Entertainment > Other Entertainment

What's Your Favourite Tv/Cartoon Show?

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--- Quote from: Bing on August 02, 2011, 06:21:31 AM ---Well i'm from the 90's so shows like rockos modern life, ren and stimpy were great.  But one of my favorite cartoons of all time was Samurai Jack, it was such a good show driven by it's style of animation, thought the most important part of the show had to be the sounds.

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i loved those shows especially samurai jack although i never knew how it ended... did he even kill the guy/ghost think the black thing i forgot its been a while

The show never ended, though this episode depicted how jack would look at the end of the series (It's at the end if the episode).

Lol, incidentally, it was one of the shows I really hated :P

Darn, you made its theme song ring in my head again :(

TV Shows:
- The Mentalist
- Supernatural
- Fringe
- The Burn notice
- Ghost Adventures
- Vampire Diaries

Animated shows:
- Naruto
- Pokemon
- Deathnote
- Airgear
- Bleach

House MD, Merlin, Supernatural, Dark Angel, Lost Girl, Game of Thrones, Spongebob Squarepants, iCarly, Stargate SG-1, UFC, Southpark, Heroes, ..


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