Pokémon Universe > Development

Get the know the team: Mr_Dark (God edition)

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Name: Mr_Dark
Age: 22
Location: The Netherlands
Quote: *A wild Zubat appears*
Position: Founder + Server Developer

1. Do you have pets? No
2. What is your favorite color? Black
3. What kind of music do you like? (Old-)Rock, Metal, Thrash, Drum&Bass, Classical, Jazz, House, Club, Minimal, Techno
4. What do you do on your free time besides spending time on PU? Playing guitar
5. What are your goals/dreams in life? See question #10
6. What got you involved in PU? Urmel, the bastard!
7. What makes you different from the rest of the PU team? I don't really like pokemon
8. Who do you admire? Why? Nobody
9. Are you into sports?  If so which ones? Badminton, Kick-boxing, Golf
10. What is your dream job? Leading of my own software development company
11. What was your first screenname? No idea, really...
12. Do you have any piercings? Flesh-tunnel (8mm) in my left ear
13. Are you a lefty/righty? Righty
14. Do you have any tattoo's? If not do you wish/plan to get one? No. Maybe.
15. Do you have any siblings?  If so, how many of each? Nope
16. What is your favorite website? the russian mail order brides one
17. Do you play computer games?  If so, which ones? Unreal Tournament, Age of Empires 3, Titan Quest
18. Do you play video game consoles?  Which ones? Zelda
19. Are you married or planing to get married? Someday I probabaly will
20. Which languages do you speak? Dutch & English
21. Do you drink? Not more then normal
22. Do you smoke? Nope
23. Do you have a license? Yes
   a) Do you own a car? No (but I can always borrow my dad or mom's car)
   b) Have you ever been stopped for speeding? No

24. Do you obtain a good amount of sleep daily? No
25. How do you sleep? With my eyes closed
26. Have you ever been on an airplane? A lot of times
27. Have you ever broken a bone? Nope
28. Do you wear jewelry?  If so what jewelry do you wear? Nope
29. How do you dress? Pants, t-shirt
30. How many keys are on your keyring? 5
31. What time do you go to bed?  What time do you wake up? Depends on the day and if I have anything in the morning
32. What's the freakiest thing you have done? Stole a cake
33. Do you live alone? No
34. How many hours a day do you spend in the computer? 24 - the time I sleep
35. How many hours a day do you spend in PU? See question above
36. What is your favorite beverage - coffee, tea, soda, beer, other? Beer
37. What do you hate? Late anime/tv show releases
38. What do you love? See question #4
39. What is your religion? None
40. What is your hair color? Dark blond
41. How tall are you? around 195cm
42. How much do you weigh? around 75kg (yes my BMI is good)

*DARK EDIT: Yeahh,,, no... I don't think you understand this...*

I didn't know 'Zelda' was a game console :P


Yep, first time I see this.


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