pass the exam.

She looked back at the fighting below to see what Warren was up to, but something caught her attention; "Where the hell did the orange go?!" Archie's hand, even if he hadn't realized it, was empty. The shockingly scrawny boy with the tie from earlier sat outside the school, munching on it.

"He walked up and grabbed it while Dagen was talking. Saved me from having to do much." Silene jumped. Warren had again appeared out of nowhere, his hands shoved into his pockets, smacking on some gum. "Sorry 'bout that whole fiasco, by the way. I know he's a prick, but you guys don't want to find out the charges around here for murder." The tone in his voice sounded like he knew firsthand.

Silene nodded. "Yeah, you were right. Though," she was curious now, she had to know. "Why did you stop us? I get you didn't want us to get in trouble, but you seemed ready to slaughter him a minute ago."

Warren shrugged, slumping down in a seat beside her, eyes glued to the scene below like a kid at a candy shop, and shrugged. "I didn't wanna allow that bastard any pleasure. He gets his rocks off on pain, his owns and others. He's a damn masochist."

Silene faded into thoughtful silence, studying her meister. His actions were sluggish like they always were, but he seemed upset. Only someone who really knew him would spot the tells: the shifting eyes, the knot in his jaw as he smacked his gum harder than normal, the outline of the balls of his fists in his pocket. Whatever Dagen had done, he was not happy. "Well let's hope we don't see him at maintenance, then."

« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 03:49:19 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #98 on: March 11, 2015, 03:44:30 AM »
MEANWHILE, AT THE TOOLSHE-- I mean Maintenance.

Dagen and Malencia were outside the lab doors for maintenece. The doors seemed rusted for a new school, but the two didn't pay any mind to it. The doors opened, beckoning the two to walk in. Meanwhile, outside the stranger's illusion, Dagen and Malencia were sitting calmly in a chair, zoned out while the stranger worked his magic. The other students that were sent there, having passed their tests, were told to sit and get some work done for the next couple of hours.

For those that are paying attention, I am merely using my soul's wavelength and changing it rapidly to match and distort my target's waves. By doing so, I can create any reality I wish within their minds. The hypnosis is a calming wave I apply every so often to keep them pacified, while being sure the conscious part of the brain remains active, and switching them into their subconscious when appropriate. Those that have extended control over their soul's wavelength can achieve the same thing, however my illusion technique is about as unique as it gets. You may recall a meister from the past named Franken Stein. His soul was so flexible that he could match up with any weapon he sees, use them to their fullest extent, and negate soul wave's as well. I someday aspire to be like him, but using illusions is more of my thing. Dissection was his. If you're interested in learning about him further, I have many of his books, along with his autobiography on one of the shelves. Now, if you wish to see this test take place, I will have no problem bringing you along, you will be invisible and intangible to them."

Back in the illusion, Dagen and Malencia were in a dark room. The stranger stood before them , analyzing their souls.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 03:54:26 AM by Tickles »
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #99 on: March 11, 2015, 04:26:11 AM »
Did you really just get up and take that orange?



Want some?


”... so, we had maintenance yesterday, we have it today, and we’re going to have it tomorrow.”


”God damn it.”

Jessie threw her hands up in defeat. Neither of the two were looking forward to going back there again, although Alex wasn’t being nearly as vocal about it. She just sighed and shook her head.

To their surprise, the lab wasn’t nearly as terrifying as last time. Neither was The Stranger. In fact, it was almost welcoming. Alex found his speech quite fascinating in fact, and she was immediately drawn to a large bookshelf near the back wall. She gazed over each and every book, taking note of their pristine condition despite many being printed hundreds of years ago. Jessie, as per usual, found herself quite bored. However, she perked up when The Stranger told them she could watch a test take place. Normally she wouldn’t even dare speak about the test, but this one was Dagen’s…

