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Topics - Tickles

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Quests & Plots / [QUEST] The Sting of Success
« on: December 21, 2011, 09:09:30 AM »
As per request from Roloc, I am writing this quest. It is not meant for just him to enjoy, but everyone. So, here we go.

Setting: Forest area- contains bug types, grass types, and random pokemon of any type.
Time: Any
Level: Can be leveled with player
Plot: Help the budding Entomologist save the bug pokemon

Begin: At the entrance of (the forest name) you will see a man in green. Talk to him to hear his story.

Jaimie:Hello there, my name is Jamie. Welcome to (forest name), a wonderful paradise filled with the best pokemon in the world, the almighty bug types. For years, I have been fascinated with them, studying them, even making friends with them. I assume you want to hear about these magnificent creatures?

Choice 1-Yes, do tell.

Choice 2-I have to be somewhere that's not here. (you can take this on later on if you want.

*Everything after this point is from Choice 1.

Jamie: Wonderful, you have no idea what this means to me. It's very hard to make friends when they call you a bug maniac. Now, this forest is home to many pokemon of many different species. The main pokemon that can be found here are Weedle, Kakuna, and Beedrill. They....I can't do this anymore. I'll come out straight with it, I have no idea what I was thinking, I shouldn't be playing researcher when there is a crisis going on as we speak.

Player:What's the problem?

Jamie:You see, recently I have been spotting pokemon poachers running amok through the forest. Their prime target seems to be the bug pokemon. Not only that, but the bug pokemon have been really aggressive as well, I've even had a hard time navigating this wondrous maze without being chased by either group. You look like a strong trainer. I would appreciate it if you went into the forest and got rid of the poachers, as well as free any trapped pokemon they may have. I'll be right here when you get back.

-Head into the forest, there will be 3 poachers, and 3 cages to find. Also keep an eye out for your favorite bug in in this forest, as they will be frequent.

Poacher 1: There we go, a full cage. Hey, what do you want, there's nothing to see here. Get lost.

Player: Battle (Taking the role of the strong silent type, also I have no witty line to place. Maybe you can come up with one?)

-The poacher has 3 pokemon. They are Poochyena, Rattata, and Koffing. (Replace for higher levels)

Poacher 1:No..NO! Look, do what you want with the pokemon. I'm out of here once the coast is clear.

-Release the pokemon and travel onward to search for the next poacher.

Poacher 2:Don't know who would want all these bug pokemon. They give me the creeps as it is. What, you got a problem? Hope you brought back up.

Player: Battle (Same as before, there will be a reason after this is all done.

-Poacher has 2 pokemon, and will come in a double battle. They are Plusle and Minun.

Poacher 2:Whatever, I didn't want this job anyways.

-Release the next set of pokemon. Only this time, a random bug pokemon encounters, and this one is slightly stronger than the wild pokemon. (At least 2-4 levels higher.) Catch or defeat the pokemon to continue. Search for the last poacher.

Poacher 3:The customer better be satisfied with this batch. Haven't found any strange looking bugs here. Huh, hey look, if you want your pokemon you have to pay first, that's how we work.

Player: Battle

-The last poacher has 4 pokemon. She has a Beedrill, a Butterfree, a Voltorb, and a Grimer. Replace for higher levels.

Poacher 3: You've got guts, I'll give you that. Look, I don't want anymore trouble than this is all worth. They're just a bunch of bugs, not worth a lot in my opinion. I know when to quit though, and this is a good time to. Catch you around.

-Free the last pokemon, and head back to Jamie.

Jamie: Thank you so much for helping me. I don't have much to give you but take this.

-You receive a Silverpowder.

Jamie: Bug pokemon love Silverpowder, and it gives a boost to bug type moves as well. I hope it does you well on your journey. And if you ever feel the need to chat, come by to learn about the bug pokemon I see in the forest. I may be able to help you fill pages in your pokedex.

-Return to Jamie once in a while to see a new bug pokemon, which will be added to your pokedex (if implemented) for you to search for later.

-Post your questions, comments, criticism, or suggestions. I do read these, as they help me to write better quests and stories later. I will also credit you if I like the idea.

-As for the battle text, if you have an idea for what the player should say to the poachers, post the poacher # and the text option. If I like it, I will include it, and credit you on it.

Quests & Plots / [QUEST]Dreamworld
« on: December 05, 2011, 07:17:05 PM »
(Though not really stated, the dream world abilities can be kept to the dream world, so why not have a world space that has the dreamwolrd pokemon.)

