Creative Discussions > Fan Fiction & Writing

PU Web Comic [Announcement]

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Ok, so it's been hinted at, (and I think a few people learned about it already), but Kuhns and myself have been in talks about doing a web comic for PU, and I am now officially announcing it.
If you want to take a look at Kuhn's artwork, click the link below.,370.0.html
Anyway, I wanted to have it ready for pre-beta, but with how busy everyone is, I don't think that is going to happen, so when we can get this started, we will.
You may be asking yourself why I would be giving you this little teaser when we have no real date in sight anymore, so I encourage you to click this next link before you keep reading.,688.0.html
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Ok, so now that you have read that (or not), I would like to announce the second prizes for Jerry and Declan_23.
Congrats guys, you will both be featured in the comic when it finally debut's, but I won't tell you what you will look like, what you will say, what you will be doing, or how often you will appear.
I don't really care if you guys don't find it funny, this is mine (and Kuhn's) comic, and we are finding what we are doing absolutely hilarious.
Now, don't worry, I won't leave you completely empty handed, instead I would like to present you with a small teaser.
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First, I would also like to note that, that is not the name of the comic, in fact, we haven't thought of a name yet. If you want to give your suggestions for a name, you may do so, if we find one we like, perhaps we will use it, but no guarantees.
Second, I promise not to be the artist for the comic, I am aware how painful that was, instead, I shall stick to the writing since that's what I like to think i am best at.

Oh yeah, as for the story of the comic. It is about a small group of trainers who are on a cruise ship to get to the greatest pokemon region of all time, I assume you can figure out what region I speak of.

Now, feel free to go nuts, I know this is awesome news.
P.S. Before anyone asks, no, I haven't forgotten about Jerry's secret third prize, but you will have to wait a little longer (but not much) before that one is revealed.

--- Quote ---Ok, so while Kuhns is still taking her sweet time in the lurking tree, I decided to give you yet another teaser. This time all the drawings were done by me while at work (I get pretty bored there when there are no customers). I tried to put them in chronological order so you can see how my sanity deteriorated over time.

Oh LoL

Yeah, I never did understand that

Inspiration for this one, from my work. Also, LoL at the terrible Victorybell

I was playing HG during my break, and yeah, there is a girl who actually says that

I was gonna draw an Exploud, but couldn't seem to be able to, even though that hasn't stopped me before

Yup, he can actually surf

This was the last one I drew on Easter Sunday, when I was working until 2:00am
There is actually another one that I drew on Easter Monday, when I was working until 2:00am again, but thank god it was lost, it was even more upsetting.
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Oh, and this one isn't really a comic, but I made it anyway as a homage to the greatest series on Youtube

So yeah, there you have it. Hopefully this will encourage Kuhns to draw more, as a way to protect the world from ever seeing such abominations as my drawing skills ever again.

--- End quote ---

Hur, hur....

Yay i'll have more things to do in a day now ...

(to do list)
-My routine
+ read the PU web comics =D

Nice hand made one btw.

Lol, thanks spirit! :)

I don't know how it'll look like, but I think you'll do great work. :)

Sounds really good!  ;D

Awesome, great work Spirit and Kuhns :)

If you want any help at all you know who to call! (No, not the ghost busters -_-')


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