Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

Balance of Dimensions [RP]

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He kept up his routine as he marched forwards, towards where he hoped they would be. One way or another, both of them were bound to find each other eventually; but, from what his analyst had told him... He'd probably be better off finding them soon. Rolling his dice a around in his hand, he pocketed them, before moving a hand back up to his dials. Perhaps he could at least draw out a sign of their location if he...

Called to them. Turning his volume as high as it would go, he turned his brightness down a bit to conserve power, a light chuckle echoing out from his speakers. "Ah, one, two, three. One, two three." He called out, as if testing his voice. "Goody! It didn't backfire on me this time, always a good thing, yes. I would like to ask that you reveal yourself; so that we may give the viewers a show, and something grand to watch." He called out, his tone cocky, and confident. "Especially, a request, considering the replay's we have seen of your past..." He paused, as if to add emphasis. "Battles." He finished, as you could practically hear the air quotes in his voice.

Was he trying to bait her out?


To a half-insect lady with hypersensitive senses, it was not a difficult task for her to notice Discord. Hell, she could nearly pinpoint that bastard's location right now. Not to mention the fact that even the slightest mutter would have easily been picked up by the drone barreling towards him by hopping from branch to branch. Even the slightest crackling of those little dice would be enough for this cunning apex predator. Figuring that it had done enough waiting, the drone's spindly legs hooked on, taking roost on the limb of a sturdy tree. Here, it would wait for the first signs of Discord's approach.

A good side to being this 'new self' whenever she set foot in the arena, was the overabundant courage that flew into her very being. The downside? She was a total hothead. "WHAT?!" The voice boomed forth from her mouth, a violent cascade of golden sparks crackling forth from her eyes as though a match had been lit within their fiery orange hues. Disc in hand and gritting her teeth, she made a mad sprint in the voice's direction, a thick trail of mist in her wake. Alright, so she was a fraction of an inch away from being the champion, but he did not have to bring it up like that! Heck, who does that? No, seriously, who?

When the buzzing in her head grew louder, she screeched to a halt, acknowledging the threat at hand. Ah, right, right. There was a safer way to go about this, wasn't there? With a series of peeps, the twin gatling guns of the mounted drone spun slowly, chunking out a few bullets in Discord's general direction. It was a warning sign. He was not alone, and had made quite the foolish mistake of boldly challenging her, Goldlock of Blackforge Rift, in such a taunting manner.

"HOLY HELLA HOT DAMN!" Burst out the voice akin to the tone of a sassy black woman, as though forcing her opinion out into the world with a violent punt. How... annoying. She was excitedly slapping her hands upon the front face of the box she wore, the twisted wire antennae bopping from the force. Barely able to contain herself, she scuttled forth, pressing her face up to one of the monitors in the waiting room. Conveniently, it filled the entire space in one fell swoop, blocking the view from everybody else in that corner of the room just so that she could gaze upon Discord in his entirety. She seems quite pleased with herself.


The bullets fired towards his general direction barreled into the trunk of one of the nearby tree's; well, at least he knew where they were coming from. Stopping in his tracks, the TV-headed man took the pair of dice from his pocket, before tossing them out behind him. As he waited for the results, he turned his volume down, and his brightness back up; they had finally shown themselves. Resting a hand on his staff, two numbers lit up in his mind... 2-6.

Immediately, he threw a hand out, and a swirling, colorful portal opened up beside it. Immediately, a disproportionately large (in comparison to the portal) fridge was thrown; in the general direction of the bullets, towards the drone. "Bah! A fridge, again?" He asked aloud, an almost pissed off tone to his voice.

The match was about to commence, the competitor's astrals having been introduced; one held a fair resemblance to the girl beside him. Maybe that's where he got the idea from. Perhaps she's a fan? He pondered, continuing to watch the battle. When it seemed as if the actual fighting was about to begin, the entire screen was covered by a cardboard box. The girl with the box on her head seemed overly excited about the fight, and had moved in, blocking the entire screen.

Tyler could heard the sound of bullets, and complaints about a refrigerator...? He grit his teeth, not wanting to seem irritated, and reached forward to firmly grasp the girl's shoulder. " I'd hate to sound too familiar, but perhaps you should take a step back from the screen?  I can't imagine it's good for your eyes."

Taking desperate measures, the drone began to fire even faster once the kitchen appliance had been drawn out. Though, was it to any avail? Sadly, not. With a violent smash, the drone was reduced to nothing but crinkly bits, the legs twitching with the last final sparks that ran through them. Whatever was left took on a bright orange glow and lifted from the ground, shooting back to the lady as a ball of light and slipping under the shell upon her back. She stood there, mouth agape at such a swift, merciless killing of her child. No words fell forth for quite a while, actually.

Clutching the large disk in trembling hands, another loud burst of sparks shot from her eyes as she re-entered the burning rage that had drove her here. She wasn't too sure what she was thinking at the time, for the series of events that took place were all a blur. "A fridge? Are you joking right now? Please, tell me you're joking, for bug's sake." The astral was truly trying her hardest to hold back from wrapping her fingers around that tall bastard's throat. After all, this was meant to be a show, not a murder. "Of all possible weapons, you killed my child with a FRIDGE?!" Whoops, patience is gone.

Casting her charisma to the wind, she took a wild swing of her hand, chucking the disc violently in Discord's direction. Then, something... weird happened. It began to hum and change direction, swinging up and around in a strange arc until it hovered behind the TV-headed fellow. There, it stood idly, until a shrimplike tail shot out from the underside. At either side of the disc, golden wings rose up, and two itty bitty headlights now powered on, staring the enemy down. Last but not least, a singular cannon popped forth from the stomach compartment, taking no hesitation to fire off a hearty shot of yellow plasma. Was this... a new drone type? Hella sweet!


The little fellow was pried away just in time for the unveiling of the strange new drone, the circular holes in the cardboard staring at Tyler with the hollow, lifeless gaze that the black mesh behind them provided. Her gaze was brought downwards as she rummaged around in her pockets, pulling out two strips of black electrical tape, which she promptly slapped above the eyeholes. When they stuck, they gave off the impression of thick, pissed-off eyebrows. "Well excuuuuse me, mister! Have you ever managed to find an astral that looked almost exactly like your own? Me neither! That style, those colors... I have to talk to this guy after the fight!" This mosaic of different themes brought her hands up to where her cheeks would be on the box, giving off a dreamy sigh. The sticky coating of the tape loosened, the eyebrows now hanging at a sad angle. "...Oh, deary me! I'm getting ahead of myself!" Her best impression of Discord was donned, though... it sounded a little strange on a female. "Actually, I might lose my head if I keep daydreaming! I need a battle plan to take on... whoever.. I'm up against!"


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