Setting: The dreamworld- forest, lake, a cave, a mountain,etc.; all areas have to do with some pokemon.
Time: Anytime
Level: After the third badge (Around Lv 30)
Plot: Portals to the dream world are opening up all over Myrius, and the professor wishes to get some data.

Begin- You receive a message asking you to head to the lab. Once there, talk to the Professor.

Proffessor: "Hello young trainer, I see you have already collected two badges. Your progress amazes me, as I know that is no easy feat. I'm sure you have noticed that many kinds of pokemon livnig in Myrius, and have caught yourself a few on the way to get where you are now."

"The reason I called you here is that I believe you can help me with some research. You see, some strange Portals have been opening up around Myrius, and they lead to areas that reflect where they are. One such portal is at (A mountain landmark), which leads to a different mountain. In this place, people have noted that pokemon are living happily, and in harmony. But that's not the strange part. These pokemon have a different ability than the ones found in the region."

The professor shows a Pikachu (Or whatever the signature pokemon of the professor is) from the dreamworld.

"One of my colleagues have sent me this Pikachu. Usually, a Pikachu has the ability Static. This one, however, has the ability Lighting Rod. I though that would be rare, but he sent me a message along with the pokeball saying all the Pikachu of that area have the Lighting Rod ability."

"I want you to go to (Mountain landmark) and head through that portal. A researcher will talk to you. All I want you to do is catch one pokemon from this place, and bring it back here."

Head to the portal and speak to the researcher in charge. His names is James

James: "Ah, Alder said he would send you, and right on time, I like that in a person. Punctuality earns you positive points with me."

"You're probably wondering what that blue (ar any other color) portal is behind me. That's what we're testing for. But you're here to explore in there, I know, the professor instructed me to not bother you with anything else. But I do have a favor to ask you."

"In this 'dreamworld', that's what I'm calling it, there are flowers scattered around that seem to hold a strange energy. I want you to collect these flowers and bring them here. For each flower you bring, I will give you either an elixer, a great ball, or three sitrus berries, it's your choice. They are pretty hard to obtain, but I'm sure a trainer of your skill can collect a few. Now, hurry, we're not sure if this portal will stay open permanently, or is just a temporary occurring."

Head into the portal. Inside is a huge mountain area, filled with pokemon that would make sense, I.E rock, ground, steel, etc. And the special pokemon of this area is Pikachu, which will be uncommon to bump into. Catch any pokemon here, and keep an eye out for flowers. return to the professor with the pokemon.

Professor: "Amazing! This pokemon has a different ability from others of its species as well. James has insisted that we call the area the Dreamworld, as it makes you feel as though you are dreaming. Here take this Portal pass, if you come across any other portals in Myrius, you will be free to enter as you please, just show it to any researcher, and they should give you no problems."

You receive the portal pass.

"This a great phenomenon happening in Myrius, I thank you for helping in our research."

Reward: 500 exp

You can go back anytime, and still find flowers to obtain the items James offers. Other researchers can have mini quests on what to collect, offering item rewards as well, James was just an example. This leaves it open for quest writers to use if they choose to implement this quest in the game, and if the Pixel Artists feel like creating the dreamworld.

This quest was to introduce my idea for the dreamworld pokemon, instead of it just happening, I wanted it to have more immersion. The limitation is so no one can just take this quest right off the bat, requiring you to become stronger, but the plus is you'll have a decent dreamworld ability pokemon on your team. This quest can also provide means as to what happened to Mew, having a new place to explore can mean that Mew is hiding in the dreamworld.

Post Comments, Criticism, questions, or ideas, as these help me to write better things later on. I can use all the help I can get. And if I like an idea, I will credit you for it.

Quests & Plots / [QUEST]Into the dark (debatable title)
« on: November 21, 2011, 12:43:09 PM »
Time: Any

Setting:A cabin that leads to a cave hidden in a forest.

Suggested Pokemon Level: 20 and up (leveled with player)

Pokemon in area: Grass, bug, normal, ghost, dark, and flying types in the Forest (Lv 10-16), Dark, Ghost, Rock, Ground, and water types in the caves(Lv 17-22) (There can be water, debatable)

Plot: Strange things have been happening in the forest. Loud cries can be heard from the one cave everyone avoids. Is someone lost, or is it a trap? Will you solve the mystery?

Start- The player finds an old woman sitting in front of her cavern, talking to her will trigger the quest being available.

