Pokémon Discussion > Anime & Movies

What is your Fav Pokemon Trainer ??

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I love Lance he is really cool and the guy in the battle frontier who has all the regis Tyson also was really good and I loved Richies pikachu's little fluffy hair and Gary but my favorite is prof. oak not many know but he has a dragonite in the anime special for 10 years of pokemon and I like how he knows all there is to know and almost all other pokemon professors and alot of trainers so he tops the list. so here's the list 6 richie 5 frontier regis 4 Tyson 3 ash 2 Gary 1 Oak

I think Paul would be my favorite trainer. He kinda represents how the competative trainers see pokemon. He looks at a pokemon's strenghts and abilities--something competative trainers do. He actually makes strategy not based of some childish intuition unlike Ash (least fav character. I just plain hate him). He takes things into consideration that lots of trainers do not in the anime such as entry hazards, status effects, and abilites. He learns from his mistakes and defeats. I think he should beat Ash at the Sinnoh League. I think he would have beaten him had the anime writers been realistic instead of letting Ash pull random powers out of his and his pokemon's asses :/

Can it be a gym leader? if so, it's definitely Skyla :D


my favorite trainer has to be Gary and Harrison. Because i like gary umbreon and harrison blaziken.


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