Pokémon Universe > Quests & Plots


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(Though not really stated, the dream world abilities can be kept to the dream world, so why not have a world space that has the dreamwolrd pokemon.)

Setting: The dreamworld- forest, lake, a cave, a mountain,etc.; all areas have to do with some pokemon.
Time: Anytime
Level: After the third badge (Around Lv 30)
Plot: Portals to the dream world are opening up all over Myrius, and the professor wishes to get some data.

Begin- You receive a message asking you to head to the lab. Once there, talk to the Professor.

Proffessor: "Hello young trainer, I see you have already collected two badges. Your progress amazes me, as I know that is no easy feat. I'm sure you have noticed that many kinds of pokemon livnig in Myrius, and have caught yourself a few on the way to get where you are now."

"The reason I called you here is that I believe you can help me with some research. You see, some strange Portals have been opening up around Myrius, and they lead to areas that reflect where they are. One such portal is at (A mountain landmark), which leads to a different mountain. In this place, people have noted that pokemon are living happily, and in harmony. But that's not the strange part. These pokemon have a different ability than the ones found in the region."

The professor shows a Pikachu (Or whatever the signature pokemon of the professor is) from the dreamworld.

"One of my colleagues have sent me this Pikachu. Usually, a Pikachu has the ability Static. This one, however, has the ability Lighting Rod. I though that would be rare, but he sent me a message along with the pokeball saying all the Pikachu of that area have the Lighting Rod ability."

"I want you to go to (Mountain landmark) and head through that portal. A researcher will talk to you. All I want you to do is catch one pokemon from this place, and bring it back here."

Head to the portal and speak to the researcher in charge. His names is James

James: "Ah, Alder said he would send you, and right on time, I like that in a person. Punctuality earns you positive points with me."

"You're probably wondering what that blue (ar any other color) portal is behind me. That's what we're testing for. But you're here to explore in there, I know, the professor instructed me to not bother you with anything else. But I do have a favor to ask you."

"In this 'dreamworld', that's what I'm calling it, there are flowers scattered around that seem to hold a strange energy. I want you to collect these flowers and bring them here. For each flower you bring, I will give you either an elixer, a great ball, or three sitrus berries, it's your choice. They are pretty hard to obtain, but I'm sure a trainer of your skill can collect a few. Now, hurry, we're not sure if this portal will stay open permanently, or is just a temporary occurring."

Head into the portal. Inside is a huge mountain area, filled with pokemon that would make sense, I.E rock, ground, steel, etc. And the special pokemon of this area is Pikachu, which will be uncommon to bump into. Catch any pokemon here, and keep an eye out for flowers. return to the professor with the pokemon.

Professor: "Amazing! This pokemon has a different ability from others of its species as well. James has insisted that we call the area the Dreamworld, as it makes you feel as though you are dreaming. Here take this Portal pass, if you come across any other portals in Myrius, you will be free to enter as you please, just show it to any researcher, and they should give you no problems."

You receive the portal pass.

"This a great phenomenon happening in Myrius, I thank you for helping in our research."

Reward: 500 exp

You can go back anytime, and still find flowers to obtain the items James offers. Other researchers can have mini quests on what to collect, offering item rewards as well, James was just an example. This leaves it open for quest writers to use if they choose to implement this quest in the game, and if the Pixel Artists feel like creating the dreamworld.

This quest was to introduce my idea for the dreamworld pokemon, instead of it just happening, I wanted it to have more immersion. The limitation is so no one can just take this quest right off the bat, requiring you to become stronger, but the plus is you'll have a decent dreamworld ability pokemon on your team. This quest can also provide means as to what happened to Mew, having a new place to explore can mean that Mew is hiding in the dreamworld.

Post Comments, Criticism, questions, or ideas, as these help me to write better things later on. I can use all the help I can get. And if I like an idea, I will credit you for it.

Hey, I can easily imagine so many branching off from this!! :D

Getting inspiration!


--- Quote from: Jerry on December 05, 2011, 07:31:40 PM ---Hey, I can easily imagine so many branching off from this!! :D

Getting inspiration!

--- End quote ---

That was my intention, something that can be more than a one time thing.

sounds awesome !

Pretty(really) good.

It will mke dreamworld abilitys...make more sense.


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