Creative Discussions > Pokémon Roleplay

[Profiles] PMD: Guardians of Bokiri

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--- Quote from: 9Nexalas6 on September 18, 2012, 01:16:47 AM ---

Your name: 9Nexalas6
Team Name: Brain Power
Team Rank: Bronze

Your Character
Character’s Name: Shiron
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Riolu
Personality: Hot-Headed, often acts without thinking.
Moves: Endure, Foresight, Quick Attack
Bio: Never knew his parents, because they disappeared as soon as he learned how to survive on his own. He constantly trains, hoping to be the most powerful of his kind, but has difficulty in getting stronger. He met his partner, Dexter, one day in the forest. Dexter was the only one that could defeat him, and they became friends after Dexter healed him back to health. They recently formed a team, so they haven't gotten into a guild yet.

Your Partner
Partner’s Name: Dexter
Partner's Gender: Male
Partner Pokemon: Ralts
Partner's Personality: A thinker, often plans before attacking, hates violence, and hurts people who call him a girl.
Partner's Moves: Confusion, Growl, Ice Punch
Partner's Bio: His parents were killed when he was little, so he fended for himself until he found Shiron. Well, Shiron found him, Dexter was going to be his training, But Dexter KO'd him in less than a minute. He isn't evil, so he helped Shiron heal afterwards, and they quickly became friends. He's the main strategist in the team, and often helps get Shiron out of trouble. Plans on not evolving for certain reasons, and hates it when people mistake him for a her.

--- End quote ---


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