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Messages - Gold

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Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] The Crystal Arc
« on: August 17, 2010, 09:40:58 PM »
Argh! How dare you!
I felt the blade cut into by body, blood flowed easily from the wound. At the same time I could feel, my muscles spasm from the electricity. My arms lost strength and my sword fell from my grasps. I flew straight towards the dark winged Averillian and wrapped by arms around his body. With a fireball in my hand I ignited his dark wings, burning the skin and feathers.
Don't worry, if you live they will grow back. I laughed as the electricity from his body sent me in a state of paralysis. Before my body was completely numb, I tucked my wings in a held on to my attacked. With my wings furled and his burnt we both feel quickly, towards the ground.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP] The Crystal Arc
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:57:57 PM »

After a few hours of wandering through the horrid tunnels I finally found the exit. It was a small opening in the roof created to throw prisoners in and allow light and oxygen into the labyrinths. It looked like it would be a tight squeeze to get through but I was going to have to do it.

Freedom, sunlight, air. Agh finally. Now all I need is some blood and I will be in a great mood again.

I unfurled my wings jumped straight up with a powerful downstroke with my wings and made it into the opening. I climb through the opening and made it outside.

My moment of peace in the outside was broken by the sounds of battle. I looked and at first I couldn't see anyone fighting, then I looked up into the sky and found the two combatants.

Two of my own kin, fighting. Without me. How rude. This just will not do.

I starting flying towards them as fast as I could. My fire flowed through my body and into my weapon, making it glow red hot. I made it to the fight unnoticed, the two Averillians to busy protecting themselves to notice me.

I swung my sword around me hitting the blunt side of the blade against the dark winged warrior. His skin began to burn immediately, scene smell reminded me of the tunnels I had just escaped.

Jobs / Re: First Attempts at Balancing
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:11:44 AM »

Sp.A -20
Spd - 10
HP +15
Def +10
So, with this gengar is not totally nerfed, he lost a bit of Special Attack but is still able to do a good amount of damage (about 114 with max evs, iv using shadow ball) but the increased hp and defense mean that  Gengar can now take more than one hit.(can now survive more than 1 psychic attack by an alakazam)  Speed was also lowered a bit to keep him fair.

Gengar is notably a special sweeper he still has high special attack and speed but now he is more durable and less powerful.

What do you think, is this better?

Jobs / First Attempts at Balancing
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:11:53 AM »
I was working on some pokemon balancing. Mostly turning OU into UU pokemon.

I think that they are alright but I am unsure. Please be as critical as possible.

Kingdra [/u]

So to change Kingdra from an OU to an UU I just lowered the stats.

New stats:
Hp: 70
Sp. Def: 90

This one pretty basic so I don't think it is amazing.



For scizor I lowered some stats, raised others and mostly just tried to balance him. New stats are:

Hp: 70
Sp. Def: 65

So, lowered the Attack strength from the over powered 130 to a reasonable 100. Defense is increased to make up for the lowered strength to continue some tanking abilitiy. Sp. Def is lowered to allow some chink in Scizor's armour. Speed increased to be able to beat other tanks to first hit.

Major change is removing bullet punch from Scizor's moveset.

I may do more like this. But first i would like some feedback. There is not point doing more if im doing it wrong.

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP]The Crystal Arc (Shop/Profiles)
« on: August 16, 2010, 05:23:01 PM »
Mr. Pokemon's character.

Username: Mr Pokemon
Name: Alai

Lv. 1
Exp: 0
Gauss: 0

Race: Averillian
Personailty: Kind, modest, unselfish
Natural Ability: Natural Cure
Weapon: Longsword

Other Roleplay / Re: [RP]The Crystal Arc (Shop/Profiles)
« on: August 16, 2010, 05:20:57 PM »
Here is the Skeleton for the Crystal Arc characters.



Lv. 1
Exp: 0
Gauss: 0

Natural Ability:

1 Natural Ability Only.

See 1st post of Niras

Exp Gain Values
(Enemy Lv x 13 x no. defeated + 53)/11

Ex. 1x13x1 = 13> 13 + 53=66> 66/11= Total Exp gain. = 6

Gauss earned = Lv x Random value From 10-60

Lv up Value..: ((LVx10+53)x3xLV-13)/10 = Exp needed to Lv. up (Round to Nearest Whole Number)
EX. #1 = 1x10+53> 63x3x1-13> 176/10 = 18 (after rounding)
EX#2 = 2x10+53 > 73x3x2-13> 425/10 = 43 (as before.)