Old Woman-Get back whipper snapper, this is my property. No hooligan will force me out of this.

Player Options
-Relax, I'm not here to cause trouble, just though this was a place to rest.

-...I guess I'll be going then. (This choice will allow you to take the quest later if you so choose.)

From "Relax"

Old woman- What kind of berries have you been eating? Do you honestly think I live in a cabin in the middle of the forest to take care of brats like you? I live here alone for a reason. Now get!

-Is anything bothering you? Maybe I can help.

-Ok, fine, I'll leave. (Ends, like before you can come back)

From "Help"

Old Woman- Oh, now you think i can't take care of myself? You think a poor old woman like me can't collect five pieces of timber for her fire? I'll show you....(Attempting to get timber)...Ow, my back. I guess I am older than I thought. Look, if you really want to help, bring me five pieces of timber. You can find them all over the woods, sometimes Nuzleaf can be see playing with them. If you find one, they may attack you, so be on your guard.

Player sets off to find timber. There are 7 locations, so as not to make it really difficult. Each piece you find will trigger a Nuzleaf to battle you (Lv17-19) and are catch-able (Debatable). Every win gets you the timber. Once you have five pieces, head back to the old woman to do the next task.

Old woman- Huh, look at you, you're a mess. Give me the timber, and get cleaned up. If you're going to continue to help me, I want you to look at least halfway decent.

Player's Pokemon gets healed.

Old woman- Now that you don't stink like a Muk, how about finding seven Apricorns for me. I want to make Apricorn stew. And if you can find me 3 red ones, I will consider letting you have some.

Player sets off for the Apricorns. The forest is full of these trees (Hinting this to be Apricorn woods). The three reds ones will be harder to find, but it really doesn't matter what you bring. Once you have your bounty, head back to continue.

Old woman- Ah, Apricorns. *Takes time to make stew (Special quest item, works like a full restore, because that's what it is. If you have the three red ones, you get bonus berries.) Eat up.


Player- What was that?

Old woman- I have no idea, but whoever it was, they are in for it. Probably another poor soul wandering Ominous cavern (debatable)

Player- Ominous Cavern?

Old woman-A dangerous place, flooded like there is no tomorrow. Pitch black too, so you wouldn't know if anything was waiting to grab you. I wouldn't recommend going there, unless you want to end up like all the others.

Player- There were others? Why didn't you stop them?

Old woman- Child, I'm 76 years old, I couldn't stop a Caterpie from shooting string shots at my cabin if I wanted to. But I can tell you want to go check it out. It's to the west of here, near a waterfall. Hard to miss the opening, not like it's hidden or anything.

Player follows the old woman's instructions to a cave. I suggest having a Pokemon that knows Flash (If implemented) or just try to navigate without it. The cave is large, and has enough twists and turns to get you lost. At some point, you will find three openings and a warning, stating that if you choose the wrong one, you will be taken back to the beginning.(I'll leave that for the mappers to decide.) You must do this three times.

After exploring for a while, you notice that you haven't found anyone yet, and after solving the last door, you will be transported to a place covered in snow, with a night sky. (Yes, still inside the cave) You will see the old woman, she is unconscious.

Player-Hey, wake up? What's going on?

Mysterious voice- Humans are fools. It's not even a challenge anymore to lure them here.

A man appears, he is dressed in all black, and has black hair with red streaks.

Man- You there, I sense your power, battle me. Prove me wrong, prove to me that I can be challenged.

Battle begins- The man has two Pokemon. One is Zoroark, the other is Mismagius. Zoroark is Lv 21, and Mimagius is at 20. defeat him to continue.

Man- Bark? Aroo!

The man becomes a Zoroark, and a Mismagius. (Zoraork made the room, Mismagius was the voice.) They disappear, and the old woman wakes up.

Old woman- Oh my, I must have dosed again. Hello there, I'm Leanne. I live I these woods. You must have met Spike and Missy. They tend to be really playful. Come now, we shouldn't stay too long here, you look exhausted.

Player is teleported back to the cabin.

Leanne- Thanks for playing with my friends, they tend to get really excited when they sense a new person. I guess I caught what they felt because I got all tuckered out. Ha ha ha!

Player- I have a question, how did you get there before me, and why are you so nice now?

Leanne-I guess you met my twin sister, Loranne. She can be a little cranky, but she is strong at heart.

Loranne appears from the cabin.

