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Messages - TheWolf

Pages: [1]
News & Announcements / Re: Name The Professor Competition
« on: December 27, 2010, 02:21:42 AM »
Professor Juniper (Female)

*Yes its not a tree but a bush, but its in the general family and it sounds really good.*

New Trainers / Welcome / Same old story, but a more exotic outcome.
« on: March 30, 2010, 04:30:07 AM »
Well, as much as I despise welcoming topics since a person can more rightfully find out who another is more from the way he writes and corresponds himself then from one stupid topic, but seeing as this is a small community and I have no knowledge of anyone I decided to make a welcome topic after all.

I guess I will began saying that I found this site while looking for a pokemon role-playing game. In all seriousness I was just doing it as a joke and to pass the time since recently I broke my high-tech laptop (The one I played the majority of my games on) so with it gone I couldn't pass my time playing World of Warcraft  and I have gotten quite bored of Modern Warfare 2, but when I came upon this site I started looking around first at the pictures of the actual game itself and then what it might contain. When I took a moment to think about it I decided to give it to a go and sign up.

When it comes to my personality, I am quite blatantly weird; lets keep it at that.
I am in a way a grammar nazi, and like expressing myself very fluently (That is when I am in the right mood)
I do not believe in spam posting and so being I rarely post in topics that are just meant to raise post count. I'm a bit big on making topics that have meaning and will be read and get a fairly positive feed back.
I enjoy writing stories and I plan on being quite active on the forums whether it be posting in topics or just reading what other people have to say.

Before I stop typing let me say that I plainly go by the name "Wolf" but feel free to call me w.e
But that is all that I have to say if you wish to learn more of me just read my posts since I assert myself into many of them besides that I am glad to join this community and I hope this game goes somewhere. ^_^


General Chat / Re: Pokemon you HATE.
« on: March 29, 2010, 04:12:11 AM »
While I do hate quite a few pokemon, I generally don't like any of them from generation 4 since they just went over the top with them and well that lost me at generation 3 so ya.

Magikarp is on my list though, splash fails.

General Chat / Re: What pokemon would you choose for your team?
« on: March 29, 2010, 04:09:26 AM »
Typhlosion - Between being awesome for burst damage, and learning moves such as earthquake make him one of my favorites, plus hes just plain awesome.

Scyther - His quick moves make him perfect for finishing moves, plus hes and old fav of mine.

Mightyena - Just my fav. non legendary looking dog pokemon (tongue twister.)

Togepi - Don't under estimate it with its small size, with metronome and a few other attacks, it could own all.

Ditto - He can transform into any pokemon, so well your pretty well off no matter what

Lucario - I don't know if hes considered a legendary but, hes bad*** if you catch my drift so I had to add him.

Pages: [1]