Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots

[Quest] Rare Magikarp

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Everyone knows that a magikarp is a really common pokemon. So i kind of came up with a quest. The quest as stated above is Rare Magikarp. I was thinking that magikarp shouldn't be common at the beggining of a trainers journey. Preferably not available until the trainer reached a certain level. After this level is reached you can go into a special place (Magikarp Grotto). In there you will find an NPC and he sends the trainer on a quest to find a magikarp. The trainer must go deep into the cavern until he finds a small lake. But the probability of finding one should be like 5% or something to make it hard. After the magikarp is captured the trainer goes back and talks to the NPC and gets a small gift (money or anything else). But he asks if it gets trained and the trainer brings it back as a gyarados at a high level (lvl 50) he would get a better reward. If the trainer does go back he has to battle the NPC choosing only gyarados. If he defeats the NPC then the trainer can get a better item (rare candy?).

ok, i like this as a start!
magicarp has a bit of a background to it now.

but here is my dilemma: this quest has no backbone, no reason to it.
a quest that has no reason, no emotion, no story, is no fun.

you need to consider (especially since this is an MMO we're talking about), why this is happening. why are magicarp more rare? why does the NPC want you to find one? why does he want you to train it? what are some of the obstacles that must be faced? etc.
when you watch an episode of pokemon, you notice that they are always being faced with additional obstacles on the way to achieving their goal, the same sort of principle should be implemented. ok, i shouldn't say that it should, that is more of a suggestion, as not all quests and stories have side arcs and such.

but there should definitely be a story to it, otherwise it is just a meaningless quest.

however, as i stated, there are aspects to this story that i enjoyed, and i think this could become a well developed side story, if it became just that: a "story", instead of just running around aimlessly.
my biggest suggestion to you is to make it more developed, which likely means making it longer as well.... (please note: that does not mean it has to be lengthy, just longer than you have it)

Thinking about what you said i think i found a story. There is a stream that ends in the lake inside the grotto. Due to different circumstances there is only female magikarp there. In the beginning of this stream however is a whole bunch of male gyarados who won't go downstream and the female magikarp are too weak to swim upstream. That's when the NPC asks the trainer to catch a magikarp and train it to be a gyarados. After the trainer defeats the NPC, he tells the trainer to go upstream and catch a male gyarados so he can breed them and bring back a male magikarp to mate with the females spreading the magikarp population. Maybe if this ques is hard it can be the way to obtain waterfall. (just an idea)   

not bad, not bad.... i do like the incentive and the fact that you have to actually do some work (training) to complete it..... but i just don't know, maybe im just being too picky, but i think there is much more untapped potential here....not enough spunk for lack of a better term

This quest sounds like:

You talk to a npc:
NPC: "Hi, I'm looking for a magikarp, do you have one?"
- Yes
- No

NPC: "Oh great! May I have it, you'll get something awesome from me."
- Sure, here you go
- No, go catch your own!


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