Pokémon Universe > Trainers Lounge

Location Evolutions


There are some Pokemon that only evolve if you level them up in certain places, like Magneton on Mt. Coronet. Will there be any places like that or will those Pokemon need a stone?

 Either have a new evolve location, since this is a new continent, so Mt. Coronet won't be available, or have it with evolution stone yeah. I think the easiest way to deal with it is just with an evolution stone, and anyone who wants some kind of location, can just go to that location and evolve it with the stone there.

I'm pretty sure we at PU will make places available that allow pokemon to evolve who need to be in a location to. For instance, in B/W Chargestone cave acts like Mt. Coronet, so we may have an area that acts like that as well, along with areas for Eevee. For the beta, I'm not too sure, so as Genbor put, a stone, or maybe some kind of NPC would make that process happen.


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