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Messages - Aquashin

Pages: 1 ... 109 110 [111]
Games / Re: Regigigas its ussable?
« on: September 19, 2011, 06:13:35 AM »
To Fox - right now i cant since its allready 5 am and i need sleep...

To Shadowfred - it is a Regigigas Strategy, you might consider it a Ninjask strategy but if you look at it correctly, it isnt, i said in the guide how to build the Regigigas so it isnt weak, and how to make the Ninjask work 100%, instead of calling Pointless to some Guides that people like me take their own time to make to help other people, read it correctly and try to use it for your own benefict, we will be happy if you do.

New Trainers / Welcome / Re: Hello
« on: September 19, 2011, 06:08:07 AM »
i did checked it out, but i dont know which rps are just starting or how to participate in them, and i didnt asked a stupid question, just asked a favor...

Games / Re: Regigigas its ussable?
« on: September 19, 2011, 06:03:41 AM »
A pointless thread as there will be no legends in this game. But on the other hand, how many people do you see using Regigigas skilfully.

its not pointless, since Regigigas its NOT considered a Uber, and people dont use it because of Slow Start, i found and created a way to use it skillfully, just sharing my findings which im proud of sharing.

this has surprised alot of people i battled with, they wouldnt know what to do agaisnt it and they ended up losing everytime.

Games / Re: Blaze Blaziken vs Speed Boost Blaziken
« on: September 19, 2011, 05:52:45 AM »
if you want to make your Blaziken with Flare Blitz you can, but its better that you have HP to when you use High Jump Kick, if it misses, its a problem.

Games / Regigigas its ussable?
« on: September 19, 2011, 04:49:33 AM »
People here, what if i told you that Regigigas with Slow Start its a powerhouse pokemon? he his Normal type that means 1 weakness (Fighting) and 1 total resistance (Ghost).

You say: " Slow Start reduces Attack and Speed by half in the first 5 turns, Regigigas cant hang alive for that long and if it does, he will be almost KOed"

That is true, but your not seeying the whole picture for sure.

- Regigigas has awsome stats of total 670;
- 160 of the 670 its Attack, means that it can go up to a maximum of 460 Attack;
- Slow Start only lasts 5 turns, after that its full power;

Now you ask me " How is someone able to use Regigigas even with Slow Start?"

Simple, he just needs a little help from another realy usefull pokemon, can you guess which one is it? its known for its Speed and for having Speed Boost... yup, you all got it, Ninjask.

Ninjask needs 4 moves to be working perfect for this, Baton Pass, Substitute, Protect and Swords Dance. Hold item Leftovers

You Say " those are all non-attacking moves, it can be stoped with Taunt"

True but if you guess how your opponent will playout, you can prevent Taunt from happening, you just need to know which pokemon are ussualy used with Taunt, then prevent it.

And now for the way to use Ninjask to Regigigas.


- Ninjask with the moves i told you earlyer;
- Regigigas with ONLY 3 attack moves, 1 MUST be Protect
- Regigigas with Adamant Nature, HP - 156 EV, Def - 176 EV, Sp.Def - 176;
- Regigigas and Ninjask both with Leftovers Hold Item;

You see this and ask " Why no Ev's on Attack?"

Trust me, it works, if you do the Ev correctly you will end with a Regigigas with the stats like mine is and like it stays on PO: 400/391/300/176/300/236

And no you ask me again " Why must one move must be Protect? why not 4 attack moves?"

Its a just-in-case move, if the 5 turns havent passed allready, you can use Protect to add one more turn.

Things you MUST beware:

- Stealth Rock: Have one of the other 4 pokemon in your team with Rapid Spin to clear them and defeat the pokemon with it quickly so its not a problem for Ninjask.

- Fire Type moves: Alot of people use Fire Type moves like the famous Flamethrower, to prevent your Ninjask from fainting, have a Alomomola like i do, its a good Physical Wall but its a Water Type so its half damage.

How to use Ninjask:

You need to have expert strategist skills in this one, the tactic can be easy, but hard at the same time, you need to be sure you can use Swords Dance whenever you are able, 6 turns are needed for Speed Boost be make it +6 Speed, 3 are needed for Swords Dance to reach +6 Attack.

The Tactic is, Substitute » Protect » Substitute » Protect and Etc...

You " Why Substitute first?" Answer - If your opponent switches pokemon, you have the Substitute to protect for 1 turn and you can use Swords Dance.

When can you use Swords Dance? When your Substitute holds on agaisn't the other pokemon's attack move.

Results: If you are able to Baton Pass to Regigigas with +6 Attack and +6 Defense, by PO stats, it will have nearly 680 Attack and 450 Speed, when the Slow Start ends, it will have nearly 1400 Attack and 1000 Speed, you can 1 hit KO any pokemon with this without any stat ups on defense.

Looks simple right? Belive me, mastering this tactic takes alot of your mind and concentration, make sure you are ready for dissapointment if it doesn's work at first time.

Any questions or doubts or complains pleasse post it below or PM me, i will be happy to answer the Pms.

Games / Re: Blaze Blaziken vs Speed Boost Blaziken
« on: September 19, 2011, 04:12:05 AM »
if you want a Blaziken with Speed Boost to have +1 on speed right on the start, you just need to put Protect on him, then add Fire Punch, High Jump Kick and Earthquake, and put a Air Ballon on it, everytime i used it like this, works perfectly, u use protect on the first turn and you automaticly have +1 Speed Stat, that can turn tables all arround.

New Trainers / Welcome / Hello
« on: September 19, 2011, 03:47:30 AM »
Hi, name is Karol, but call me Aqua since its my nickname irl, im 21 and i love to rp, but in the friends site i daily rp, there are no pokemon rp, so i came here in search for one, since i love pokemon and my knowledge of pokemon its 9 of 10.

if any of you would be so kind, i would like to know if there is a pokemon rp that is still in the start so i can get into it and go at the same rhythim as the others in it, and yes i rped pokemon before i can be both the pokemon and the trainer and no im not a godmoder, i hate godmoders...

so if you could tell me which pokemon rps are still starting that i can still get into, pleasse tell me, other than that, nice to meet you all, i hope to rp with you all ^^

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