”I’ll watch!” she blurted out, rising out of her seat faster than her hand rising into the air. She hurried over to The Stranger with unsettling enthusiasm. ”I want to watch the test.”
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 04:31:34 AM by Lunartic »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #100 on: March 11, 2015, 04:40:52 AM »
Maintenance; Terrible at first, but after you get it the first time, it's basically detention. As I sat my seat, I just sorta did the work I was given to do for the next couple hours, somewhat awaiting what was going to happen after detention... It was the third day. However, that's not what occupied my mind at that moment. I was more just sorta chuckling over how Steven and I got maintenance. See, I wasn't really sure why we got maintenance, but after people began to leave class, Archie pulled Steven aside. He had this somewhat angry scowl on his face, but didn't say a word; He merely pointed to us, and then the crumbling chalk board that only had the word "MAINTENANCE" left... And even that crumbled too, with a beautiful sound at that. Either way, we weren't really sure if we had maintenance, but we sure went there.

Anyways, as we were doing our work, the Stranger began to talk, explaining what was going on. To be honest, it was quite interesting if I have to say so myself, as he was explaining how he was doing the illusions. As he offered to show us the test take place, I couldn't help but sport somewhat of a smile. As I began to raise my hand, someone else spoke first... I believe her name was Jessie? She began to speak, rather loudly and quickly. Honestly, it was rather unsettling how happy she was about all of this. "I'll watch! I watched as she quickly ran up beside the stranger, almost like a puppy to their master. "I want to watch the test." When she finally finished yelling, I began to speak, a somewhat quiet tone to my voice... "I would like to watch the test."

As I finished my sentence, I looked to where Steven was sitting, to see if he was coming. To my surprise however, he had taken a book, one by that famous meister The Stranger had been talking about... Franken Stein, I think it was. He seemed quite interested in that book, I think the title was "Dissection for Dummies", and appeared to have no interest in watching the test. I simply shrugged and looked back towards The Stranger, waiting for us to begin watching the test take place.

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #101 on: March 11, 2015, 05:22:22 AM »
Silene sat in the corner of her lap hugging her legs, head resting on her knees. Warren reclined beside her, his head laid back on his arms. His breathing was so soft and rhythmatic she was sure he was asleep. The rest of the classroom was surprisingly quiet, looking just like it had when their illusions had ended the night before. The arcane, nerve-wracking aura the Stranger protruded was still there, digging up the repressed memories. She shuddered, reaching over to softly run a hand over Warren's right arm. It was still there, all muscle and warm golden skin beneath her touch.

"It wasn't real, Silene. You don't need to beat yourself up over it." Warren's voice split her thoughts and she jumped and snatched back her hand like she'd been burnt, slightly embarrassed he had been awake for all that.

"Yeah, but... Doesn't it get to you at all? I couldn't do anything to stop myself." Her voice was low and it broke on the last word. "It's the weapons job to protect the meister, even at the cost of their life, and I couldn't."

Warren sighed and pushed himself into a sitting position, looking out at the classroom a long time before he responded. "Neither could the other weapons, and they aren't upset." He swept his arm across the room. Alex was over at the book shelf thumbing through the records in interest; Jessie was jumping up and down in excitement over something; Hason stood right beside her, conversing with the Stranger, and Steven had opened a book and was busy reading it. "You just need to relax, Sille."

Oh god, he had promised he wouldn't tell anyone about that goofy nickname. "Easier said than done, Ren." That got him back. He stiffened immediately, neck craning around to deliver a playful glare. The dark crackle in his eyes was reminiscent of the look he had given Dagen... which reminded her! "You said you'd tell me what was up between you and Dagen after class, so spill it."

The meister ran a hand through his shaggy hair, exhaling in exasperation as he did so. "Fine, if you'll stop bugging me about it." His gaze swept across the classroom, making sure no one was ease dropping before he turned back to her. "He was my partner before I left home."

