Pokémon Discussion > Games

important event (jirachi)

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Arceus was a woman to get legitly.

I got the Jirachi a couple of days ago, it's level 5 and knows the move draco meteor, Which is just awesome.

How are you supposed to get these if you can't get the game until it's released in the US? D: This makes me very unhappy!

in my opinion i don't really like jirachi,most of these events are practically useless scince its INCREDIBLY easy to get it with AR,the only downside is that u can't use it on PBR... :-[


--- Quote from: KittyZelda on March 02, 2010, 04:35:58 AM ---How are you supposed to get these if you can't get the game until it's released in the US? D: This makes me very unhappy!

--- End quote ---
it is over but you could have gotton it on DPP.

Yeah i never got to go sadly.


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