Loranne- You're darn right I am. You were off playing again with those Pokemon, while I was left to make the stew. I kept it warm, I didn't need to. I expect you to make dinner for the next week, since I had to get all the ingredients for it myself.

Leanne- It's a promise, sis! This stranger seems to have calmed down Spike and Missy for today. And I'm starving, you always make the best stew between the both of us.

Loranne- You're darn right, I do, but charming me ain't going to make me forget.

Player- I thought you said the cavern was dangerous. Where were the other people?

Loranne- Oh them? Never were any, made it up. I knew Mismagius would do something to lure you to her, and I didn't want her to be disappointed. Ha Ha Ha!

Player- ........

The quest is over, you receive another Apricorn stew, some Exp, and you can return every 24 hours for more Apricorn Stew. You will find one of the sister depending on the time of day.

Loranne- Day

Leanne- Night

And as an added bonus, you can rebattle Spike and Missy, who Leanne caught, or battle Loranne, who uses Lucario Lv 21 and Honchkrow Lv 20. (Can be leveled with player.)

Post Comments, Criticism, or suggestions, as I use them to write better stories in the future.


General Chat / Potential Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Remake on 3DS
« on: November 21, 2011, 03:11:49 AM »
So, I was trying to troll meowth today by telling him that Ruby and Sapphire is going to be remade on 3DS. HE looked for it, and found this on the legit website, that Gamefreak is considering it.


Now, this doesn't mean it is coming out, just has a very good chance. So, knowing that these guys are going to put features into the game, while not really changing game play, what do you think they would have implemented on these remakes using the No Glasses 3D technology? Keep in mind, that in the past few releases have been in pairs instead of three, so, no Emerald. But post what you think would be a ground breaking feature in the game.

I for one believe you can look around in any direction, using the 3DS's internal Gyroscope to use the device itself as a way to move the camera, may call for finding special areas.

*Note, please excuse the last title if you saw it, my keyboard is being really buggy.

Fan Fiction & Writing / A Space Pirate Saga: The Jewels of the Five Kings
« on: November 20, 2011, 07:13:02 PM »
“Wake up; we got a transmission about 4 hours ago.”

I looked at my crew, all hunkered over from their little party last moon. We all had just finished a large mission, earning about 5000 treps each. What better way to celebrate than by killing off some brain cells.  But it was no time for sleeping, before we can fully enjoy our bounty, we got another mission.

“I said get up!”
My crew finally stirred awake, some complaining about their hangovers, others could barely stand. It surprised me how much of them were lightweights. I gave them all a stern look, bringing them to attention. A bunch of misfits, all of them, each one either banished from their kind, or left on their own accord. How I got stuck with them is beyond me.

“Now then, down to business. The transmission comes from a man who calls himself Amethyst, claiming to be a very wealthy man. He wants us to head to the Temple of Gal’Tho, where we all know the Jewel of Crai Gal’Tho III a priceless artifact that is said to hold a strange power, but let’s be honest, a rock is a rock.”
My men laughed at this remark. They all knew how easy this job would be, a simple barge in, take no prisoners job. I knew these guys would meet my needs for this mission. They weren’t very skilled in important fields, like recon or espionage, but give them a gun, and they become your best friends, mowing down everything and anything that doesn’t wear our uniform. I was put in charge of this group 4 years ago, not really by choice.
I was just an explorer, travelling through space, learning all the mysteries I could if possible. I was living the dream. That was until these guys came crashing into the transporter ship I was on. They seemed lost, but nevertheless, they were ready to do whatever they had planned. They began their slaughter on the ship, looting bodies as they fell, stone age tech call “ballistics” and more recent plasma technologies, spraying everywhere, leaving no one behind, except for me, what a miracle. One of them grabbed me; he stunk of Alcohol and decay, and took me aboard the ship.
There I was, tied up, nowhere to go, twenty or so hulking Pirates arguing about what to do with me. One of them suggested throwing me in a black hole and watching the whole thing is slow motion on the monitors, another suggested peeling off my skin and feeding it to me. I needed to figure out a plan fast, or it may have been the end. That’s when the Captain appeared, he was bigger than the others, and carried a large hammer like object, probably thrown together from random pieces of scrap.

“Enough of this,” He barked at his men “I want to have a bit of fun too, been a while since Mitalia had some fun.”
He shook his hammer as he said this, and then gave me a look of bloodlust. His eyes were blue, but around where there is supposed to be white was black. His face resembled that of a canine species, but his body was like a reptile.

