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Messages - bazzleman

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Features / Re: losing to a gym leader
« on: January 03, 2012, 04:41:16 PM »
Losing your Pokemon when you lose a battle/when you lose a battle to a gym leader would be horrible especially if you just made a stupid mistake like accidentally using the wrong move and also what about your starter, you lose and they go and nick your Squirtle which is irreplaceable.     

Game Features / Training your Pokemon?
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:57:31 PM »
I have small problem that still hasn't been explained about Pokemon universe EVs, IVs and natures. The problem doesn't really matter until you have beaten the elite four you either try to complete the national deck; face other players or try to do both like me. However without EVs and natures (IVs not so much because they are random like natures and although possible is breed also like natures but much harder and more complicated). Also what about breeding will you actually be able to breed your Pokemon since breeding one of the keys of training a powerful and surprising Pokemon like with Lucario can surprise your opponents with blaze kick or vacuum wave, both of which can only be breed to it and Charizard has a whole world of surprising and powerful moves that can only breed to it. What about move tutors and move rememberer without starters wouldn't even be able to learn blast burn, hydro cannon or frenzy plant and Torterra needs move rememberer to learn wood hammer.

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