Yeah, had put together that much. Silene motioned for him to continue, and he did. "My family had a longstanding tradition, it went back longer than I care to remember. My brother could probably tell you, he was more of a history buff than me. Anyways, the tradition was pretty easy to follow, thankfully. A lot of that stuff could get really convoluted, but this was really basic; the heir of the Black Sun clan, me, always partnered with the heir of the White Moon cla- hey, stop laughing. I didn't name them!"

Silene clapped a hand over her mouth, forcing down her giggles. Black Sun and White Moon? Really? "S-sorry, go on."

"Yeah, basically we always partnered to seal the partnership between the two clans. Dagen was the heir to the White Moon- Silene, I swear to death I will go back to my nap if you laugh again- long story short, we ended up partnered. We had a disagreement right before I left, and it probably broke the family partnership that I ditched him. He had always been a bit of a snide prick, though. I only realized it there at the end." His story ended and he laid back down, popping another piece of gum into his mouth.

"Oh. I guess that makes sense." Silene folded her hands in her lap, wondering why she suddenly felt rather jealous. Why did she care if Warren had partnered with someone else before her? She had always assumed he had, but it hadn't ever really hit her. It didn't matter, though. Didn't matter that he was probably stronger than her. She honestly didn't care that they had known each other since they were kids, or that he was literally what Warren probably dreamed of in a weapon. "Hey, was he stronger than me?" Okay, maybe she cared a little.

"Huh? Oh." Warren shrugged, quite an amazing feat considering he was laying flat against the floor. "It really depends, I guess. I don't really think the word stronger is used right. Directly? Yeah, he made more damage, but he's mainly a one-trick pony. He can destroy things, but isn't maneuverable like you. There isn't too many options when they get up close when you're using a grenade launcher; if you fire, you're gonna hurt yourself. You can become resistant to your own attacks, sure, but no one is honestly immune. He also had a limit, since he was a Demon Gun. He uses his meisters Soul wavelength as ammunition. It can really be a drag at times."

Siene sat in slightly awed silence. Warren really did know his stuff. "Oh, um, thanks for telling me!" Silene leaned forward and pecked him on the cheek, blushing slightly. "And thanks for being a great guy, Warren."

It was a rare sight to see the Demon Scythe meister, heir to the Black Sun clan and one-time hardened criminal to blush, but the light pink tint to his cheeks left an accomplished feeling in Silene's gut. "Y-yeah, no problem." Maybe he wasn't as hard as he thought he was, after all. She hopped up, dragging him up with her.

"Lets go watch Dagen get his ass kicked!" The smile on Warren's face at that thought could have lit an entire city block.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 06:05:49 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #102 on: March 11, 2015, 06:01:08 AM »
As the other group came by to watch, the stranger put them under the same spell, but they could neither be seen nor heard by the two taking the test. The Stranger spoke to dagen and Malencia.

You, Dagen. Your soul is destructive in nature. Much like someone else. You knew each other, but he did something you can't forgive, can you? Was it a betrayal beyond your control? Or was not having control what felt like betrayal? There is something else. Something you prefer to hide.

Dagen felt the air chill. He had never felt this uneasy before around anyone. What was this guys deal. He kept his smile on his face.

There is nothing to hide then. Yeah, I used to kill people. I never ate their souls. Why risk my perfect weapon form. What are you trying at stranger?

The Stranger was stunned. Malencia looked on in confidence. Dagen revealed his past to her once before, but he wasn't that person anymore. The Stranger, knowing he couldn't shock this weapon, looked towards the meister.

You on the other hand are a tad more interesting. Never had I seen a soul that I couldn't fully understand. It's soft, and rhythmic. It soothes, as if being near you is enough to bring good feelings and emotions. You're brimming with confidence. The makings of a natural leader. However, you're nature alone is easily walked over. No one can seem to take you seriously, not even your own weapon. You also felt the sting of jealousy, your own, and from others. Hidden love? No, that's not it. You have poor self image don't you. Well, don't worry, I can make all of that disappear.

Malencia was stunned. She was confident in her abilities, but The Stranger got the other things on the nose. She just never told Dagen, who seemed to have a much more creepy smile.

