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[Profiles] "End of the World" Pokemon RP

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--- Quote from: 9Nexalas6 on August 15, 2012, 02:44:42 AM ---Trainer

User Name- 9Nexalas6
Character Name- Cheryl (Her boy name is Kevin)
Goal- To get as far away from her parents as possible, and to prove she isnt as fragile as she looks.
Personality- Timid, nervous almost all the time.
Pokemon-, Machop, Staravia
Bio- Cheryl is a bit different from most trainers, and is currently hiding from her wealthy parents. They woulden't let her go off on an adventure ike everyone else because of "how dangerous it was" or how "she was too fragile". Despite being Timid and a nerve wreck, she was determined to show the world that she wasent just a fragile rich kid that does nothing but sit all day, drink tea, and act fancy. So she quickly disquised herself as a boy, and managed to barely sneak away one night and fled to Orberge City. She didnt bring anything but her clothes and a backpack filled with the needed trainer items, specificly ten and full heals, and nine pokeballs. She also managed to catch a wurmple on the way there, by accident actualy, but that's another story. She's currently being searched for by the police, so the disquise helps.
Appearance- ( is being an arse, so I'll have to describe her.)
She's a bit tall for her age, making her look almost 14, blonde short hair, and she wears a light jacket with long sleeves that hide her hands, a red and black cap, and baggy pants. She also has sunglasses, but only wears them in battle to hide her weakness.

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--- Quote from: 9Nexalas6 on August 17, 2012, 02:52:27 AM ---- Team Rocket/Galactic member.
User Name-9Nexalas6
Character Name-Nexos
Team-Team Galactic
Goal-To see this "New World" team Galactic keeps talkign about, and to get a higher rank.
Personality- Loud, and a bit cocky twards everyone.
Pokemon-, Glameow
Bio- He was actualy a singer at one point, but after Team Galactic formend he was interested in this new world they were making, and decided to join. His Loudred is his own pokemon that he had ever since it was a whismer, and even though it evolved it's not that strong yet, the Glameow was givin to him by the organization, so it's a rental. Goes everywhere with his microphone, whether it's to annoy his opponents, or to annoy the other team members.

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Approved, since everyone will be around lvl 20 when they hit the forest..


--- Quote from: Chad29 on August 19, 2012, 02:10:28 AM ---Blades invited me, so here's my profile.

User Name-Chad29
Character Name-Chad
Goal- Water pokemon specialist. Knowing as much as possible about water types.
Personality- He's laid back, and cares for pokemon and people alike. It is possible to tick him off, but he's generally happy and carefree.
Pokemon-, Lombre
Bio- He grew up on a small island, and has been around water and water pokemon most of his life. Swimming, fishing, boating, and pretty much everything that has todo with water. He went off on a journey to learn more, and has mostly been hanging around rivers and such and caught two water types.

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--- Quote from: 9Nexalas6 on August 19, 2012, 02:36:03 AM ---- Galactic member.
User Name- 9Nexalas6
Character Name- Mystogan
Age- 25
Team- Team Galactic
Goal- To take control of the pokemon of space and time in order to create a world just for pokemon.
Personality- Mysterious, never talks about himself and always listens to others... no matter how annoying they might be.
Pokemon- (lvl 20), Stunky (lvl 19)
Bio- A mysterious man who came from another region. Though he wont tell anyone which region he came from, he used to be part of Team Plasma from the Unova region, but he had no pokemon. Though he was taught many things by Team Plasma, his beliefs were... different. He thought that humans could never leave the pokemon alone in peace, and that they should instead be separated from them entirely, and that the pokemon should be sent to a different world where they could live in peace and unlock their potential. Though they thought he was joking, he wasn't, and after Team Plasma disbanded, he caught word of two powerful pokemon from the Sinnoh region, that were believed to be able to create galaxies. He quickly fled to the Sinnoh region without any pokemon, and caught word of Team Galactic, a group of criminals aiming to create a new world... He decided to take advantage of this. He reluctantly joined them, knowing they hurt pokemon for money, but it was a cross he had to bear to try and reach his goal. He managed to join, and was givin two pokemon by them, Gible, and Stunky. He is considered a grunt, but he has more potential than he shows, and hopes to overthrow their leader, and teach the other members his ways. It's rumored he has a connection to Nexos.

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Approved-(I modded your Gibles level sorry 24 was a bit too high for the moment)


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