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ChaosControl's Poems.


Hey guys i figured I'd post my poems here tell me what you think and don't worry i can take negative too.
I just got into poetry about a week ago when we started the section at my school.
(I'll update every time i write another.)

A New World.

Entrance to many different dimensions.
To go to them all is my intention.
These exciting realms I can’t pantomime.
To travel to these new places doesn’t cost a dime.
When I’m done I want to return once more.
This is the entrance to the learning door.
Fowl Manor, Hogwarts, The Community.
Reading is the perfect opportunity.


Beep-bop on New Super Mario Bros
On Kingdom Hearts I’m killing crows in rows.
Infinite choices, an escape from life.
Slicin’ and dicin’ it up with Cloud Strife.
Speed up the lane of gaming like Sonic.
My wins are chronic, and they are tonic.
Guitar Hero, Pokemon, Crash, Burnout
If you think you might can win, come on out.

Drawing on the wall

Life left me longing for more than folklore.
I needed more than I had before.
There had to be something that satisfied.
Cringing and crawling I was always crying.
Then I found drawing, one of my best friends.
Pain faded away, I watched it descend.
I had finally found what I had longed for.
Expressing myself like never before.


When the sky is black and my heart is gray.
That is when I say let the music play.
Alternative, Ska, Metal, Pop, Techno.
Everybody listen let’s go, let’s go.
Music’s a place to go to be alone.
Music has been there as I’ve grown.
Blues, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Rap, Rock n’ Roll, Disco.
Everybody listen let’s go, let’s go.

Raven (Haiku)

I observe nature.
I see a raven fly by.
I feel uneasy.

Some nice poems ChaosControl; I enjoyed reading them :)
I think Melody is my favourite. Let's go, let's go!


--- Quote from: kiel223 on March 29, 2010, 09:57:31 AM ---Some nice poems ChaosControl; I enjoyed reading them :)
I think Melody is my favourite. Let's go, let's go!

--- End quote ---


i added a new one (Raven)

Mr Pokemon:
Nice poems!
Here's one that I can think of in about 10 minutes:

Behold the lion,
Under the Savannah sun,
In majesty and courage,
He holds number one.

Behold the tiger,
Gazelle in his mouth,
Climbing higher and higher,
Blood staining his snout.

Behold the tabby,
Cousin of the two,
Lying lazy and relaxed,
Like all house pets do.


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