Username: Gold
Name: Aldrnari

Lv. 1
Exp: 0
Gauss: 0

Race: Averillian
Personality: Logical. Everything that he does, he does because it is the most logical thing to do to accomplish his goals. He is driven by his misanthropic dislike of all life. His only goal is to end the war and the most logical way to do that is to kill all soldiers fighting in it.
Natural Ability: Pryokinesis
Weapon: Bastard Sword (hand and a half sword)

Other Roleplay / [RP]The Crystal Arc (Shop/Profiles)
« on: August 16, 2010, 05:12:17 PM »
This is a very basic shop right now, give some ideas and ill be adding my own.

Here, you can buy items, equips, and more...

Gauss is the currency. (More as I go.)
Your Profiles will go here as well,
The shop is integrated, so you will send me a PM with your info, Then, upon approval, post it Here.

PM your profiles before posting, and I will post them. If not the post will be removed, as well as your character from the RP. 

Other Roleplay / Re: [Pending] The Crystal Arc
« on: August 16, 2010, 04:55:49 PM »
I will, im going to clean this up a bit

Pokémon Roleplay / Re: [RP]~A New Life-RP~
« on: August 16, 2010, 08:24:36 AM »


"Down to the last penny again buddy. Well the world never gave us anything so we are going to have to take it."

Fang sat down beside his Eevee thinking about their next plan of action.

"We made it here, here... Olivais, all the way from the farm. We have been kicked around since we left. But now we know we cant trust people and they cant trust us. Dont we buddy."

The sound of footsteps walking down the street put Fang on full alert. The sounds echoed off the building, and in the night he knew the person would be alone. The footsteps were drawing nearer to him.

"You know the plan right Eevee." The Eevee nodded its head back at Fang.
"Ok 30 seconds...

Now, Eevee use sand-attack!"

The man wearing a dark coat with a K embroidered onto turned the corner right as the Eevee attacked. The man covered his face with his hands leaving his abdomen unprotected. When the Man was vulnerable Fang hurled his body at the man with all his strength, knocking him to the ground.

Fang quickly searched the man's pockets while he was dazed, finding what he was looking for Fang and Eevee began to run off.

The man wasn't down for long and before Eevee and Fang could get away he back on his feet.

"Do you even know who you are messing with, kid. I am a member of Kamelot. Go Rattata use quick attack." The man in black yelled.

"Eevee dodge!  Use sand attack" It was to late for Eevee to dodge the quick attack, Eevee was knocked back skidding across the ground. With a quick movement Eevee spun around and used sand attack.
"Now while the enemy is blinded use tackle, aim for its legs." Eevee threw itself at the Rattata driving its head into the opponents leg causing it the leg to seize.

" Come on Eevee lets get out of here." Fang and Eevee ran off again, this time escaping while the wounded Rattata couldn't follow.
"I will find you kid, I promise. I WILL FIND YOU!" Those were the last words Fang heard from the Kamelot member.

" Alright lets see what we have here." Fang took a look at the prize he collected from the man he just met. The wallet that was stolen was black leather, embroidered with the same K that was on the cloths the man was wearing.

"That little bugger, all the work we did Eevee and he only has enough for food a potion or two and a couple pokeballs. Well lets start with a potion for you." Fang and Eevee started into the main parts of town looking for a Pokemart.

Other Roleplay / [RP] The Crystal Arc
« on: August 15, 2010, 05:29:53 AM »
I was talking with unbreakable and he has given the control of the The Crystal Arc RP to me. I am re posting all the information I have and I will be talking profiles if you want to give them.

This information is by Unbreakable
The Averillians Idea was Mr Pokemon's

This has Nothing to do with ANY Manga/Anime/Video Game Series I know of.

They created this Idea purely on their own, Therefore It may take a while to fully construct this RP.
All characters start low, with poor jobs, and big Dreams...

Ok, so it sounds like WoW or something, but I assure you, It is 99% Their idea-1% Typical RPG
VVVVVVVDrbg, look hereVVVVV

^1) Chrotians: This race Lives primarily in Massive Bodies of Water, They Travel as Soul Orbs, familiarity is Checked via Energy Signature. However If They decide to leave the water, Their soul Shapes a Humanoid form out of Water, then Tranfigures it to a Solid Form, like a Soft Ice.

^2) Humans:....Well Its Obvious....

^3) Zyrilians: A race of Shadow Beings, Their World Harbors naught but Endless Darkness. Their plan to Shroud and Inhabit all worlds. They actually have an uprising forming within their own people..

^4) Degrilians: Everything the Zyrillians are and want This Race is, Yet Light. Pure beings of light with Corruption.

