Pokémon Universe > Development

Re: To Do List

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 And there you have it, the "PU God" is back from his "contacting Nintendo by being in Japan" trip.

I think it's always great when people are trying to help, so I appreciate your try. I assume your actually willing to create some art for the game, because you are asking questions about the design? If so, you can show your pixel skills by e.g. creating paperdolls or creating unique 32*32 tiles. When we (Actually Bryan our lead pixel artist) think your skills are good enough, you can possibly join the team. Please note we're trying to create just one design-style, so that's why we have to see if your skill is good enough to provide that style.

If your in need of a few sprites then can I recommend that you advertise the position on otland.net - there's quite a few talented spriter's there who may be interested. Just an Idea.

Sorry for not updating the list. I would say at least 25%-35% of what's on the list is completed. I got real busy last week and this week with life stuff. But I am slowly working on building design.

If you are interested, I'm not looking for spriters/paperdoll artist. But I am looking for environment tile artist. This would involve, rocks, flowers, stumps, bushes, water-wells, etc. So if you are interested, you can make a nice set of environmental tiles, then I could put you in a trial period on the art team; to test you on our current tiles.

Awesome! Thanks for all the replies and info!

I actually probably have zero Pixel Art skills, however... I could try to do something simple, like creating 32*32 base tiles (like sand, grass, etc.) But it all depends on how things go here. Not much time left to me lately... So I was going to fiddle with it and see what I come up with!

I'm not really trying to "join the team" because I know I don't have the time to really do much... But I figured if I came up with some small things you guys needed for the Mapper, that it would help out some!

No big deal either way really - just wanted to give it a little time, and maybe I'd come up with something useful!


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