“Tell you what; I’ll let you fight for your freedom.” He shook his hammer at me. “If you win, we’ll send you off on one of our nice little escape ships, but if you lose...”
He slammed his hammer on one of his crew, crushing the guy’s skull instantly. The others stood back, obviously knowing better. One of them threw a plasma blade to me, but I could already tell it would malfunction. It even had teeth marks on its handle. The captain untied me, grabbed the blade and me, took me below to the combat room, and threw me on the ground. He politely handed me the blade; however, smirking at what he knew is an easy win. The crew formed around us, barking and cheering for their captain.
He charged at me, swinging his hammer like it was made of air. How strong was this guy? I scrambled, blade in hand, trying to get it to turn on, but it was no use, I had to run. He may have been strong, but he wasn’t very agile. I stayed out of reach of his hammer, hitting the handle of my blade, but it just wouldn’t turn on.  I tripped, not paying attention to the random objects flying into the zone. Apparently, the crew didn’t like my actions. I was on the floor, hopeless; my weapon was a useless piece of scrap. I threw it as hard as I can at my opponent, hitting him in the forehead. It bounced of pathetically, and all he did was laugh.

“Well, it was fun while it lasted, but this is the end. You know, I would love to hang around longer, but I’m a busy man, have a crew that looks up to me. Be sure to write from wherever you’re heading.”
He raised his hammer, and brought it crashing down, I barely dodged it, having my left arm get completely shattered. I shrieked in pain, and the captain just laughed. But then a loud crack could be heard from the ceiling. Something must have given way to his last attack, because the next thing I knew, he was on the ground, motionless. I got up using my good arm, the other throbbed uncontrollably. He was dead, the room was quiet.

“There, I won, now let me go!”
The other men just stared at their lifeless leader. I noticed a pained look in one of their eyes. That’s when it hit me; they must have been family, each one of them related in one way or another. And I just killed, not intentionally, their father.

“Get up, you’re not dead!” One of them screamed, almost crying.
I felt bad for them, and I offered to stay with them as a prisoner, but they were all to hurt to do anything to me. Over time, they grew to like me, and I became their captain. 

Here I am now, four years later, doing what I still loved, exploring, and it’s not too bad to make some treps here and there either.

“Now then, let’s go over our plan of attack.”

To be continued……

In-Forum Games / [GAME] Good. Bad. Interesting.
« on: October 31, 2011, 08:06:30 AM »
For those of you that watched Important things with Demetri Martin (Sadly I think the show is cancelled) He had a bit called Good BAd and Interesting where one action can be good bad or interesting depending on the situation. All you have to do is name an action (VERB) and three situations in which it is good, bad and interesting.

Good: Running to the one you love
Bad: Running from a serial killer
Interesting: When you're Indiana Jones

In-Forum Games / [GAME] A series of unfortunate events
« on: October 23, 2011, 12:22:53 AM »
Rules: I start a scene, you all continue it by adding a more unfortunate event. Each event must end in a "..." so the next person can continue. Now, to make this more interesting, you must wait for 3 people to post before you can post again, just for kicks. Now BEGIN:

A man named Hector walks into a bar...

Note: Don't kill the guy that is having a bad day, it will ruin it.

Game Features / Storage system
« on: October 08, 2011, 02:56:46 AM »
Unlike my last idea, I did search to see if this was suggested, but it wasn't.

The idea is for an easier storage system. I will place them as a list to simplify.

-A mobile storage system organizer, that way, a person can organize their Pokemon as they wish, or check to see how they set up their boxes or Pokemon storage, but not be able to withdraw or deposit Pokemon in the middle of a field.

-A search function to find the exact name, type, color, tag (like stamps, but specific names), etc. inside the box, for the people that really want to catch them all. (excluding legends of course, must always remind people.)

-A team organizer, where the player can set six specific Pokemon as a separate team, and be able to switch between them quickly at the designated retrieval area(PC) without having to go through the long deposit withdraw stage.

-Need I say it, more storage space. But this would probably be a given.
That's basically all I can think of. Feel free to jump off this idea if you have other suggestions for the storage areas, or post comment on it, ridicule it ( I know someone will), or any feedback whatsoever.

Game Features / Side games
« on: October 06, 2011, 10:22:49 AM »
I know it may be impossible, but if people aren't up for battles, what if there were side mini games to play against people. They can be fun games with a Pokemon basis, like rock-paper-scissors could be fire-water-grass. Tick-tac-toe could be called as such, but instead of x's and o's, it's Palkia and Dialga tokens. Could be a fun way to relax from battling, and meet new people without the pressure of losing in a battle. I know someone put an idea for a community square or garden, these games would be perfect there. And if anyone else has ideas for fun side games, they can jump off this idea as well.

