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Topics - Sam

Pages: [1]
Ideas & Suggestions / HMs + Mounts?
« on: September 01, 2010, 12:56:57 PM »
Let me begin with the idea I have for HMs.
I was thinking, due to HMs being very annoying due to taking up an attack spot, maybe it'd be just a skill you could use outside of battle and not an attack.

I'll use the move Fly as an example. So, as far as I'm aware of, Fly will be pretty much the same as in GB/DS games, taking the player from one town to another in a matter of seconds. Now, with the trainer level system intoduced, I was thinking that once a trainer reaches a certain level, the ability to Fly from town to town would be available. Or even after beating a certain gym.

(Are there gyms in this game?)

It would be a little more useful to not have a HM take over an attack slot.
Also, a little more "realistic".
(Yeah... I'm talking about making a game where we catch creatures in tiny balls and make them fight each other realistic)
I mean, in the console games, what it seems like is bird Pokémon, along with any Pokémon with wings can't fly unless it learns the HM... which is... stupid.
(It's pretty much the same with Surf. So Water Pokémon aren't able to swim whilst having a person on their backs unless they learn Surf?)
So, all Pokémon that can learn Fly in the console games would have Fly as a skill automatically.

It would be all around better (in my opinion) if the HMs were just skills that aren't used in battle, but are used in the field.

Now, another problem you'll probably have realised is that you won't be able to access powerful HM attacks like Surf, Waterfall and Rock Climb. Maybe all of the HM moves would still be available as HM discs, and teachable as attacks if you wanted.

Ugh, I hope that made sense. It probably didn't.

Onto the second idea, it'll work fine if the previous idea mentioned is taken in.
At a certain level, trainers can ride their Pokémon on land, for a speed boost?
I remember reading on a thread, Mr_Dark mentioned that a speed boost for higher-level trainers would be a good idea.
Now, this would be a "field move" like the other HMs (if it's taken into account, obviously) and would be a skill Pokémon belonging to trainers of the highest level could have. This would not only give the speed boost, but look awesome, riding a Pokémon... which would separate the men from the boys, in a sense it would distinguish the high-level trainers from the low-level trainers, because in other MMOs, you can easily tell who's who just by looking at them.
Of course, this would only work outside, not inside any buildings or Pokémon Centres.

(Maybe even a mini game like racing an obstacle course could be introduced?)

Okay, that's all I have. Hope it made sense to everyone.

Fan Fiction & Writing / Pokémon L337
« on: August 31, 2010, 08:06:32 PM »
"W00T! I are getz my first Pokemanz 2day rofl!" exclaimed a very excited Ash_Poke_Master256.
"KK, all teh kidz leave home 1 day. dat wat tv sez lol." said his mother, nearly crying that her little boy was leaving.
"Ye. Shut up n00b lol" said Ash
"Lol u are teh n00b, fag" explained his mother.

"Hi lol. I are Oak. im prof. choose a pokemon, any one. who cares? ill give my grandson the better one. hmm. what woz his name lol"
"My grandsons name is Poopface. K lol" Professor Oak died.
"lol i take all ur pokemonz" Ash took all of the Poké balls, found an action replay on the side of the road, and using epic hacks, took over the Kanto Region with his level 999 fully evolved starters.


Ideas & Suggestions / Skin Tones
« on: August 31, 2010, 07:38:02 PM »
I was just wondering - with the character customisation, will there be different skin tones available?
I'm Caucasian so I have no idea why I'm asking, but I guess a lot of MMOs don't have the option to change skin colour which, in my humble opinion is:
A) Lazy
B) A wee bit racist?

What I'm trying to say is... if I went on a game I likes playing and couldn't make my character white, I'd be slightly offended.

I don't know if this was planned for the release or not. I know it wasn't in the pre-beta.

Art Work / More pixels! Yay!
« on: August 31, 2010, 07:32:47 PM »

Yeah. Took the emo girl from DP and gave her a way more emo makeover.
Hey, c'mon, if you're gonna be an emo, you gotta be SHEXY.

Shame my one isn't sexy.
Anyway, it's small, due to the sprite being small.


Trainers Lounge / Will I Be Able To Be Black?
« on: August 31, 2010, 03:50:30 PM »
I honestly couldn't think of another name for this thread. I apologise.

I was just wondering - with the character customisation, will there be different skin tones available?
I'm Caucasian so I have no idea why I'm asking, but I guess a lot of MMOs don't have the option to change skin colour which, in my humble opinion is:
A) Lazy
B) A wee bit racist?

I know that I will make my character look like myself as much as possible, and I know a lot of other people want to also, but if they're black, that's gonna be difficult.

EDIT: I realise that I said it's "a wee bit racist" when it's mainly just laziness, but it can be a little offensive if you don't have your race included in a game.
Which is why I loved WoW, since I am a strange bull-man.

Trainers Lounge / Magnitude
« on: August 30, 2010, 06:02:10 PM »
Wow. I'm actually posting a serious topic... pretty cool huh?

Okay, so my question is: When using the move Magnitude, will it be like in the games themselves or just serve as a weaker Earthquake? Because in other games I've played, it's an Earth attack with like 50 or 60 Power. Which is lame, because it's meant to be a move that makes you go:
"Oooh, I hope it's Magnitude 10."

Mr Squiggles used Magnitude!
Magnitude 4!



Trainers Lounge / So I Herd U Liek Mudkipz?
« on: August 29, 2010, 11:30:36 PM »
Yeah, haters gonna hate.

"Pointless thread is pointless."

Free speech! Woo!

New Trainers / Welcome / Hey everyone, I'm Sam.
« on: August 29, 2010, 07:56:49 PM »
Hi, Pokémon Universe forums! :)

I'm Sam, and I'm totally psyched that I managed to get my name as my username, I hate having to try to use my brain to think up a clever username. So, firstly, thanks for not having a lot of members at the moment! ;D

So, yeah. I'm Sam. I'm 14. I love playing my guitar and singing, although I don't think I'm very good. I also love cycling, I love it more than jelly tots. But not as much as vodka shots.

Yeah, I also love video games. Obviously. My favourites are Halo (in my eyes, better than CoD), Pokémon and nothing... nothing can defeat the GOD of all games, Mario... except maybe Bowser because I didn't get that god-damned mushroom! Also, Chuck Norris could kick his ass, I guess.

Wow, I've written a lot. I think I've written more here than I have across all of my school work last year.

So, in conclusion. Hi.

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