Pokémon Universe > Development

What would you like to see?

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We (the Pokemon Universe team) are always looking for interesting things to show you guys and girls or find new things for you to do in the meantime till the public Beta is released. But most of the time our ideas are not that great or we just don't have any, so that's why we're asking you!

What is it YOU would like to see from us? Is it:
- More insight in the development progress? We had weekly updates at some point.
- More/different forum boards to post in?
- A chat where you talk with other members? Oh wait we have that already ;)
- Nude pictures of Kamaran?
- Pokemon tournaments?
- ?????

Ofcourse there are some things we can't give, like a release date or access to our test server.

So.. If you think you have a great idea which will be an addition to the PU website, doesn't matter how crazy it may seem, feel free to post it in this topic!

I would like more screenshots to see how the game has progressed. the old ones are old. A tourney would be kwlbut definitely nude pics of Kamy ;D

Hmm im not a fan of asking developers to do more work then they should be doing, but I may as well give an idea.
A Page which provides a list on every major thing that still needs to be done for beta to be released.

A list could be Applied like this:
-Vectors for Pokemon battles (front and back images)
-32x32 pixel tiles need to be completed
    -Character sprites
    -Item tiles
-Friends list
-Chat box
-trade system
...(and any other major heading that is yet to be completed)

The list could be as long as possible, and when ever something gets completed you could start crossing it off like this:

-Vectors for Pokemon battles (front and back images)
-32x32 pixel tiles need to be completed
    -Character sprites
    -Item tiles
-Friends list
-Chat box
-trade system

Something like that could keep the eager beavers at bay watching closely as their path to playing pu is slowly opened up for them.
It would also benefit the community because
1 - it would give the community a reference they could constantly log on every week to have a squiz at to see if their desired game is a step further towards completion
2 - it would give the development team a visual representaion on how close they are to reaching their goal,
3 - something so easy to read also acts as a FAQ and keep people from asking about such matters

Anyways, just an idea.

Nude Pics of Kam? Uh...no.

I'm kinda with Vaderico on this one, I feel like I'm asking too much when I ask you to do more work than you already are. But new pics on development would be nice, since the ones we have are pretty old. That's pretty much all I can think of.

I really don't want to ask for anything, but weekly devilopment updates would be cool, or maybe a tournament.


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