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Topics - greybomber

Pages: [1]
It's kind of hard writing a quest without much knowledge of the game but I'll try my best.

I'm gonna jump straight in and write a legendary quest

Let's presume you get quests through exclamation marks, typical scenario
It starts of at a notice board You notice that there are adds all over the board but one in particular catches your eye. Missing people.
Suddenly this is a huge shock to you, this is so important you must get on the problem right away.
You think to yourself, where can I begin? Who can I talk to? What do I do? etc etc.
This is an important situation, you have never not known what to do so you head back home for advice from your mother {assuming you have a mother in this game, if not a rival or proffesor of the city etc} Of course your mother wouldn't know anything and what little advice she gives you doesn't help either but she mentions something about missing jewellery which seems to have gone missing around the same time. Could it be a thief? another use for goddam pokemon of course! The first person to go talk to is the rebel of the city, surely he has something to do with this.

{I know there is a lot of talking but this is a legendary quest}

So we go to his house of course finally some action he just want's to fight {Without any conversation}. He's got some pretty powerful stuff so you gotta be ready for this.
At the end of your battle he quickly pulls out a weezing which uses smog and he makes a run for it, down a hidden cave in his house so you quickly go after him

{go through a lengthy dungeon}

You make your way to the other side of the cave and find yourself in a secluded area, like nothing you have ever seen before, mystical yet... empty. It looks like a forrest with no trees, it has a huge lake to the left A large mountain behind you (where you came out of) and in a weird sort of way it seems to be snowing further to the right. but in the middle seems to be a singled out house, the bandit/rebel must be in there. it's not a very homy house, more like a tree house on the ground. But on the way there you are Discovered by an unknown pokemon. You've never seen the likes of this guy {legendary pokemon of course, I was thinking maybe Mew or jirachi, mew seems like a better choice given the ending} You get ready to pull out a pokemon but it doesn't seem to want to fight, it runs off to the singular house, maybe this pokemon built the house?? You quickly run after it but quickly stopped by yet another pokemon unknown to you {I want to limit the amount of legendary pokemon in this but I think this guy is rather important}{This legendary pokemon seems to look like a dog, it's growling like it's guarding the place} gah mind is drawing a blank, the legendary from crystal this should be.

Anyway, epic fight with the dog legendary pokemon {or maybe the trio of dog's, might be more interesting, either way}. This should be an incredibly hard fight but not hard for someone whos just been through a cave and a strong trainer. anyway you get through that fight and finally manage to reach the inside of the house where you discover piles and piles of lost jewelry including the set your mother lost.

{Somehow you communicate with the pokemon may it be body language, translator, through your companion or whatever, somehow you 2 have a conversation}

The pokemon seems to be interested in shiny things and enjoys collecting them, he/she has been watching the human race for lets say a long time and is very interested in their possessions and the way we exist. You discuss with Jirachi how there have been missing people lately and you don't have any leads on the subject. Mew seems to have a slight idea of who it may be and joins your party, Mew tells you that there is a hidden pathway only mew can discover in the cave you went through, so you go through the cave and when you reach a certain unmissible point the are opens up blatantly, you jump in to find mewtwo and a hostage. Mew quickly runs in to attack mewtwo but blatantly fails with one smack to the face. Time to get your battle on.

{slowly getting tired of writing this now :p}

So in the end, mewtwo has been punished mew is fine and back in that area, the cave is closed off, the rebel never to be seen again and the hostage perfectly safe thanks to you. Of course mew teleports you out of the cave after the fight with mewtwo so there was no way of going back.

ANYWAY the story could do with ALOT of work but overall the general idea wasn't so bad I don't think. Give it time even if it isn't a competition winner this might be a fantastic legendary quest to add to the game.

Thanks for reading.

Ideas & Suggestions / More ideas.
« on: March 08, 2011, 02:10:38 PM »
I know this is a bit of an iffy suggestion but I thought I would put it out there just in case...

The ability to make potions as a profession, or craft HM's as another profession or even making clothing items for your character and you can only choose one profession.

Maybe make a lengthier list so it gives a more unique feel to your character's abilities. When you go to farm the item to conjure something theres a certain % chance that you will encounter a pokemon etc.

Make vendors have a certain amount of stock and the price fluxuates depending on the quantity of items in the shop. If you vendor something the shop also sells that item, I know this idea came straight out of runescape but it's not a bad one and it doesn't exactly kill the auction house either, it's a real easy way to just dump whats in your bag instead spending your time dropping items that won't sell on the auction house, the auction house would contain more unique items that wouldn't be found in a vendor shop. THAT BEING SAID this is only if an AH is incorporated into the game.

P.S. {your bag should have a max capacity btw}

Written up really fast so my train of thought didn't die, but you get the idea

Please ask questions, it allows me to go into a deeper explanation of my idea.

EDIT: This whole section is based around the farmer's/financial whores, I do enjoy a bit of money making myself.

Ideas & Suggestions / Running through ideas.
« on: March 08, 2011, 11:19:50 AM »
These ideas may or may not have been discussed/suggested yet but if it has I hope I'm expanding on the topic.

I was thinking an alternative currency Only won through PvP ONLY, it should be used to enhance features of the game that do not change the physical features. i.e. whilst munny buys you pokeballs and potions this alternative currency changes your avatar, the flag on your house, the cool looking play pen you keep your pokemon in etc.

Possibly including towns in the game where you could sell or buy these items as objects and apply them when you reach home. I don't know the layout of the game or how you incorporate such a thing but the idea is out there.

This currency should be hard to receive and only available through many PvP games {sorta like a grind}, it gives a huge incentive to PvP rather than just go through the game solo making a wicked pokemon team.

I heard you get quests too, How does that work? Will it incorporate buffs, i.e. you gain double gold for the next 3 hours/ you receive double "currency" for PvP fights for the next 24 hours. etc.

Or even permanent buffs for the really hard quests like, finish this quest and your running speed will increase 5% forever.

Once again they may have been suggested but I wanted to make sure the ideas was out there.

New Trainers / Welcome / Newbie here.
« on: March 08, 2011, 10:37:18 AM »
Hi I'm Holly/Oliver, I'm a small gender confused teenager who has a love for programming, computer games and pokemon. found this site through google and thought I'd check it out, I like the concept and I thought I'd jump in and help whenever I can, if you ever see me on the forums make sure you say hello :)

Don't forget to say your pleases and thankyou's

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