Pokemon Universe MMORPG

Pokémon Universe => Ideas & Suggestions => Topic started by: Skojaren on June 18, 2011, 01:52:59 AM

Title: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Skojaren on June 18, 2011, 01:52:59 AM
I personally don't like that you have to either use a stone or trade pokemon with some special item to make them evolve. And also that if you evolve by stone your pokemon can not learn more abilities from leveling up.

So let's get into the suggestion.
I think that pokemon who only can evolve through stones or trades should get a specific level they evolve instead like the rest of the pokemon and that they can still learn spells from leveling up. It can't only be me who found this annoying when playing?

Agree or disagree, give feedback :)
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Level5Pidgey on June 18, 2011, 02:33:03 AM
And so what about Pokemon with divergent evolutionary paths?
Such as Poliwhirl?

Even so, this isn't really a problem in Pokemon - in fact, being able to evolve your Pokemon when you want is great with these Pokes.
I never thought I'd hear a complaint about something this =/
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Skojaren on June 18, 2011, 02:48:02 AM
Well the thing that is bothering is that if u maybe evolve to early u won't get the spells that would be really good for your pokemon. And then you cannot get after evolving it. I'm just saying I prefer the normal way that pokemon evolve after getting levels.

(a solution could just be that ur pokemon can still learn spells after evolving with a stone/trade)

This is also more realistic since with levels the pokemon gets stronger and then the evolution should take place. This is just what I think, was curious too see if other people have had the same thoughts as me.

Don't look at is like a complaint, just like a different point of view/suggestion for improvement.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Shadowfred on June 18, 2011, 04:52:21 AM
Pidgey already covered divergent evolutions, so I won't go over that.

The thing is, all pokemon who evolve by trade can still learn moves, and about half (maybe more) of the pokemon who evolve by stone can still learn moves.

So in the select few cases where a pokemon doesn't learn moves after stone evolution, I would suggest instead having a warning along the lines of "This pokemon will no longer learn moves through levelling up after evolving into <evolution> are you sure you want to use <stone type>?"

For example, a growlithe would have <evolution> as Arcanine and <stone type> as Fire Stone.

"This pokemon will no longer learn moves through levelling up after evolving into Arcanine are you sure you want to use Fire Stone?"
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Kamaran on June 18, 2011, 09:59:46 AM
I'm pretty sure we're gonna have a "are you sure"-button no matter what. Would be pain in the ass the have used several hours getting a evolution stone and then use it on the wrong Pokemon or at the wrong time.

I don't see why we should have a warning telling the trainers that they might be dumbasses for using a firestone on Growlithe at level 15. I mean it's a trainer's choice to evolve it. It's not like you're forced by the game.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: genbor on June 18, 2011, 10:59:59 AM
 I think adding the text Shadowfred suggested would be better though... You have a point Kamaran, but many players would be minors or people who don't really get all the technical details and just like to go with the flow (also I'm pretty sure many people who haven't played Pokémon or didn't want to would try PU out sometime).

 And if you think about this: In the game, it didn't really matter that much. The in the game trainers would usually let you win by choosing Leer instead of Crunch. But in a competitive game with a large playerbase, his ignorance would cost him several hours of leveling only to find he can't learn new moves anymore.

 So anyways, he might get really frustrated and stop playing. I think it's a good idea, and it would only be harder to implement than the "Are you sure?" button because it would have to be specified when to pop up. So i second Shadowfred's idea...

 PS: Of course mistakes are made all the time so only the most critical ones should get a more detailed warning like this.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Flynt on June 18, 2011, 01:07:56 PM
PIkachu should be evolved after lv 49.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: PkMn Trainer Black on June 18, 2011, 01:19:18 PM
PIkachu should be evolved after lv 49.

No. wrong place. is this topic done?
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Jerry on June 18, 2011, 08:38:34 PM
Also, there will be a move relearner (I think? Someone can confirm?) who will be able to give the pokemon in question its previous moves in many of the pokemon which were evolved by those methods.

Otherwise, if a player makes his pokemon evolve earlier than which would be better, then that's up to him and he is the only one who will suffer from that.