In-Forum Games / [GAME] I can do it better!
« on: October 05, 2011, 05:12:59 PM »
The point of this game is to repeat what I put here, and explain what else you do that makes you better then me. The next person does the same. For example, I say I can ride a bike, the next person says I can ride a bike, while juggling, and so on. Now to start

I can do karate.

Quests & Plots / [QUEST] Infection (debatable title)
« on: September 27, 2011, 04:51:48 PM »
Part 1: Outbreak
Setting: A small medical facility, entire region
Desired Level: Any, can be leveled with players last badge obtained
Time: Near Halloween, think zombies, but they're Pokemon.
Plot: A powerful new virus is spreading, and making Pokemon extremely aggressive, including those that have been tamed. Do you have what it takes to find the cure, and save all the Pokemon from destroying themselves, and civilization?

Start: A bulletin goes out to all trainers, stating that a group of doctors and scientists needs help researching a virus that has spread quickly overnight. Locate the medical facility and talk to the head researcher (could be Professor Alder) to begin. (For now, we'll just call him professor, since this person could literally be anyone if implemented)

Professor: "Welcome, I assume you came regarding the bulletin that was sent out. Well, thanks for coming. Over the past few days, there have been multiple reports of Pokemon rampaging through towns, attacking anything in sight, only to collapse soon after. When they're brought to a Pokemon Center for treatment, the moment they wake up, they begin to attack again. One such Pokemon has been brought to us, a Kangaskhan. Once it passed out, we took a blood sample and noticed an anomaly, what looks like a new strain of virus. We already recorded the effect of Pokerus, but this one looks completely different, and instead of helping with a Pokemon growth, it appears to harm them. This is where you come in, we have reports of a large mass of infected Pokemon in (random city), and it seems to be too much for anyone to handle. We already sent every trainer that came to us there to help. If we can get the Pokemon to faint, we can bring them here to continue our work for the cure. Come back when the Pokemon are subdued."

*Note: None of the infected Pokemon will be able to be caught, and will be very powerful. They will all be holding a life orb that can't be stolen to simulate the virus' effect taking place on them.

*Another option, provided by Jerry, is that these Pokemon would have a status effect that works like poison, but powers them up, while having an ability to inflict a random effect, or maybe the same effect, on your Pokemon, but very limited so it can be healed. (Will explain why in the next two parts.)

Head to the city and begin battling the Pokemon. The player must defeat 25 of them to count as the wave subdued. At random moments during this quest, more waves may come up, and you must defeat 25 in those waves to complete the objective. This is basically part one of the quest, defeat waves, and report back to check the progress of the cure. Each time you defeat a wave, you earn a sum of cash, and some berries for your hard work.

Pt.2 is in progress, and will be more in dept and complex. Need an example?
Here is another quest idea I wrote to give you an idea of how well my writing skills are, and how I write out quests. Expect great battles from the Sickness quest saga (Name is debatable).

Please post all feedback, criticism, or ideas. If I like an idea, I'll give you credit for it.

Quests & Plots / [QUEST]Mysterious Moon Thief
« on: September 26, 2011, 02:51:58 PM »
I was bored, up late, and had nothing to do, but felt creative. Rough draft of course:

Location: A small town close to a mountain
Desired Pokemon level: at least two 30+
Start: *read bulletin board*
Information wanted on the mysterious thefts that have been going on at night.
Please report to the sheriff station so we can resolve this quickly and return all the stolen items.
Sheriff Smith

(From here locate the sheriff station to ask the sheriff about the notice.)
Sheriff Smith:"Welcome citizen, what brings you in town?"

Player: "I want to know about the thefts that have been happening."

Sheriff: "Oh, are you some kind of detective, kind of young don't you think? I normally would turn you down, but seeing as you have that pokeball belt, I assume you're a capable trainer. For a couple of weeks now, people have been reporting their property missing. No one has seen who has been taking them, or heard anything at all either. It happens too late at night for us. That's not the strange part, though. The thief doesn't take anything of value, mostly tools and fence posts, even bits of scrap metal from Old Man Brady's yard. I'm at my wits end here, I don't have the manpower to patrol at night since this town only has one sheriff. If you can look into this, I would try my best to find a suitable reward for you."