He's saying you have big boobs

Dagen, not the time. Don't tell me what he said didn't get to you.

It didn't. They're just words. If he can see my soul, so what. It's the other feeling I'm getting from him... HEY WHAT THE--

And like that, The Stranger had Dagen in his grasp. The room melted around them as Dagen was forced into weapon form. All around them was darkness. Malencia began to run towards the stranger, her eyes glowing red. No one touches her weapon! The stranger thought this was a bit odd for someone, and fired a shot at her. The explosion hit the ground, launching her backwards.

Really? You're disarmed, what point is there to fighting. You're on your own.

Let my weapon go.

She rushed in again, only to have the same attack be repeated, except this time, she dodged to the right. Were her physical abilities increasing? Was this what she was hiding? The stranger let out wave after ave of attack, and she nimbly dodge each one of them. Her abilities were the same. She was full of adrenaline.

That's your secret. You feel a need to protect everyone. When the situation gets touch, your body reacts by increasing the flow of adrenaline in your system, allowing you to perform past your level. I bet it won't last long. It truly is a finicky chemical.

He was right. She began to slow down as the increased effort caught up to her. One final shot hit her in the chest. It wasn't too much of a hit, but enough to completely wind her. The stranger tossed Dagen towards her, and transformed into an avatar of death. A terrifying monster with black wings, the void for a face, and long flowing cloak that resembled the night itself. Dagen transformed out, and was attempting to revive his meister.

Come one, come on! Get up! Malancia, get up!

The stranger crept closer to the pair, preparing his final blow, when Malancia grabbed a hold of Dagen. The sudden touch caused him to react. She stood to her feet, eyes red again, and fire shot after shot, repeating what she did to Archie. The stranger was being pushed back as the rate of fire intensified. That was when the words escaped their mouths.



Dagen changed into a large backpack with two cannons held in Malencia's hands. Large metal braces hit the ground behind them, and the cannon's charged up.



A wall of explosive shells came flying out of the cannons at the speed of sound, hitting their target and everything around them. The Stranger felt the force of the hit, parts of him exploding off, others becoming mangled. It was only a few seconds, but the damage could easily equal that of an atomic bomb. When it was all through, there was nothing left. Dagen and Malencia awoke, as did anyone that was watching. They were in a normal lab, with the stranger at the front. Dagen dove towards him, anger in his face. The Stranger replied by pacifying him with a calming wave.

Calm down, it wasn't real. It was a test.

So, all of that... are you kidding me? I thought we were going to die?

Dagen was released so he could speak.

Mark my words old man, you touch me ever again, I will blow a hole in your throat big enough to shove my fist in and tear your heart through it. Then... His expression changed to a deranged smile once more. I will eat your soul.

Malencia placed a hand on his shoulder, which seemed to calm him. He responded by placing his hand over her's. They remained quiet in their seats, thinking about what had happened.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 06:15:57 AM by Tickles »
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #103 on: March 11, 2015, 06:57:48 AM »
There was a queasy feeling in Jessie’s stomach when the test began. She knew what was going to happen, and the sudden realization made a wave of nausea wash over her. Then she remembered who was on the receiving end and felt a lot better about it. And it was during their test that she actually thought about what kind of person Dagen was. Rude, sarcastic, sociopathic, quick to anger, and vastly egotistical. He had all the charm in the world but probably couldn’t keep a girlfriend who gave two shits about her own feelings.

Why was it always the cute ones?

And his Soul Resonance was pretty cool too.

”Excuse me?” she blurted out, brushing past the stranger to meet Dagen face-to-face. ”This man has the power to lock you inside your greatest fears, and don’t give me that ‘I’m not afraid of anything’ bullshit, because I thought that too for a while, and guess what? I was fucking terrified! Not only that, but he can . . .” she shuddered as she spoke her next words, ”force you into a weapon and make your soul wavelength match his. Have you ever been raped? Because that’s what it fucking feels like!”