Which is, I just realised, what Kamaran basically meant.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Amphi on June 18, 2011, 09:41:13 PM
Think of this like the anime scenario between Ash and Lt Surge early on it is easy to just
evolve a pokemon using a stone so as to give a little advantage over the competition, but as you

all know, the people that wait to evolve them will get the benefits of better moves in the end.  So

basically I think the system should just stay as is, and leave it up to the trainer themselves.  Also

 to Jerry, if I remember correctly the move re-learner guy can only make it so a pokemon can

learn moves that it would have missed since it didn't evolve at its normal level.  Take Blaziken for

example if one was to level up a torchic to the level where it learns flamethrower then evolve it to

its final form then you could have blaziken "relearn" blaze kick, which it missed because it evolved

 much later.  But if one did the opposite and evolved the torchic following its normal evolution path

 then it wouldn't be able to learn flamethrower due to blaziken not actually having flamethrower in

its leveling up moveset.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Jerry on June 18, 2011, 09:47:09 PM
My point was that some of the moves that the pre-evolution learns is also in the moveset of the evolved pokemon, just that the evolved pokemon has it 'learned' by default.

Example: Pikachu, level 5.
The moves are Growl and Thundershock.
Evolve, and take to the move relearner and you get a Raichu with thunderbolt too.

Of course, not all the moves are there, but you have some.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Amphi on June 18, 2011, 11:21:33 PM
My point was that some of the moves that the pre-evolution learns is also in the moveset of the evolved pokemon, just that the evolved pokemon has it 'learned' by default.

Example: Pikachu, level 5.
The moves are Growl and Thundershock.
Evolve, and take to the move relearner and you get a Raichu with thunderbolt too.

Of course, not all the moves are there, but you have some.

Yes as you said not all of the moves are able to be relearned if the pokemon evolved didn't learn it already, a lot of those moves are "staple" moves. I seem to remember that when i would evolve my pikachu early on and tried to have raichu relearn thunderbolt via heartscale guy it wouldn't be on the list even if raichu was of the proper level that pikachu would learn it.  Of course this was in R/S/E/FR/LG soo my information may be outdated, but i do like the current system. I really don't think it should be changed
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Level5Pidgey on June 19, 2011, 02:19:20 PM
Also yeah, it's awesome to have all your moves bred/TM'd onto an Eevee, and then you just Flareon it at level 1 and start OHKOing level 5s.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Wire on June 19, 2011, 02:56:04 PM
Heres an idea for the eevee form such as umbreon and leafeon use a moonstone on an eevee to get umbreon or a leaf or sun stone for a leafeon i used to think thats how you got them in the game.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Jerry on June 19, 2011, 02:57:31 PM
Actually, if that was changed, a Leaf Stone would be more appropriate for Leafeon and a Sun Stone for Espeon.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: PkMn Trainer Black on June 19, 2011, 02:59:47 PM
then a dawn stone for Normal eeveelution and a Shiny stone for a pure flying eeveelution. it all makes sense now!
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Level5Pidgey on June 19, 2011, 03:08:56 PM
Actually, I am wondering how we'll get Leafeon and Glaceon in PU.
I assume there will be similar zones to level them in as DP.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Amphi on June 19, 2011, 05:45:48 PM
Actually, I am wondering how we'll get Leafeon and Glaceon in PU.
I assume there will be similar zones to level them in as DP.

if there is similar zones to evolve them in dp, there should be multiple of the zones, but each one is somewhat of a pain to get to.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Wire on June 19, 2011, 06:27:44 PM
Exactly so maybe having evolution stones for those eevee forms is a optional idea.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: VaporeonFTW on June 26, 2011, 03:47:53 AM
I agree completely, BUT...

What about Eevee? Theres tons of stones for Eevee and without them it would kind of ruin the purpose of all its evolutions.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: LeoReborn on June 26, 2011, 03:54:17 AM
*ahem* How woud it defeat the purpose of the Eeveelutions?
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: VaporeonFTW on June 26, 2011, 04:31:05 AM
Because, Evolutions of Eevee NEED stones.

Without them Eevee would only be Eevee.

So how are you going to evolve Eevee without the stones?

Answer me that!
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Jerry on June 26, 2011, 09:19:12 AM
So you mean you agree with the fact that there shouldn't be trade evolutions and stone evolution, but only for eevee? That sounds more like you don't agree with the suggestion :P

All in all, I don't like this suggestion. I like the current system as it is.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: Kamaran on June 26, 2011, 11:08:43 AM
Pokemon which evolve by use of items and/or trade will be kept that way.

As for Leafeon, Glaceon and other similar Pokemon; we will implement areas where they evolve.
Title: Re: Evolution Stones/Trades
Post by: VaporeonFTW on June 26, 2011, 08:50:10 PM
No, no.

I meant I agree with the fact that it's sometimes annoying when you have to trade or use a stone to evolve, but it would defeat the purpose of having the stones.

I shouldve explained myself more clearly...