Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

Hunting (Idea)

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I'm unsure if anyone has suggested this, but it's been bouncing around in my head for quite some time now.

As any Pokemon Trainer would know, being a Pokemon Trainer is actually a bit hard...financially. Maybe I was just doing it wrong, but more often then not, I was selling my just-found-this-in-a-Pokeball-on-the-ground items for some spare change. This led to the idea of a series of (maybe) repeatable quests.

Everyone's who played any kind of MMORPG has run into those kinds of quests that involve going out and killing so-and-so number of monsters for so-and-so rewards. This could be applied to PU in a way where Trainers could, instead of killing, catch a certain number of Pokemon for rewards-cough-mostly money. xD

Expanding on this idea, the 'quests' could differ in the sex, level, amount, and location (of the Pokemon). Bonuses could be awarded based on special requirements met, such as using a specific Pokeball, catching the Pokemon without lowering its health/stats, or even completing the quest in a set amount of time. They could also differ in terms of the quest-giver, meaning that, based on the Trainer's...choice, they could help an elderly couple catch some Pokemon for their Breeding Center, or take a 'contract' with some of the more shady characters that inhabit the PU. ;P

This is a good idea, it wouldn't be too boring either for making small amounts of money. I must admit when I read that it was a variant of "Kill x monsters for a reward" I wanted to run a mile, I hate those quests, but this wouldn't be so bad.

The But, and it's a big one, is that it's injecting money into the system in a repeatable way. When people spam such a quest, it causes massive inflation until the value the npc is giving out is worth a small enough amount that only the most desperate trainers will do it. The reason rewards are usually items, is that items don't add to the currency pool.

I hate those kinds of quests too, but they do have their worth. ;P

You bring up a good point with inflation. The only way to really counteract that would be the limit the amount of times a player could 'hunt' for a specific NPC. It'd be nice the have one of those level quests. Where you'd get this item A, and then item B, and so on. Hm, but then, what's stopping the player from selling those items to another NPC. -_- Unless they were made unsellable. :P

Maybe put it on a timer:"You can't ask for this quest until so-and-so many hours/days/weeks." ;)

So we are talking about daily/weekly/monthly quests which will reward in either a rather small cash amount or an item.

Regarding the inflation. I reckon that when more players get more money, the value of items will decrease, as of more can buy one. An effect of the same will be that players will raise their prices slowly, since more people can afford buying "once expensive" items making therefore keeping the items (how rare they may be) expensive.

I can't decide with myself wether the "daily quests" should take a shorter or longer time to complete, when considering the rewards.

I'll see to it that the quest/story-writer team will consider your quest idea and of course we will, as always, be open for more ideas.

The way you control inflation is to balance money created (through quests) with money destroyed (through npc sales, got to make people shop there enough). No amount of thinking will get this right the first time cause you don't know how much of either the players will do. Basically, make a guess at how much a quest gives and patch later :p


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