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Movies that blew you away

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Definitely Mr. Beans, that guy can make me laugh so hard with facial expressions and sounds alone. No lines at all at yet I'm cracking up every freaking second.


--- Quote from: BlueRise on December 30, 2011, 06:30:29 PM ---scott pilgrim vs the world, a great underrated movie that just blew me away, i promise you it will go down as a cult classic, the graphic novel as well as the movie contain some videogame references, the graphic novels more the movie, and michael cera plays a good scott pilgrim, also got to love the gay roomate wallace, he completes the movie.

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Glad someone else thinks so.
Two other movies that blew me away are Almost Famous and I Saw The Devil.
The latter is pretty gory and crazy but oh so good.

Shadow of Darkness:
Yeah i should've mentioned this one^^ its AWEsome.

cannibal holocaust


--- Quote from: Frenchfry on September 13, 2010, 12:45:15 AM ---Derek Zoolander. I'm amazed at how little popularity it had, considering it was the most hilarious and awesome movie thing ever. It wasn't, like, retarded funny, and it wasn't assburger's 'wit' funny. It was just... a total...
If I had to describe it in a word, it would be:

I mean, seriously. The plot sounds stupid when you hear it, but then you watch it, and you feel like you just became a man.

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