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Messages - chocobo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
Japanese Entertainment / Re: [Anime] Acchi Kocchi
« on: June 16, 2012, 05:27:18 AM »
I'm watching it, but it's pretty low on my priority list this season. I usually love the cute slice of life stuff, but Acchi Kocchi just feels like a really bad parody of all the other ones that have come out in recent years. The forced cat ears, the over the top nosebleeds, and Tsumiki's aloof, but tsundere attitude just don't really create a character I can enjoy. Io isn't flawed enough to be a character I can relate to. The rest of the cast just kind of falls off into an awkward area of not having enough personality or too much for the screen time they're given.

I make those complaints, but they're certainly not a dealbreaker. The show does have some good moments. Snowball fight, kick the can, and the volleyball episode were all pretty solid ones.

Japanese Entertainment / Re: I don't get it
« on: November 04, 2011, 07:15:08 AM »
Long time anime fan here. Probably a good 13 years worth of enjoying the medium.

Over the years, what I've found to be most desirable about anime is it's ability to appeal to a wide demographic of people. Western cartoons are generally aimed at children. The cartoons that are aimed at adults tend to be of the comedy variety. There isn't a lot of option for a fan of animation to get a great detailed story oriented towards adults in the western world. I think this is where anime comes in and fills the gap nicely.

Anime caters to just about every genre you can think of. Comedy, action, adventure, drama, romance, etc... This is definitely something that incredibly rare in western animation. It's nice to find a plot heavy, character heavy, and beautifully arranged (mostly artwork) series. The fact that it's Japanese doesn't really change anything. Where anime falls short in my opinion is some of the animation. Since studios don't receive the same funding, there is a lot of fps issues. Not all studios do this. The major ones receive great funding and produce great work.

It can definitely be a hit or miss medium. My favorite anime from when I started watching all those number of years ago, are things I'd laugh at now. You just need a proper introduction to the medium.

Computers & Technology / Re: Post your desktop!
« on: August 28, 2011, 08:25:04 PM »
I recommend for music, if you only want a singular song, use mediafire via google. Type in the name of the song and type mediafire after it. Most of the time, it should be the first link or so given. You can usually get the song you want in higher quality. If you want whole albums, mediafire can work as well. Instead of the song just type in the artists name with mediafire after it or the album. Also, torrents are fantastic.

Other Games / Re: Pokemon Tower Defense
« on: May 21, 2011, 04:15:26 PM »
Awesome. When I get time later today, I'll definitely play it some more.

Other Games / Re: Pokemon Tower Defense
« on: May 21, 2011, 05:35:17 AM »
Have new levels been added? I think when I played there was only 4 or 5.

Other Entertainment / Re: The Best Band Of All Eternity Ever
« on: May 07, 2011, 03:22:48 PM »
Even though this is entirely subjective, I'll contribute:

Johnny Cash (country music will never be as good as the legend)
The Beatles (aside from the cast of Glee, they've had more number 1 songs than any other band)
Queen (changed rock in a way that has never again been done)
Again, I already suggested these.
So you did. I read through the list, but I apparently missed both. I thought to myself as I was typing them that it was odd no one else suggested them... Shame on being awake too long and not reading as well I should.

Other Entertainment / Re: The Best Band Of All Eternity Ever
« on: May 07, 2011, 02:49:50 PM »
Even though this is entirely subjective, I'll contribute:

Johnny Cash (country music will never be as good as the legend)
The Beatles (aside from the cast of Glee, they've had more number 1 songs than any other band)
Queen (changed rock in a way that has never again been done)

Other Games / Re: What games are you playing?
« on: April 10, 2011, 04:21:56 AM »
Should be great. Co-op is going to blow my mind with 4 Portals. I really hope it's difficult. I loved nothing more than my first run through of Portal a couple years ago. Getting stuck and extremely frustrated because you can't get forward... Now I just think, "this is too easy."

Other Games / Re: What games are you playing?
« on: April 10, 2011, 03:14:12 AM »
Same here.

I'm gonna replay Co-op a ton of times. With my Bro, my other bro, then then again, my friends etc.

Same with regular. It just is always fun, because you notice different ways to solve them as well as getting the witty story again.

Now I'm pumped again, lol.
Definitely. I'm already lined up to play Co-op with a number of people. It's going to be great. I really hope the story is as funny as it was the first time. The witty dark humor makes me laugh every time. Especially near the end when Glados is saying she's going to kill you, just kidding, we had some good times right?

Japanese Entertainment / Re: [Anime] Axis Powers ~ Hetalia
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:17:13 AM »
Both seasons have been on my list for a while. I don't know why I don't just knock them out in a day. Each episode is only like 5 minutes long.

Other Games / Re: What games are you playing?
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:14:58 AM »
I've been beating Portal one almost everyday in anticipation for Portal 2 in just under two weeks. Oh how I wish the time would go by faster.

Other Games / Re: Quick Scope Modern Warfare 2 Challenge
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:11:31 AM »
I'd just like to comment on the auto aim comments. Regardless of whether or not you turn it off, if you're using a console, aim compensation and auto aim still exists. Because you're using game pads and not a mouse which allows incredibly better accuracy, the game has to compensate and make hit areas larger. Thus, in Halo you could get a head shot without directly being on his head. That isn't going to fly in a PC game. For this reason, console snipers annoy me when they spout off how great they are. If that skill is transferable over to PC gaming, I'll give props. However, 9/10 times, a console sniper makes for an incredibly lousy PC sniper.

Computers & Technology / Re: Post your desktop!
« on: April 09, 2011, 08:03:12 AM »

I used to have issues 1-105. A lot where destroyed when my family was moving. They'd go in and out of storage units and weather would do a number on them. I still have 15-20 of the comics in a number of boxes with all my other comics.

Other Entertainment / Re: Interesting Theories and ideas.
« on: April 03, 2011, 07:18:35 PM »
I've found this one interesting, I don't really buy into it, but it's neat:

Other Entertainment / Re: favorite super hero
« on: April 03, 2011, 07:17:06 PM »
It's cliche because he isn't very obscure or anything like that, but Spider-man. I've been a fan since I was a little boy. To date I have so much Spider-man stuff. I like him because outside of being a pretty kick ass superhero, he is such an average guy. He struggles with relationships, he can't keep a job, he has intelligence, but only gets to apply it in an academic setting, etc... I've been able to relate to his character a lot. Especially in the earlier comics.

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