Creative Discussions > Art Work

Pixel Tutorials

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A beginner pixelart tutorial (click to open in full size):

Not a pr0 tut, but it will help at the start, I think.

Yume Tsuki:
Short tutorial on making a Fakémon Completely from scratch. In paint.

I made a small typo in the tutorial, original GBA size is 64x64

I prefer making scratch from scanned sketch in PS, but thanks for contributing ;)

Whaaaaat I am pretty good at paint but I had no idea that it was an art! Much less for games :) I want to help how do I "try out" or become a pixel artist for the game? (I'm new so idk how to do anything)

Yume Tsuki:

--- Quote from: Isha on July 09, 2012, 06:32:53 AM ---Whaaaaat I am pretty good at paint but I had no idea that it was an art! Much less for games :) I want to help how do I "try out" or become a pixel artist for the game? (I'm new so idk how to do anything)

--- End quote ---

You can insert a job application in the 'Job' section. You'll have to include some of your works with your application. We're in dire need of more pixelartists.


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