As these two Races havent been seen in the twilght, Their Appearance is unknown. A war is expected.

^5) Averillians: The Averillians are Human-like beings, but they grow wings after they are born. They like to keep peace, and mostly stick to themselves in high up places, like treetops. However, they are very skilled fighters if the need arises.
Some Averillians grow wings that are darker colors, such as grey or black. These creatures are dangerous. They are corrupted, the opposite of the others, and will stop at almost nothing to kill.

Ok, Drbg, ^1-5) are the Races.
And your Natural Ability, Thats what your attacks are Based On. Mine is Dark Elemental Impowerment, Meaning I can control Fire, Water, Earth, and stuff, yet I have a Key Weakness.

A small Isle Where Corruption, Hate, and Negativity do Not Exsist. All start here. then by race, are sent home, Free Will begins there. on Irelingale, All 5 Worlds coincide with eachother and a War is foreseen, expecting to devastate all.

Your Choice Remains: Prevent the War, or Fight against those who don't want it.


I could feel my heart pounding as I raced around the corner. I could hear the water droplets hitting the stones as I continued running down the hallway. My only light all but a few torches whose dancing fire cast an ominous light around the corridor. I could tell this was a place of unimaginable horror. The stench of rotting corpses hung to the air; a sickly sweet scent that was so thick I could taste it in my mouth, coating my tongue and over powering everything else. I put my hand on my sword and continued forward, my only guide the sound of crying somewhere in this labyrinth of a dungeon. After only a couple of minutes I knew I was lost, all the walls looked the same, every corridor identical to the last and to the next.  I looked around the hall and found a very suitable looking corner, so I lowered myself to the ground. I wasn’t exactly tired, but being away from the sun and the fresh air for this long had taken its toll on me. I guessed it had probably been only a couple hours, but in this place it felt like weeks had passed. 

For me the sun and the sky are everything. It is where I draw my power from as do all my people. I am an Averillian, a child of the sky. After I was born I realized I was different from my brothers though. My wings were much darker than that of my fellow Averillians. My view of the world was much different also; I could not sit back and watch the war being fought on the earth for control, they were pathetic, humans and other creatures destroying the world just to be able to rule. The actions enraged me and I promised I would kill all of them, and any of my brothers that got in my way. For this I was banished from my home and disowned by my family.

Other Games / Re: Retro or Next generation
« on: August 15, 2010, 01:10:34 AM »
Next Gen, obviously.
Though the retro games laid the foundation, they are still crap by today's standards.
Yea, nostalgia's nice but no one would seriously pass up Halo:Reach for Metroid.

It depends. Because if you consider 2002's Metroid Prime a retro game, Halo:Reach can go be the fanboy fuel that it already is.

Personally, I don't care when the game came out. It just has to be a good game. And there are alot of old games that can easily be considered better than todays games. Just because its newer, doesn't mean its automatically better than the games that have come before it.

Starfox 64, Super mario 64, Golden eye, Twisted Metal, they were all better quality then  things like Gears of War or Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2. They just don't look as pretty.

Actually I really like Trainer Silver's point. Retro is a term that can differentiate between people. So may consider even halo 2 (only 5 years) retro while others may not. So yeah age really doesn't matter its just people like good games.

Other Games / Re: Retro or Next generation
« on: August 14, 2010, 03:34:03 PM »
A wild Missingno has appeared :P

Other Games / Re: Runescape
« on: August 14, 2010, 03:32:13 PM »
My girlfriends brother (1 year older than me) plays it so I was just curious.

Other Games / Re: Retro or Next generation
« on: August 14, 2010, 03:27:30 PM »
Ah yes the glitches, one thing I do love is that old games dont have to worry about having their glitches patched.  :D

Other Games / Retro or Next generation
« on: August 14, 2010, 03:15:39 PM »
What do you guys prefer here on PU. Retro games or the Next generation games

ex. Legend of Zelda a link to the past(Snes) vs. TP (wii) - Street Fighter 2 turbo (snes) vs. Super Street Fighter 4 (xbox 360) - Sonic 2(Genesis) - Sonic 4 (xbox 360)

I personally prefer the old school games. Not saying the new ones are bad, just saying that I prefer the older games. Maybe nostalgia, but I think it is because they had to try harder back then. Now you say your making a new Zelda game a million people drop their jaw and are ready to pre order right there regardless of the quality of the game (granted for the new zelda I would be one of those people im not trying to put down on anyone). Back then you really couldn't get a large number of game sales unless the game was good, so... they had to try harder and make better games.

But thats just my opinion what do you guys think?

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