Pokémon Universe > Development

[DEV] Server development

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sounds great man, keep up the work lol  ;D

If your creating the "player object", but never deleting it wouldn't this cause huge strain on a server having all these instances of "player object" never deleted?  When developing my servers i've always been a create and delete on demand kind of guy to be sure to free up memory for others, so the server would never overload the cpu with "memory leaks".....just my 2 cents....


--- Quote from: sUiCiDeMAniC on November 27, 2010, 05:54:40 PM ---If your creating the "player object", but never deleting it wouldn't this cause huge strain on a server having all these instances of "player object" never deleted?  When developing my servers i've always been a create and delete on demand kind of guy to be sure to free up memory for others, so the server would never overload the cpu with "memory leaks".....just my 2 cents....

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I think you interpreted it in the wrong way. I'm saving the objects for a limited amount of time, say 30 seconds. In this period of time you will be able to login again and pick-up where you left. When time passes, the object will be deleted.

KoV Odin 69:
glad to hear things are going smoothly, i was maybe thinking you guys should add some movement to the pokemon when using attacks.  just a little shake back and fourth with some animation music.  I'm no good at coding or anything like that so i don't know what would be involved, but the best part about the battles in the original games was the small animations with the sound effects when you pressed "fight" or "run" or even when browsing through items.


--- Quote from: KoV Odin 69 on December 14, 2010, 10:09:56 PM ---glad to hear things are going smoothly, i was maybe thinking you guys should add some movement to the pokemon when using attacks.  just a little shake back and fourth with some animation music.  I'm no good at coding or anything like that so i don't know what would be involved, but the best part about the battles in the original games was the small animations with the sound effects when you pressed "fight" or "run" or even when browsing through items.

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This is already being done :) Check out Hiteryan's youtube channel, he's the music guy.


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