Player: Choice 1: "I'll do it. Where should I start looking?"
            Choice 2: "Sorry, I don't have time to help."

(From choice 1:)
Sheriff: "Appreciate it. You should talk to some of the towns folk, maybe they can give you more insight on the situation."

From the sheriff's station, look for people these three people, Old Man Brady (Found in his junk yard, a known hoarder.), Sarah, the hot tempered girl who lost her skateboard( Found by the road since she skates), and Mayor Thompson, who has had his whole fence stolen(Found in the town hall).

-Old Man Brady: "You thief, back for more 'eh? Couldn't get enough of my scrap the first time? Well, you just bought yourself a battle.

(Begin Battle)
Old Man Brady would have Garbodor ( LV30) and a couple of steel types, for a total of three Pokemon to battle. Simply beat him to calm him down.

(Upon Completion:)
"Huh, bested by a thief. I'll make you regret this, mark my words, you...."

Player: "Relax, I'm not the thief, I'm here to investigate. Sheriff Smith sent me."

Brady: "Is that right? I'm sorry, I just been all worked up since that good for nothing stole the mirrors of Betsy, the two metal rods by my parts shack, and few bits of scrap. If I find them, oh they will know the wrath from my junkyard Pokemon!"

Player: "Do you mind if I take a look around?"

Brady: " If the sheriff sent you, then of course. Just get back my lost treasures, please?

Head into Brady's junkyard, investigate the two locations he mentioned, the bits of scrap are all over, so there is no third location. On Betsy, the rusted motorcycle, you notice a pink tuft of fur attached to the front wheels exposed spoke. By the shack, you discover small footprints in the mud, not human shaped though. Exit the junkyard and find the next person.


(Begin Battle)
Sarah will use one pokemon, A Plusle. (Lv 32)

(Upon completion:)
"WAAAAAHHHHHH!!! *sniffle* You're not only a thief, you're a meanie too."

Player: "Please stop crying, the sheriff asked me to help with the case. When was your board taken?"

Sarah: " OH, ummm.... It was taken a couple days ago. I left it by the bush near my front door so I would be able to ride it, but when I woke up that morning....gone. Whoever took this will know my pain! I bet it was that stupid Jonathan, always jealous that I'm a better skater than him. GO FIND HIM AND GET MY BOARD BACK!!

Since she won't listen to reason, you agree to check it out. Find Jonathan by the skate area, a place with random metal beams for grinding. Unlike Sarah, he is more cool tempered and a bit shy.

"Oh, hello.... how are you?"

Player: " Did you happen to find Sarah's board by any chance, she lost it somewhere."

Jonathan: ".........her board? No, sorry I haven't,.............. I was sleeping when It was taken."

Player: "I never said it was taken."

Jonathan: "....................."

(Begin battle)
Jonathan uses a Lv 32 Minun for this one, but he is not great at battles, and may use the wrong moves sometimes.

(Upon completion)
"I'm sorry, I took it."

Player: "Why?"

Jonathan: " Well, I'm a little nervous.......... I think she's cute, and with the thefts, I thought,........... if I just hide it so she thinks the thief took it................. I would return it and say I got it back for her. I'll go tell her the truth I guess."

Jonathan leaves to do so, now head to the mayor.

(not facing the player when talked to)" Young one, do you know about the legend of our town? It was said that a traveler was lost in the woods, in a place so dark, he couldn't even see the stars to catch his bearings. He sat by the trunk of a large tree, cold, alone, hopeless. Just then, he heard a loud crash, and seen a bright light erupt through the trees. It lingered for a moment before it disappeared, but it was enough for him to follow it. After hitting tree after tree, he finally came to the base of this mountain. Seeing the clear pond full of fish, and the fresh berries from the trees, he decided to make camp. He never slept so comfortably, and decided he wanted to live here forever. Taking up his axe, he chopped down many trees to build this town hall, which was his cabin at the time. Eventually, he found the neighboring town to trade with, and he would explain the beautiful clearing he found by the mountain. People flocked to that place, and like the traveler, fell in love. That is how our town came to be. Now, what brings you here?"

Player: " The sheriff said you had your entire back fence stolen, I'm here to investigate."

Mayor: "That Smith, always looking out for people. Yes, a strange case indeed, but I believe whoever took it had a good reason to. Life is full of surprises, and that is my favorite part. But if you do find out who took it, remember to say please and thank you."

