Creative Discussions > Roleplay Corner

Election of RP moderator [Election Over]

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I third the nomination for Blades.

I support the idea of nominating Blades, I saw him in almost every RP I enter or read, and he sure knows a lot of the RP guidelines, also, I got a question for the nominees.

To all nominees:
What will you do to regulate the battles between the characters? And how will you determine winners, draws if neither of the players want to lose?

rejlev, that's up to the GM of the individual RP, not the mod to decide. The GM handles how events, battles, and other similar aspects of the RP are carried out.

Well generally that's a GMs job, but I can answer anyways. There's two situations that happens.

Situation #1
Two characters, but they are from enemy factions. In that case the winner is determined between them, within certain guidelines. If one stated earlier he was traveling with a squadron and the other is alone, the one outnumbered will lose in most cases. If neither wishes to lose (which shouldn't happen often) you can interfere with the battle using an NPC soldier or something of the like.

Situation #2
It's a personal fight between characters in the same faction. In this case I would almost always interrupt it before the end because it is counter productive. There are certain circumstances that can change it (one of them is  a traitor, they are away from anyone else, it is a gladiator fight or something of the sort, etc.), but that would be my most common answer.

Hope that makes sense. Moderators and GMs control only so much, this is something I usually leave to the RPers unless interfering with plot and I can't change it a bit to fit.

Yeah I am also going to vote for Blades because I feel he knows what it takes to make a RP shine. (Not saying it always happens) he has had a few moments of quitage but I feel he'd be a great mod.

Plus, he has the best slit your wrists writitng ever. (In a good way)


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