Alex stood up. ”Jessie-”

She looked and pointed at her sister. ”Stay out of this Alex.” Her sinister gaze returned to Dagen. ”This is between weapons. Where was I, oh yes, you were threatening the life of a man who is clearly stronger than you’ll ever dream to be!”

"Jessie!" Alex pulled her sister back. "Enough."

Jessie shook free, but stood her ground. I want to smack him.

He's not worth it.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #104 on: March 11, 2015, 07:08:42 AM »
As he put us under the same spell, I just began to... Examine, the situation. So far, it looked much different than ours; More like a void, similar to that when... Actually, let's not compare it to that. I don't want to remember that. Anyways, right off the bat he was doing the same thing he did to us. I believe a phrase that would fit it was 'Second verse, same as the first'. Or something like that. One thing that was somewhat interesting, however, was just how much he had to say about the girl... He just droned on and on about her soul, while merely glancing over Mr. Abs' soul. Similarly enough, the the girl was effected much more than he was, that was... Well, until he continued on with what he had done before. He grabbed Dagen, forcibly turning him into weapon form. This caused memories of when he did the same to Jessie, and even stole Silene from Warren during that...

However, she reacted much differently than we did. When The Stranger shot her, her eyes merely... Turned red. She reacted to being shot, by fighting back, with much less despair or even going defensive. She dodged wave after wave of attack too, like that of a ballerina, her agility unmatched by anyone I had seen... Except maybe Warren, actually. He did run up the arm of that thing after all. And then, The Stranger began to explain it like he always did, explaining that it was merely adrenaline, and that she would slow down soon, and sure enough, she did. When she had slowed down, a final shot actually hit her, knocking her down, or at least winding her... Did she just take a shot head on, and stay in one piece? Perhaps it was just the illusion, or perhaps it was because she was a meister, but it still struck me as odd... Then again, I did take an anchor to the side, and I'm here right now, aren't I?

When The Stranger stopped firing, he tossed... I think his actual name was Dagen, wasn't it...? Either way, he got tossed towards her, and transformed back into a human. He seemed to be trying to revive his partner, however, something else grabbed my attention; The Stranger had turned into a... I'm not even sure what to call it, other than a 'monster'. As he... No, it, neared them, the girl took hold of Dagen, and began to fire at The Stranger. The way it fired was quite reminiscent of how they fought Archie, however, one thing was different; Somewhere during it, they began to yell, something about lock and load soul resonance, and then something about 'hellfire rain', or... Did they mean Reign? Ah, I bet they meant Reign. As they did so, what seemed to be a large backpack appeared, replacing Dagen. The backpack had several bracing mechanisms along her back, and even some that shot into the ground as she began to fire. Honestly, there's only one thing I can say about the outcome of their attack, only one way to describe it... Beautiful... And then, sad as it was, it ended, the glorious destruction ended, as we were  returned to the lab.

As we were put back into our true place, I guess a grin was on my face, as Steven actually put down his book from the seat beside me, and posed a question. "So, I'm guessing it was good? I attempted to lose the grin, I attempted to go back to normal, and try to stop myself from feeling happiness from the chaos and destruction that had just taken place within the illusion, but... I just couldn't. Something about it, pleased me, and made me all warm inside. Even my reply to him had a bit of a tone of happiness. "It was... Amazing, to say the least."

But that wasn't where it ended, as I finished my short reply to Steven, something caught both of our attentions. See, while I was talking, Dagen had said... Something, I'm not sure what he said, but it seemed to set Jessie off. She began to rant, about how his reaction after the test was pretty much bullshit, and a complete farce. Furthermore, she began to go on about how he had just threatened a man who could not only lock him in his fears, but was about twenty times stronger than he was. Somewhere through it, her sister... Alex, I think, attempted to stop her, but even then, she was stopped. Honestly, I just sorta reclined in my seat and stayed silent after she was pulled away. After all, it was going to be interesting to see what happened because of her outburst, was it not?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 07:10:35 AM by Desbear »