Knowing that you're not going to get any further with this, you decide to check out the yard. Upon looking at one of the fence post holes, you notice bits of berries on the ground, with small bites in them. You feel it's best to present the sheriff with your findings.

Sheriff: "So, any luck?"

Player: " Well, I can say that your thief is not a person."

Sheriff: " How so?"

Player explains the footprints, tufts of fur, and berries. You also mention Jonathan's ordeal, and the sheriff cracks a small smile.

Sheriff: "What am I going to do with that boy? I'll just ground him for a few weeks. He takes after his dear old dad. Oh well, not the time to worry. I'm not sure how to interpret that evidence, but from the sounds of it, we're looking for a pink Pokemon that only comes out at night. The problem is, no Pokemon like that exists in these parts, none of them are pink. Try asking the Mayor about this, he knows more about the area than any of us, his great grandfather even founded the whole town"

Player returns to the town hall.

Mayor:" Ah, back for more stories?"

Player: " Yes, do you know of a pink Pokemon that could possibly exist here?"

Mayor: "Now there is a story. I do know the answer, but seeing as how you have those Pokemon with you, maybe we should battle first."

(Begin battle)
Mayor Thompson uses a team of four Pokemon, three of them are Clefairy(Lv30 each) and a Clefable(Lv34) He is a seasoned battler, but is not difficult.

(Upon completion.)
"Well, there you go, those are the Pokemon that exist high in the mountain. I guess the poor little things are getting homesick. It is said that Clafairy came from the moon, and got lost here by accident. Judging by the thefts, I think a Clefable is behind all this. You see, once a Clefairy evolves, it wants to so desperately go home that it sends Clefairy to find items to build a ship. These items are odd things to take, but they all have a purpose in Clefable's plan. I guess it really did need my fence after all. It used to be a part of an old Clefairy ship. My great grandfather found it when exploring in the mountain, and decided to keep these pokemon a secret from the town, and he passed the story down, until I learned it. I guess the time for secrets is over."

Return to the sheriff, and explain what happened

Sheriff: "Hmm, Clefairy huh, now it all makes sense. Well, we can do one of two things. We either go to the ship, stop Clefable and get all the property back, or we can let them go, and explain to the town that that a Clefable needed the stuff to go home."

First choice, you and the sheriff go to the ship, and battle Clefable (Lv35) while fending off Clefairy here and there. The Clefable cannot be captured. Upon defeating it, the sheriff thanks you and hands you 1000 money, five sitrus berries, and a metal coat he found on the ship, which belonged to him in the first place.

Second choice, you return to the town hall and the Mayor rewards you for letting Clefable leave with a Clefairy pokedoll for your house(if implemented) and an Ultra ball.

Either way, the quest is ended, and the player can return once a day to battle the Mayor, Sarah and Jonathan as a tag team, Sheriff Smith, and Old Man Brady.

Please provide all the feeback you can on this, and if i get enough positive feedback, or great constructive criticism, I will accept it, and make more.

Ideas & Suggestions / The gym leaders
« on: September 26, 2011, 01:19:11 PM »
I have searched, and seen people make different suggestions on this, but this one is different. Instead of making the gyms all mono-type, why not have the gym leaders based on the developers, each one with a team of Pokemon the developers would use in the game, if they plan on playing alongside us ( that means you L5P). These leaders would be NPC's of course, but it would make for a different strategy for battles, and with the new balance system, make them engaging as well. It would be cool having to battle an NPC leader who uses Pokemon Mr_Dark would use. Just an idea.

Other Games / Team Fortress 2 Thread
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:28:06 PM »
I'm starting this thread to find other people who play Team Fortress 2. If you play through Steam, send me a friend request, username: Cortex J., or if you don't have a premium account, post your steam username here do I can find you and add you. I'm pretty good at the game, and can also provide hints and tips, but that can be handled with gameplay videos. If I find enough people who play this game, I will make a PU group for team play.

Game Features / A balance for weather abilities
« on: August 30, 2011, 11:36:03 PM »
I found a problem with Pokemon with weather abilities while battling on PO, and noticed that they are permanent, even after the Pokemon faints. Weather teams are highly overused because of this. I have a suggestion: why not limit the effect of weather Pokemon abilities to a few turns, maybe three or four, one turn for the activation, and three for it to fall. This would force a person to rethink they're strategy, and make it easier to battle weather teams. Of course, the stones that can increase the duration can be applied to these effects, but the point is, weather abilities are not permanent. I feel like this would balance the game.

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